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UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

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    UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

    Hello Undies,
    Gee, a lot has happened to you all in the last two days.

    Reggie and Bridge, you both have my understanding re foot/knee problems. I am in pain with this damned ankle a lot of the time and am almost always wearing my strap on brace whenever I go out.

    Took some piccies of the Sculpture walk, but I just didn't enjoy it all that much. Don't know why.
    Got a bus back to Circular Quay and as we had a couple of hours to kill before dinner we got on a MAnly ferry. Sat at the front, then changed ends for the return journey... about ten minutes later I realised I'd left my bag at the other end. Raced back to find a couple with it and her on her mobile talking to Mr Rags' surgery working out how to return the bag. They'd worked out that the name on the denttal appt card was same as my drivers licence and put 2&2 together. They also happen to live bout 40 km from us. How wonderful that there are such people in the world.
    How careless am I.

    Afterward we had dinner at Spencer Guthrie... wonderful. Piccies will be up tomorrow. They were so friendly, and the food was terrific. Mr Rags was so impressed. To top everything off, we'd driven up to St Peters and were able to get a spot where there was unrestricted parking!!!!

    OK off helping Mr Rags with the Roast goat with middle easter/mediterranean spices and roast veggies.
    Don't forget, David Attenborough is in in half an hour.

    See you all tomorrow.


      UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

      Rags;1400800 wrote:
      Took some piccies of the Sculpture walk, but I just didn't enjoy it all that much. Don't know why.
      Maybe you've done a bit too much lately Rags? Are you a bit saturated love?

      Well I'll leave the expletives out tonight (as if), but knee is much better but still annoying as crap. I think I need to take a much more integrative approach to my health rather than spot treat as it comes up.
      MUCH more about this poor bastards......
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

        hi all, gratz on the baby in the fam missy.
        a whole body aproach jones, thats the way!
        I married a nice young bride,and she is falling apart due to self
        AF since 10/26/2009

        It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


          UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

          Morning all,

          Good to see you Aspy. Yep, i agree with the whole body approach with our health and fitness. If we're not moving it and shaking our ass on a daily basis, it stands to reason that we'll seize up and get stiff, resulting in more aches and pains than necessary. And we can start today, shaking our ass to reverse the seizing up/breaking up process (inserting big cheesy smile).

          On a personal note, it's been a rough couple of weeks emotionally on the work front, with various evil forces seemingly all ganging up at once to burden the young mans already sizable (work) load.
          Of course, these things are here to test us, aren't they? Aren't they?! Bending like a stick of bamboo though throughout, not breaking. The bamboo will sway and bend in the storm, but doesn't break, returning eventually to it's upright, strong and proud position.

          But enough of my whingeing. My little woes are nothing, nuthin' i tells ya to many other folks doing it tougher, here and elsewhere on the planet. Union delegate training all this week. Now this'll be interesting. Wonder if Wilson has any tips?

          Have a good one out there y'all, and may those joints and bones heal quickly and well. Happy holidays Missy! Ooroo.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

            aspman;1401097 wrote: hi all, gratz on the baby in the fam missy.
            a whole body aproach jones, thats the way!
            I married a nice young bride,and she is falling apart due to self
            Morning all.

            Yep that's exactly what I mean Aspy. Revamping the entire lifestyle has been on the cards for a long time. I have pondered, I have bought books, I had a stab at geriatric gym class, I have talked endlessly about it. Action is required. These are the times that we effectively chose what our old age is going to look like.
            And tell me how is the diet going?
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

              Hi there Underfuls. Hoping ankle, knee, kitty, and tooth are all doing better. The funniest thing happened. I was in this market AJ's earlier, and heard someone say "hello Saucy" on their cell phone. Just made me howl!!!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                Good morning Undies,

                Bridge, I hope your knee heals soon and doesn't give you any more trouble. I buggered up my knees and have had 3 arthroscopies and I sometimes creak when I stand up. But gee, I had fun buggering them up .
                You are absolutely right about seting yourself up for old age. I am still stuffing around thinking about lifestyle changes, health and so on. I'm essentially a lazy bugger lacking in motivation a lot of the time.
                You could be right about the saturation..

