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UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

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    UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

    Wandering back to Le Loi, which is where you pick up a taxi, we wandered past this shop and it reminded me of Happy’s lotus’ desert boots..

    Thought I’d sneak in one last night shot….

    and a potential art shot that didn’t quite work out, but they were enjoying the ambience.

    We never had a chance to explore any of the other side of the river. Put on the list for next time.


      UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

      This is where the taxis drop you off . It’s terrific that the city fathers have preserved the old part of town as a pedestrian area.

      Just look at that bouganvillea Bridge.

      Then it was back to the hotel, on to the bus and down to Saigon…


        UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

        Omg! What about me?:upset: in meetings and starving...


          UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

          These are the best pics EVER Rags...did I mention I'm starving...

          Nice boots btw...


            UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

            myhappyplace;1393229 wrote:
            Nice boots btw...
            Yeah. All the blokes on the farm are wearing those white ones.

            Thank dog I had a packet of Hot and Spicy soup in the larder ...


              UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

              myhappyplace;1393229 wrote: These are the best pics EVER Rags...did I mention I'm starving...

              Nice boots btw...
              Oops sorry Happs, here have a slice of vegemite toast.

              And a Le Loi Lemon slurpy with lime leaves chopped up micro fine. It was delishus.


                UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                We were running a couple of hours late getting to Saigon because of rain and traffic.
                First stop in Saigon was at a war museum…. Had some very disturbing pictures inside. As most of the Intrepid travellers were in their 20’s and 30’s, they hadn’t seen the pictures or the tv news clips that were almost a daily event for me. it was new and a bit disturbing for them. There was also some commentary that had just a little bias to it, but as Mr Rags said, winners get to write the history.
                I still remember seeing this on the news. With the ABC’s warning about disturbing pictures.

                These are the two main aircraft that I remember were always mentioned on the news during the Vietnam War. The Huey and Chinook.

                The museum closes at precisely at 5pm, so we didn’t get enough time to see all of it.
                I would like to go back to see it all as it was a very moving display.


                  UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                  While we were in the museum Bien was busy organising trikes for us. I was a little uneasy riding in it as it felt a bit to me like a coolie trundling around a rich imperialist But the tourists love it, and it’s a job.

                  We were ridden to have a look at the Catholic Cathedral. A most magnificent building next to the old Post Office.

                  Then as it was now peak hour the poor buggers had to cycle us through incredibly heavy traffic to the hotel. I didn’t take any pics as whenI pulled my camera out my bike man said No No. Steal.. But I snuck these. My mate who loves Kitty, loved this (and the Kitty VISA card).


                    UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                    Hello Undies!
                    Wow! Great photos, Rags. I"ve had an escape from my dark, cold and rainy morning!


                      UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                      Next morning we were taken to a beaut restaurant for brekky. It is a scheme which Intrepid contributes to whereby underpriveledged kids get 12 months training in cooking and waiting and reception so they can get a job in hospitality . They also get accommodation and food. This is the breakfast caf? and there’s a restaurant as well elsewhere in the city.

                      And Mr Rags told me to go and check out the toilet washroom.
                      How good is that. If ever I redecorate I’m having a wok basin.


                        UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                        expat3;1393251 wrote: Hello Undies!
                        Wow! Great photos, Rags. I"ve had an escape from my dark, cold and rainy morning!
                        Hello there Exxie,
                        Rug up and have a nice cup of tea.


                          UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                          Breakfast over, we hop in a bus and are transported to the river delta. It was pissing down with rain the whole time. This poor bloke had lost his load of rice off the back of his bike and was scooping it up by hand trying desperately to retrieve it. The motorists at least gave the poor bugger a wide berth so he could pick it up.

                          A bit further along …

                          Imagine what that pic would be like if it wasn’t raining and if we’d been able to stop to compose the shot.
                          We transferred into a boat and were taken to one of the many islands in the delta…
                          and what a lovely surprise I was in for…
                          The people in this village have THE most wonderful cottage industry happening.
                          They make coconut candy. It is wonderful.

                          After getting the meat out it is crushed then put in a huge cauldron which is stirred for hours and hours then

                          Poured into moulds allowed to cool then tipped onto the table where it is cut and wrapped.

                          I only had enough money on me to buy a few packets. I bought plain, ginger and coffee flavours. Other flavours include durian and green tea.


                            UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                            SERIOUS REQUEST… If any Undies know anyone who can translate this, I’d like the address (I assume an address is on there somewhere) so I can write to them and see if they’ll send me some more. Better still if they would arrange to write a letter on my behalf in Vietnamese. If any one can help, pm me. Thanks.


                              UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                              Leaving the village Bien organised a few motor bikes with trays on the back to transport us to the next village. Not exactly a Holden Series 11 ute…
                              It must have been so funny to see all these westerners herded like sheep in a ute, hurtling along the road in a downpour.
                              Bien is clinging on there probably chanting “ Ilovemyjob I lovemyjob I lovemyjob”.
                              At times it looked like a scene out the Ben Hur chariot race. It was so bloody funny. One of those “you had to be there” moments.

                              I love my job I love my job I love my job.

                              At another village I spy a dragon fruit plant. There are lots around Sydney but I’ve never really noticed them. We ate heaps of dragon fruit over there.. so cheap.

                              Now that would blend in well with your garden Nicey, and you’d have this delicious fruit to boot.


                                UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                                Lunch at another village… Mekong delta fish cooked with scales on.

                                After lunch we were taken back to a different embarkation point by canoe.
                                Mr Rags is having the time of his life… you can just tell he’s enjoying every second of this….

                                The jungle really does close in on you, and there are a myriad of little offshoots from this offshoot. It’d be so easy to get lost.

                                On the way back I notice that pillions have complete faith in the driver.

