Up at 12:50 a.m. so my sinuses will drain. How pathetic is that. (cough, cough, blow, blow)
I did rise from my bed and make an excellent dinner, only because I'm a w-o-m-a-n. I wore a mask, so my hypochondriac husband would flip out as I handled the food. No kidding. Then, I crashed at 6:30.
Put away all the hurricane preparedness stuff, too. Our yard is littered with twigs and seeds, but not this kind, Mama.:H
Jesse Winchester, Twigs and Seeds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIZ2DrVbQ-A[/video]]Jesse Winchster - Twigs and Seeds - YouTube
Niner--How was the date? What does Sierra think about this, or is it not a first?
Mama--Hope you're getting some good sleep.
I'm worried about nurdl. She's from NJ, right? What a nightmare for those folks.
Talk tomorrow. (cough, cough)