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UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

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    UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

    Reggie;1392610 wrote:
    Raggs those photos are soooo good Vietnam is on my to do ..very ..LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng list..did you see a example of those little rabbit holes the Viet cong used to crawl in ..I find their fighting spirit amazing..not that I am one of those war type geeks I hate war ... just their survival skill against the mighty US.

    Any way sweet dreams all

    and I have left some original iced vo vos (when Arnots was an Australian biscuit maker ..might be a tad stale but nothing else like em!!!)... for Mr G and Coach Ronnie How are you going there Ronner's we all miss you ?:l

    Hi lovely Happs
    Huggs to Sunny and Leon.

    Nightski every one I took the personal liberty and have changed the draw liners..... lovey new ones with lavender essence smell.
    you will all smell lovely in the morning even before showering.

    Good morning Reggie,
    We flew out to Siem Reap the moening that the rest of the tour was going to do a trip down the tunnels. I would've liked to have done it. On my list for next time.

    Tah for the vo-vo. Dunked it in me tea and it tasted beaut.

    The lavender goes with my lavender soap on a rope.

    aspman;1392990 wrote: hiya all, loving the trip pics rags.
    I loved my time in thailand,
    Hello there Aspey. We only had a day and a bit in Bangkok so Thailand is also on the trip list. Sober travel is definitely the way to go

    tawnyfrog;1392999 wrote:
    Morning Techie, MrG and Aspy,

    , it was probably the first truly disturbing event to be indelibly etched into my mind.

    Same with me...


      UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

      Helo to all the Undies.

      Am reading a Frank Clune book "Hi-Ho to London, written in 1947.. .. when he went on the "kangaroo route" flying to England.
      At the moment he's in Afghanistan on a side trip, so I've been google earthing the places he's been talking about which then. Fascinating stuff comparing then and now.


        UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

        Morning All

        The drawer sure smells nice, thanks Reggie, love the smell of lavendar..

        Loving the holiday pics Rags..

        It is coming to that time of year Tawn, with the fires ...

        Happy I was reading a chook forum, and it was saying in there that some people were putting adds in Gum tree, to get rid of their roosters, worth a try, and its free to advertise I think...

        off to get my hair done today,

        Have a great day all ..


          UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

          While you're all out working, I'll get a few more piccies up for you.

          You'll remember we were in Hue for a couple of days....
          Next morning the teddies get to sit up front with the driver as we go from Hue through Da Nang and on to Hoi An.

          That mountain range in the distance is what we go over to get to Da Nang and all places south.

          We drove past an area where every few hundred metres were roadside stalls selling this.. Bien told us it was tea tree oil but I didn’t see any plantations and this was the only district we saw it for sale .

          At the top of the pass are old fortifications and it was here that there had also been a tax collection point. This is the Taxation Office. Very clever as it was the only road through the mountains.

          There was also a US bunker and this was the view it had facing the north, this is where we had come from. That blue on the right is the sea.


            UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

            Dropping down the other side of the pass, we drove around the edge of Da Nang

            We drove along kilometres and kilometres of new roadway where investors are building huge condominiums and there’s a huge casino that is for foreigners only.. But there aren’t enough rich people to buy them, and if you’re that rich, really, you’d buy somewhere else in the world. There were a few sites where work had come to a full stop. I loved the topiaried shrubs… they went for miles..

            We arrived at our hotel, which had a slightly better view than the one in Hue.


              UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

              Quick shower, then Bien takes us to this absolutely brilliant off the main drag cafe for lunch.. It was a huge feast. It cost about $4.50 each. As soon as a plate was empty, another was put in it’s place.

              This was a sort of omelette on which you spread out in a specific way two sort of lettuce leaves on which you then put some onion salad, meat and other bits and pieces. You then folded it and put it on rice paper which was wrapped around the whole thing. We Europeans didn’t have a clue how to do it so about 4 staff stood there making them for us. I should have videoed it. I confess Undies, I gorged myself. Another kilo. Didn’t care. The food was brilliant.

              If ever any of you go to Hoi An, go to this place.


                UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                That's very cruel Raggsy. It's almost lunchtime and there's no food in the house:upset::upset::upset:

                ANd there was a soup picture that you posted back there with noodles. And I want it. Now.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                  After lunch we were dropped back in the main part of town to wander. It is true. Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun…..

                  and Intrepid tourists. That’s Mr Rags with the pink umbrella.

                  Even the local doggies were looking at us …

                  Wandering around we came to the clothing shop that Bien had recommended.

                  I got 2 pairs of shorts, a copy of my Regatta trekking pants, 2 pairs of silk pants and a pair of slacks all made within 24 hours and then posted home (the luggage bag had burst a zipper by this stage) for…. $192.00..


                    UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                    byebyebridgetjones;1393171 wrote: That's very cruel Raggsy. It's almost lunchtime and there's no food in the house:upset::upset::upset:

                    ANd there was a soup picture that you posted back there with noodles. And I want it. Now.
                    There there Bridgey my darling, How about you have a couple of spring rolls to calm the tummy rumbles...

                    I've just had a slice of toast with vegemite and tomato liberally peppered..


                      UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                      For those Undies (Happs was one ) who saw Anh last week he was in Hoi An…
                      My attempt at an art photo. When I’ve done my photoshop course I’ll see if I can do something with it.

                      Yes, it really works.

                      Another art attempt. hey Nicey how would something like this go at your place?

                      Then as night time came, so did the lanterns.


                        UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                        In the afternoon we’d seen kids practicing playing drums….

                        Now we knew why……


                          UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                          No, no, no Mr Rags, please don’t make me eat more food…


                          You may not believe this Undies, but delicious and well made as those rice paper rolls were, I make better ones.


                            UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                            And the following night yet more……..



                              UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                              Next morning we had to leave for Saigon, so we nipped into town for a quick coffee and came across….

                              I should've tried the mango lamington. Missy maybe you could suggest that to your cake shop.

                              We saw a little patisserie and some of the Intrepid group were already there so we joined them for coffee and cake.


                                UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                                beautiful photos Ragsy, all that gorgeous food.

                                i've reduced him emotionally to his knees. he's crying, can't think, can't sleep. because of me.
                                wtf am i doing, destroying someone's life the way i have? to what end?
                                people say "hang on", well, what FOR? A world event? the 2nd coming of Christ? a $50 mill Lotto windfall???
                                CAN i hang on.....dunno.
                                each minute just trying to keep a grip is fucking hard.
                                & i know all of you DO know.
                                someone give me a frontal lobotomy, please.

