Raggs those photos are soooo good Vietnam is on my to do ..very ..LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng list..did you see a example of those little rabbit holes the Viet cong used to crawl in ..I find their fighting spirit amazing..not that I am one of those war type geeks I hate war ... just their survival skill against the mighty US.
Any way sweet dreams all
and I have left some original iced vo vos (when Arnots was an Australian biscuit maker ..might be a tad stale but nothing else like em!!!)... for Mr G and Coach Ronnie How are you going there Ronner's we all miss you ?:l
Hi lovely Happs
Huggs to Sunny and Leon.
Nightski every one I took the personal liberty and have changed the draw liners..... lovey new ones with lavender essence smell.
you will all smell lovely in the morning even before showering.
Good morning Reggie,
We flew out to Siem Reap the moening that the rest of the tour was going to do a trip down the tunnels. I would've liked to have done it. On my list for next time.
Tah for the vo-vo. Dunked it in me tea and it tasted beaut.
The lavender goes with my lavender soap on a rope.
I loved my time in thailand,
tawnyfrog;1392999 wrote: Morning Techie, MrG and Aspy,
, it was probably the first truly disturbing event to be indelibly etched into my mind.