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One Step at a Time - October 2012

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    One Step at a Time - October 2012

    Simmer down girls...the penguin is MINE!

    Are we clear? LOL

    We won't let this thread die...I love coming here to see what you gals are up to!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      One Step at a Time - October 2012

      mama bear;1394400 wrote: Bret just texted me that he has to go on a jail tour.....
      I go on jail tours just for FUN!
      (and to look for potential dates)
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        One Step at a Time - October 2012

        K9 - Please don't say anything but a jail date sounds NICE.:H:H

        Paula - YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED!!!! I thought you got tired of the drama too.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          One Step at a Time - October 2012

          silly, silly women.....
          I wake up to this and it makes me smile
          I love you guys
          I'll have look for a man for you Niner.....
          just ordered Season 4 of Sons of Anarchy about some HAWT men.......
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            One Step at a Time - October 2012

            mama bear;1394402 wrote: funny Coco..............

            How are you doing AL-wise Babe??? Still fighting the Beast??
            I think I will ALWAYS be fighting the beast... But was off on my own "modding" for months and it started out really well. One day a week for drinks. Unfortunately over time that turned into 2 days, then 3... So that was a bit of a joke in the end.

            Back to NO days of the week again!


              One Step at a Time - October 2012

              that's what everyone says.......starts out well, but never stays that way for long.....
              I have an odd way of counting
              I have had approx 15 beers in 5 months.....and NOTHING for several months
              I get really weak on Saturday nights when hubs is drinking....huge pity party...
              BUT...he stops and I don;t.....
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                One Step at a Time - October 2012

                Ya, it's that stopping part I don't get!!


                  One Step at a Time - October 2012

                  Had to pop in and see my old mate Coco, :h
                  Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                    One Step at a Time - October 2012

                    making sure my K9 is ok........worrying about her grumpy ass
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - October 2012

                      Hey - I think it's her birthday today!!!

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY K9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        One Step at a Time - October 2012

                        Hi Mama! I am OK today...yes I was a serious grumpy butt yesterday. Did I tell you I had a fender bender in a parking lot? Oh, and the great part is that I don't have collision insurance, so I can't get it fixed (well, I CAN, out of pocket). Oy...the fun just never stops. Funny part is that I'm not that upset about it. That's life and it ain't the end of the world. My Boopie said it looks like a deflated balloon. LOL THEN I pulled into the garage last night, not far enough apparently, and the door hit the poor car is taking a beating. You guys are probably envisioning some clunky beater, but it actually still looks pretty good, despite having me for an owner. LOL

                        Nora, Boopie ( may be time to use her real name...SIERRA) is 15 now and in 10th grade. But the other day when she was sick, I had my little girl back, we laid in bed for hours, I was uncomfortable as hell, but still enjoying holding her. I'm glad to know she still needs her mama once in a while. And Mama...yes, I agree that if I saw her in handcuffs all my "hardness" would fly out the door and I'd be a sobbing mess.

                        Hi Coco the Penguin are you doing today? I tried moderating too....I finally figured out that 12 beers a night is not really moderation. LOL Not to make light of it, I know it's serious...I'm just glad you're back!!

                        We just had a fire drill at work, that killed a good 5 minutes! Now I have to figure out how to kill the next 7 hours.

                        Back later peeps...loves ya!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          One Step at a Time - October 2012

                          NoraC;1394896 wrote: Hey - I think it's her birthday today!!!

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY K9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          It's tomorrow...please let's not rush this...I get one more day of being in my 30's!!!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            One Step at a Time - October 2012

                            OMG......YOU ARE 40 TOMORROW?????????????????????????????????????????? ????????
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              One Step at a Time - October 2012

                              you should see my van Niner.............. you would feel better about yours...I promise
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                One Step at a Time - October 2012

                                Yes...the big FOUR OH tomorrow. Am I going to wake up with wrinkles, sags and unexplained pains? Oh wait, I already have those. LOL

                                Tonight I go to bed in my 30's and wake up tomorrow in my 40's. Dang.
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