                Aspey, so was I and so have I.....

                Tawny, what is happening to your friend? Are you OK?

                Pictures will be up later.

                Have a 2pm appt. with my dentist who is trying to save a tooth I've managed to crack vertically.
                Nice man. Said all it will cost me is a hot dinner.
                He's not very hopeful but says he'll do what he can. Says it's cracked cusp syndrome of pre flouride people.


                  UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                  diets are for loosers jones...
                  AF since 10/26/2009

                  It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                    UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                    aspman;1401318 wrote: diets are for loosers jones...


                    Well the good news is that it is possible to hobble around and do all sorts of things including descend the deck stairs one by one on one's arse if necessary.

                    Now good to see you Warnie and ovaries.
                    Also wondering about the Frog friend as well.
                    Big wave to Techie the voyeur.

                    Missy will no doubt be skyward by now.

                    I believe the damage count is at one heel, one knee and a tooth for this week Undies. Is anyone else broken?
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                      Arvo Undies,

                      No injuries/damages/ouwies to report at this end... touch wood or do what you must to keep those things at bay. I sometimes think about lifestyle changes and wonder if I shouldn't just get a nice trendy little unit in the city, low maintenance, small, close to hospitals and all that stuff but you know ... I think I'd be bonkers within a month. What the fusk would I do with myself all day?

                      Thanks for asking - The patient is still in ICU and I just hurt for my mate. His lovely wife has now been in a coma since the 16th. This arvo he's in there playing music on his lappie which the staff have suggested might stimulate her brain. Fusking horrible situation to be in. My Organ Donor papers arrived today for signing.

                      Wilson's arse is a lot better, thank you for asking and now please enjoy your tea.


                        UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                        byebyebridgetjones;1401411 wrote: :H:H

                        Missy will no doubt be skyward by now.
                        Here and already had three meetings!! Just watching the sun disappear over the horizon - I love it how it happens all of a sudden near the equator. Going indoors soon as mosquitos sem to like me even with industrial quantities of 80% DEET insect repellent on. And they have lots of malaria and dengue fever here.

                        The view from the deck that I'm sitting on looks right onto Malaita province - weird to be able to see something so clearly when you've only ever heard about it on the news.

                        Walking back to the hotel today, I saw a notice from someone wanting a crocodile. Not to mention they also specified that they wanted a large one :H:H But they didn't say what for.
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                          Evening all,

                          A noice package arrived today from another Undie. I don't win many competitions. Warms me little heart it does.

                          Have a marvellous evening everyone.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                            Guitarista;1401432 wrote:
                            A noice package arrived today from another Undie.
                            Have you tried it on? Does it look good? Over the shoulder or on yer belt?

                            Dog - you'll be the only bloke in St.K with such an accessory ...


                              UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                              Miss Behaving;1401429 wrote: Here and already had three meetings!! Just watching the sun disappear over the horizon - I love it how it happens all of a sudden near the equator. Going indoors soon as mosquitos sem to like me even with industrial quantities of 80% DEET insect repellent on. And they have lots of malaria and dengue fever here.

                              The view from the deck that I'm sitting on looks right onto Malaita province - weird to be able to see something so clearly when you've only ever heard about it on the news.

                              Walking back to the hotel today, I saw a notice from someone wanting a crocodile. Not to mention they also specified that they wanted a large one :H:H But they didn't say what for.
                              Missy, did you take your camera with you? Will we get to see piccies?

                              Hmmm, someone wants some large travel luggage? Or perhaps an alternative to a watchdog?


                                UNDEROOS - Rocktober - Yeah baby!

                                tawnyfrog;1401433 wrote:
                                Dog - you'll be the only bloke in St.K with such an accessory ...
                                Wouldn't be too sure from what I saw of that place.....
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

