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One Step at a Time - October 2012

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    One Step at a Time - October 2012

    Dottie - great work on getting to 10 days and past the worst. The exercise plan is solid!

    Sun - glad you're not feeling completely drained when work is over and the medication is helping.

    Mama - The Orchadist arrived and I'm going to start it this week.

    Hi Nora - hope your trip is fun and relaxing so far!

    Have a good day everyone.
    2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


      One Step at a Time - October 2012

      It's a lovely sunny day here. I have found two baby hedgehogs in my garden, the mother nowhere to be seen. I am now trying to feed them and keep them alive. Any ideas ? we don't have anywhere near me (like Mrs Tiggywinkles sanctuary) to take them. Taking grandchildren swimming later. Hope everyone has a good day.


        One Step at a Time - October 2012

        how sister had a pet hedgehog for years.......I can;t remember her name, but she would stomp her heet when she was mad...I would have to google how to care for them. I could try callling my sister too, but she is an attorney and VERY busy..........
        I went home and DIED last night....I was tired....
        It has been grey, rainy and foggy here.... it getting easier for you sweetie?? I am at almost 5 months (with about 15 beers thrown in) and I rarely thing about drinking now.
        Sun- I am glad the new meds seem to help. You and Paula battle so much pain.
        As always. kissses to Nora and grumpy Scott.
        Allswell.....promise me I get your first apple off your first tree..........................
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          One Step at a Time - October 2012

          Hi Mama, I googled hedgehogs, water and muesli or cat food. Sun the meds help me so much, sure you will be ok.


            One Step at a Time - October 2012

            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              One Step at a Time - October 2012

              Morning all. Rushing off to work. Leave on the red eye tonight (11:45 pm). I have 3 layovers. :upset:
              I had to do it this way so that I would get in there at one in the afternoon. Otherwise I wouldn't have arrived until tomorrow night and we would have wasted a whole day. Of course, if I get there & sleep all day, we will have wasted it anyway. :H
              Michigan - here I come.........................
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                One Step at a Time - October 2012

                Hi Everyone!

                Ok, after being belittled, criticized and called many names, I am determined not to even look in the Mods threads anymore. Please remind me of this! LOL Oh, and I even got a PM from "Roberta Jewell"....I'm definitely over the Abs vs. Mods battle. They can do what they want.

                Paula - Those little hedgehogs sounds so cute, I was going to suggest cat food. One time when I had a cat, I heard this loud munching sound, but my cat was laying right next to I crept over, crawled up on the counter, looked down and there was this huge possum eating the food. I think all creatures love cat food!

                So my friend's brother has this dog that they are trying to find a home for...the dog is currently at the shelter because she was "vicious" when animal control caught her (I would be too if I was scared and confused). I'm thinking of adopting her, her name is Honey and I was there when they "found" her as a puppy...I wanted her then! It would have been better, because now I will have to deal with all her emotional issues that they've inflicted on her. My house is very calm and loving, and that's what she needs. I think she's used to confusion, loudness, yelling and chaos. It kills me to think of dogs that are treated that way. I promised I wouldn't bring another dog in onto my old one, but I feel the need to save this one. BUT, it's up to a judge to decide if she can be released or if they will euthanize her :upset:

                Ok enough depressing stuff. Everyone have a great Wednesday.

                Love you peeps!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  One Step at a Time - October 2012

                  are you kidding me??......that is total BS......why did Robert Jewell pm you??? was it really he???? There are peeps here that log in under several names.....

                  yes...please stay away from the Mods is not worth stressing over and some of them sound a bit ridiculous...use Nora's Mantra
                  "I chose not to be invited to this argument"
                  Nora....who is in Michigan??? It should be gorgeous up there!!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - October 2012

                    which Mods thread was it??
                    I need to know who to ...ahem...not be fond of......
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - October 2012

                      oh...all I can say is...ANOTHER DOGGIE????????
                      you have a huge heart sweet friend
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        One Step at a Time - October 2012

               more much melatonin do you take niner?
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          One Step at a Time - October 2012

                          Good Lord Mama. LOL

                          All I can say is that I hope DfromCT (
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            One Step at a Time - October 2012

                            I do not have to attend every arguement that I am invited to. Yep - that's my mantra. Sometimes I do forget. But, I try to live by that. Sorry for what you're going thru K9. Speaking of arguements. What in the world is going on with the Undies being rated with 2 stars?????? I adore the Undies and now I see that they have been rated 2 stars. I went over and gave them a great big 5 star and they are still 2 stars. Some people obviously have it out for them.

                            So, I haven't been talking about it but I haven't been doing so great. I'm using this weekend to get back to my green stickers. It just wasn't something that I was ready to discuss. I know what I need to do and I am going to get back to it. I think I've been too busy in the past 2 weeks taking care of everyone else actually. So, I have had more bad days creeping in. Not horrible but not where I want to be. So, I am looking forward to this weekend in many ways. Oh & by the way - I'm not sneaking off on a mystery weekend. I'm going to visit my girlfriend that I met years ago on a weight loss site. We became best friends. Funny, huh?

                            Ok - back to work for me.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              One Step at a Time - October 2012

                              Nora, you can ALWAYS be honest with us...we are here for you. I know it's not easy. I think if it weren't for Antabuse I'd be going back and forth too. I like your use your "other" one...TTDP, ok? :l

                              Oh darn, no mystery weekend, and here I was hoping for some juicy stories! LOL

                              It just rained here for approximately 45 seconds, that was our big storm!

                              I've had some bad thoughts lately too. If I quit AB tomorrow, I could drink on my 40th birthday (Oct 19). Ok, fast forward. Picture me sitting on the couch, renting a movie and cracking a beer. Now if I drink, I HAVE to smoke...I just do! Fast forward more...10pm, me on beer number 12 (or more), stumbling to bed, falling in (reeking of beer and cigarettes)...wake up Saturday morning with my head spinning and pounding and thinking "F*CK...WHY did I do that???"...then I'd smoke to try to make the hangover more bearable...puke all day, lay on the couch....and worst of all...look my daughter in the eye and say "Mom screwed up again". I CANNOT and WILL NOT do that...I just don't know that I have another quit in me. can get to this point too...HATE alcohol...just HATE it with a passion! Sorry to go on and you mucho!!! :h
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                One Step at a Time - October 2012

                                Nora - PLEASE reach out to me...i know I have been a grump lately.....but I am ALWAYS here for you or Niner....
                                if hubs would let me I would save the doggie too...but now you have...what....11 or 12 of them????
                                for some reason Niner, I am not worried aboyt your's just another day, right???
                                How is your friend Nora??? She was really ill at one point, right?
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

