Michel .... maaaate ... where have ya been? How are they hangin'? Is Ron01 looking after ya ok? Please give my regards to the missus and thank her for the rabbits.
No announcement yet.
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
Mr B's boy has an interest in 1970s an 1980s comedy ..... We have been watching the Secret Policemans Ball. I have just been falling about laughing at the sketch in which the Pope has an argument with Michaelangelo about whether a kangaroo was at the Last Supper :H:HNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
Miss Behaving;1389568 wrote: Mr B's boy has an interest in 1970s an 1980s comedy ..... We have been watching the Secret Policemans Ball. I have just been falling about laughing at the sketch in which the Pope has an argument with Michaelangelo about whether a kangaroo was at the Last Supper :H:H
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
Evening Undies.
Some of you may recall i posted a 'healing vibes/prayers/positive thoughts needed' thread a couple of weeks ago. Well, a sad day today. I attended the funeral of the 10 year old son of a workmate i spoke of. Sad yes, but beautiful. It was outdoors in a park with a little podium set up for speeches and reflections, and a groovy selection of cool music playing throughout proceedings. There were readings from the young mans fave books and movies. Passages from Lord of the rings, Peter pan, and others i hadn't heard of before. Inspiring, beautiful, uplifting words, all of them. His soccer team in their footy gear formed a guard of honour and clapped, as we all did, as the young fella's coffin was carried to the hearse. This kid packed in more living in his 10 years than i have, and most adults have. I left the funeral which really was a celebration, humbled, sad, but moreover, somehow uplifted and inspired.
Thank you Mr. B.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
Oh Mr G ..... There are no words that can make the loss of a 10 year old feel okay. But it sounds like all his mates were there in force. Im sure it will have a big impact on them to have lost a friend this early in their lives.
And my heart goes out to your workmate and his partner. Please let them know that your friends have them in their prayers.Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
Guitarista;1389572 wrote: Evening Undies.
Some of you may recall i posted a 'healing vibes/prayers/positive thoughts needed' thread a couple of weeks ago. Well, a sad day today. I attended the funeral of the 10 year old son of a workmate i spoke of. Sad yes, but beautiful. It was outdoors in a park with a little podium set up for speeches and reflections, and a groovy selection of cool music playing throughout proceedings. There were readings from the young mans fave books and movies. Passages from Lord of the rings, Peter pan, and others i hadn't heard of before. Inspiring, beautiful, uplifting words, all of them. His soccer team in their footy gear formed a guard of honour and clapped, as we all did, as the young fella's coffin was carried to the hearse. This kid packed in more living in his 10 years than i have, and most adults have. I left the funeral which really was a celebration, humbled, sad, but moreover, somehow uplifted and inspired.
Thank you Mr. B.
Words escape me, as the tears roll down my cheeks.......Trying again from 22nd September 2014Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
Yep, unfair is the word that comes to mind for me. His school teacher read some reflections from his classmates. Heaps of his school friends in attendance. It was heartwarming and heartbreaking. One feeling i took away from today was that sense of adventure and 'no fear' attitude in many kids, which came across through hearing of the young mans many adventures. I'll never look at a 10 year old, or any kid the same way again. They are just heroic, and...................precious.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
Evening Undies. On the laptop now. In light of Mr G's news I am not uttering one word about the locusts behaviour - bad - today. Off to play Monopoly with the little beggars....
And Raggsey, will experiment with the sauce tomorrow, having frozen pizza instead...
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
myhappyplace;1389596 wrote: Evening Undies. On the laptop now. In light of Mr G's news I am not uttering one word about the locusts behaviour - bad - today. Off to play Monopoly with the little beggars....
Surely that's the worst thing that can happen, losing a child?
If there's something worse I don't want to know about it.If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!
The last song they played over the sound system was called 'Life goes on'. In the chorus, the vocalist sang out each letter. Not sure who sang it. Life does go on, and this young mans story goes on too, in hearts everywhere.
Hey Jonesy. In order to plant tomatoes, will i need dynamic lifter from bunnings? Soil here seems to be rich, dark and moist.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-