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One Step at a Time - October 2012

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    One Step at a Time - October 2012

    Well said Zen. We are what we are. It's time to accept that fact. It's really good to know that we are not alone. One step at a time peeps. Nora, I love your tattoo. I may have to borrow the idea.
    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


      One Step at a Time - October 2012

      Thanks Zen & Nurdl - I think I just need to get it thru my thick skull. It is addiction and it is time to stop.

      Love your signature Nurdl. Really nice. And - thanks my tattoo has really helped me.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        One Step at a Time - October 2012

        Good morning everone. It's a lovely day here. Norah the MRI is like a magnet with a computer and produces pictures of the body that an xray can't do. It's a diagnostic tecnique, and will show (hopefully) what's causing the pain, I am having the scan from shoulders down. It's good that they have started appointments outside office hours. the waiting lists are quite long, and this is an expensive test that one can wait months for, I have only waited three weeks. Hope everone has a good day.


          One Step at a Time - October 2012

          Hi Paula, Nora and Mama. I continue to read your posts, glad you are all doing well. I'm fine, continuing to move down my af path without a struggle.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            One Step at a Time - October 2012

            Morning peeps.
            I was a lazy cow yesterday. Did not do a THING!!! I feel quilty, but I was worn out. So today is "get er done" day.
            Niner....Hubs says that you should tell your man friend, "Hey, maybe we should go out sometime??"
            See how much a part of my life ya'll have become?? My hubs is giving dating advice!!:H
            Nora, Nora, Nora,,,,,what's going on babe??
            We won Friday night. It was a sad, sweet game as it Catie Carter Night. Catie was a student that died of cancer. We all wore pink and all survivors were asked to stand and given roses. It was sweet, but I got all misty.
            I honestly forget about the breast cancer. It's been 11 years, but something like that makes alot of memories come back. Hopefully, AL will be a non-event for me someday too.
            Clay has teen court Tuesday....
            Paula...good luck with the MRI.....I am only 51 and my hips are really starting to bother me. WTHeck??
   me your address.....I have something for you
            SO GOOD TO SEE YOU ALLSWELL AND SUN. AW- I spit coffee when I read your comment to K9....
            As always....hugs to my Zennifer.
   to be productive.
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              One Step at a Time - October 2012

              Hi everyone, I feel such a fool, I went for my scan and could only manage ten minutes, I was so claustrophobic, I had to ask them to stop, I didn't realise my head would be confined in the tunnell. I felt as though I was having a panic attack. Hope your ok Norah, good to see you Sun, and Mama.


                One Step at a Time - October 2012

                Hello everyone.

                Paula - I'm so sorry. :l:lI am so surprised that they didn't warn you and offer you something to relax you. My husband has had several MRI's and that is one of the first questions they ask when they are scheduling him. He is not claustrophobic but I definitely am and know that I would have a problem. I hope they can reschedule you and give you something to relax you before the test.

                Hello to all. Really nice to see Sun & Allswell here. I understand that you all don't feel comfortable posting though. :h

                Ok - off to work for a couple minutes then to the grocery store then back to my crocheting. I'm the lazy bum this weekend. I win the prize. :H
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  One Step at a Time - October 2012

                  Crap Paula....what a pain for you....can you reschedule a different type?? I have had sveral of them and I fall asleep
                  ran errands all day and flopping for a bit before mandatory Sunday dinner at Nana's.....
                  gosh my legs ache when I am on them all day.....
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - October 2012

                    Mama - so sorry that your legs ache like that. When are YOU going to go to the Doctor????
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      One Step at a Time - October 2012

                      Well - off to bed everyone. Boy - I did win the lazy prize today. :H

                      Hope that everyone has a wonderful week! I have my three alarms set so hopefully I'll wake up on time for work. :H:H
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        One Step at a Time - October 2012

                        Hello everyone,

                        Spent the weekend working and got a bunch done so today and tomorrow aren't quite as busy. Always thought I didn't like what I do because I was always hungover but now, after almost 10 months sober, I realize I just don't like what I do. A bit of a dilemma after building a business for 20 years, too young to retire, too old to start over, can't do anything else and make the same money. Sorry to be such a whiner so early in the week. I guess that's what Monday does to me every so often. I'll figure it out.
                        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                          One Step at a Time - October 2012

                          Hello, everyone,

                          I've been looking for another thread to join, and Nora invited me here:l After reading a bit I think it might be a good fit.


                          Mama> My legs have always hurt when I'm on them all day.

                          Allswell> I know the feeling...too long in the job, and no way out. Sticking it out paid off in the long run for me.
                          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                            One Step at a Time - October 2012

                            Morning all! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. We had the stomach flu at our house - extremely unpleasant for those stricken with it. So far I have escaped (flippers crossed).


                              One Step at a Time - October 2012


                              Juja - glad that you joined us!

                              Allswell - I understand. That has definitely been part of my moodiness. But, I am just try not to dwell on it. I keep looking for the other joys in my life.:l

                              Coco -doesn't sound like a fun scene at all. Hope everyone has recovered and that you avoid it.

                              Excuse any typos. My kindle has been helping me. Have a wonderful day.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                One Step at a Time - October 2012

                                WELCOME TO THE FAMILY JUJA!!!! we ar glad you are here
                                Monday at work.....thus the late salutations
                       made me thought you hated your job coz you were hungover!! Not that that's funny, but I can relate
                                Nora- if I went to the doc for every complaint I have, I would be more broke than I am and they probably just have cot set up for me in the lobby!:H
                                Coco- my bear paws are crossed for you, as well. My boss has the flu today, too.
                                My paws are crossed for Hubs...he has a pre-interview test with the Jacksonville Electric Authority today. I have never seen Mr Cool so nervous....this could be a REALLY good job....pension, benefits, the works

                                Clay won Friday. Teen court is tomorrow at 11............

                                off to do payroll.......Niner should be here soon
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

