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Is anyone else like me?

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    Is anyone else like me?

    Does anyone else log onto MWO and get totally engrossed with reading? I am logging onto here every day and spending hours. I'm hooked. I really need to limit myself to perhaps 1 hour a day. I have too much time on my hands. When my husband rings me from work he says, "what are you up to?" and i say, "oh you know, cleaning, cooking your dinner, washing etc.." What a lie. No, I'm sitting here typing to people i don't know who live thousands of miles away and loving it!!! But, hey- it's better than cracking open a bottle or 3 of white wine and then feeling suicidal and guilty. One step at a time i say, Stop the drinking and then think about getting a life. Or getting back a life. I wonder if anyone else feels like this. I wish there was someone to give me a push up the backside as i am finding it quite difficult to get motivated. If anyone has a comments on this or any ideas how to pull myself together would love to hear. B

    Is anyone else like me?

    You are perfectly normal, and yes it is better than cracking open a bottle. It is just a change because your life is changing. Relax and enjoy all the people here, it is so comforting in the beginning not to feel alone.



      Is anyone else like me?

      Hey Bell,
      You are actually doing something very constructive, you are learning, listening, reading (IE: Gaining knowledge, insight and strength & FRIENDS) Why not spend the day doing what you want & need to for yourself as well (it is better than suckling wine feeling guilty) - cause that doesn't change things, and MWO does!
      I can definately relate to you! MWO is addictive and good!

      Chat again,


        Is anyone else like me?

        Thankyou xxx


          Is anyone else like me?

          Guys, i am loggin on about 5 times a day.. and lurrrrvin it.... Work is piling up, shopping is not being done, the kids are getting stale bread for supper... who cares. putting myself first, for once. This place has already changed my life:4th day AF and looking forward to more.

          Seriously Bella and Melanie, we are newbies right? this is the honeymoon period and we are deep deep in love here. I'm enjoying my new infatuation but I know that it'll settle down into a functional relationship at some stage. Keep on posting!



            Is anyone else like me?

            You are witty! Yes lets put ourselves first and sod everything else! Whats wrong with stale bread? And happy 4th day AF. Happy Friday xx


              Is anyone else like me?

              Oh Bella! I hear you! I am thankful I am starting work on Monday to some degree. I have been a stay at home with my 1 year old, and have spent countless hours on this website. Ultimately, I am ever so grateful. I am now 63 days AF - and it is because of this place and my wanting to be AF. I like having a place to come to read and share anytime I like within the comfort of my own home. Take advantage of it when you can. I hope, tho, I dont go into posting-withdrawal next week !!! Take care, and don't worry about it too much.


                Is anyone else like me?

                Bella, (I just love that name!)

                It is good to be here as much as possible or as is needed to help you be successful day by day.

                I usually only get on here at work and I need to cut back myself as I am getting behind... but I figure I am much more productive when I am focused on work cause I've been AF.

                Take care and great job on your AF days
                Control the Mind


                  Is anyone else like me?

                  Cheers Rocky


                    Is anyone else like me?

                    You are doing something very important!
                    You are working......on you!
                    That has to be a priority for the "other" things in your life to go well.
                    God doesn't make any junk! YOU are important!

                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      Is anyone else like me?

                      Bella, I am doing the same thing. I start reading and an hour just flies by.At first I thought that I need to limit things but then I realized that this really is a very good thing to be doing. As others said in thier posts you are learning and taking care of yourself. I really think that I huge part of overcoming this problem is to have communication with people in the same situation. It's a learning thing but it is also a healing sort of thing . If you were doing AA they tell you to go to 30 meetings in 30 days I believe. All I know is this really makes me feel better and stronger to come here. And feeling like that can only be a good thing right? I am on day 6 of AF , hoping to stay AF forever. It's been a struggle but I keep trying. Thanks! Aquamarine
                      AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                        Is anyone else like me?

                        Bella, look at my number of posts. I think that will answer your question about whether anyone else is like you...........
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Is anyone else like me?

                          Bella, the week that I first discovered MWO I took almost two full days just devouring the site information. It is quite helpful. I am almost one year here and I still come on board to see my friends and stay moderate in my life!

                          Welcome to all you newbies! Hugs, Mary


                            Is anyone else like me?

                            Hi Bella,
                            Yep, there's a whole bunch of us "MWO junkies". Every once in a while when I can't log in because the site is down, due to tech stuff, it's like I feel lost, and can't get my morning started right! It's horrible!

                            Like everyone else has mentioned, it's a healthy addiction!:goodjob:

                            :l Judie
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Is anyone else like me?

                              I haven't told anyone at home that I even come to this site! I am a closet MWOer! I have to do all my reading/posting at work. I worry that I'll get caught. But ya know what! That would be a whole lot better than getting caught drinking at work! Welcome to my new addiction! tee hee hee
                              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

