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UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

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    UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

    myhappyplace;1399719 wrote: ... no grown up to vent to....
    Why not give COTY a bell? :H


      UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

      tawnyfrog;1399722 wrote: Why not give COTY a bell? :H

      so where is this pea straw going?


        UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

        ...and dont say on the garden....


          UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

          Everywhere that needs mulching. The tree-fellers didn't come good with the eucy mulch so this is a better, albeit more expensive option. The really nice thing was, the bloke pulled up out the front and I just asked him to unload the bales there, went down to get some money and when I came back he'd strategically placed them around the garden - 3 here, 4 there, 2 there ... can't believe that someone I don't know would actually make my life a bit easier. Blew me away.


            UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

            Old school. Thats nice. So thats part of the weekend work done, might leave time for half a pink dress day - if its cold you can throw on a scarf, boots and gloves...

            Might have a finished deck this weekend - YAY! and if the computer whizz fixes stuff, I'm planning on taking a day next week and popping in to see Sunny and Leon...


              UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

              Just could start some cooking project....calm farm now, thanks Frog...this girlie hormonal shit is giving me the y'knows....


                UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!



                  UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                  Will Leon call you his Special Aunt Saucy?


                    UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!



                      UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                      tawnyfrog;1399731 wrote: Will Leon call you his Special Aunt Saucy?
                      He always does...

                      Around anytime Reggie...hope your ok :l


                        UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                        We'll be here when you're ready, Reggie.


                          UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                          Hello all,

                          Good to read up on what's going on. I have to admit that I came back for purely selfish reasons. Yesterday, I had my first AF birthday in a long time and I knew you would all understand.

                          All is going well here is Brisbane expect for the (newish) job. I think I have to give it another year though and see what happens. I think I need to toughen up.

                          I'll pop back later and see what Friday night is like here these days.


                          One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


                            UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                            Evening all, sorry about the short posts, but my internet keeps dropping out...

                            Good to see you Corrie hope you are doing well there... good to see you too CW your doing well too...

                            Hope all is well with you Reggie...

                            Hi Tawn Happy Sunny Bridge Mr G Nicey Missy Techi Rags and anyone I may have missed... have a great evening all... O and thanks Bridge for the info on the camera, need to put that on my Christmas list for santa...


                              UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                              Evening Lilly! bloody hot isnt it? We've got the new fans on and they're working wonders though.


                                UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                                myhappyplace;1399749 wrote: ... bloody hot isnt it? We've got the new fans on and they're working wonders though.
                                Would you mind awfully putting a sock in it?

