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Little Positives Already on Day Five

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    Little Positives Already on Day Five

    Since I stopped drinking, I have noticed a few little things:

    This morning my face looked 'softer' and less old
    My dishes are done every night before bed and this is usually a hit or miss thing when I am drinking
    I am eating better because i care more
    I find it easier to exercise at any time of the day as before I found it difficult to jump on the mini-trampoline with a glass of wine in my hand
    Having a bit of trouble winding down to sleep with no wine but when I do fall asleep, it's very refreshing and not interrupted by the 3:00 a.m. -This Shit has to Stop wake up call

    That's about it and I know there is more to come. Watching and smelling my hubby after he's had a few is a sad reminder of how I looked and smelled for the past ten years or more. We were at the same amount and he's continued on.

    Will check in after a few more A/F days. This weekend is the Canadian Thanksgiving and my 56th birthday so we will be entertaining all weekend. I don't foresee a challenge with abstaining right now but we'll take it minute by minute.

    So glad I have finally stopped the insanity.

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu

    Little Positives Already on Day Five

    Well done Tipple, you can do it.


      Little Positives Already on Day Five

      Way to go Tips

      Sounds good. Isn't it great to feel so much better? It's not only the physical, but the mental anguish that comes with drinking that is devastating.

      It's just not worth it to so that to yourself.


        Little Positives Already on Day Five

        Tipplerette;1385527 wrote: Since I stopped drinking, I have noticed a few little things:

        This morning my face looked 'softer' and less old
        My dishes are done every night before bed and this is usually a hit or miss thing when I am drinking
        I am eating better because i care more
        I find it easier to exercise at any time of the day as before I found it difficult to jump on the mini-trampoline with a glass of wine in my hand
        Having a bit of trouble winding down to sleep with no wine but when I do fall asleep, it's very refreshing and not interrupted by the 3:00 a.m. -This Shit has to Stop wake up call

        That's about it and I know there is more to come. Watching and smelling my hubby after he's had a few is a sad reminder of how I looked and smelled for the past ten years or more. We were at the same amount and he's continued on.

        Will check in after a few more A/F days. This weekend is the Canadian Thanksgiving and my 56th birthday so we will be entertaining all weekend. I don't foresee a challenge with abstaining right now but we'll take it minute by minute.

        So glad I have finally stopped the insanity.

        I can definitely relate to our faces looking years younger, softer. People always said I looked young but I told them that I was simply immature.

        Now they say I look good which I like much better

        As for your trampoline... You and Jennieeich from the Dangerous things I did
        thread could be twins! She apparently strolled casually out of a friend's house with a glass of wine in her purse :H

        I'm still trying to figure that one out !

        Congrats on Day five, my friend and of course a hug for your Birthday!!! :groupluv:
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Little Positives Already on Day Five

          Tipplerette;1385527 wrote: Since I stopped drinking, I have noticed a few little things:

          This morning my face looked 'softer' and less old
          My dishes are done every night before bed and this is usually a hit or miss thing when I am drinking
          I am eating better because i care more
          I find it easier to exercise at any time of the day as before I found it difficult to jump on the mini-trampoline with a glass of wine in my hand
          Having a bit of trouble winding down to sleep with no wine but when I do fall asleep, it's very refreshing and not interrupted by the 3:00 a.m. -This Shit has to Stop wake up call

          That's about it and I know there is more to come. Watching and smelling my hubby after he's had a few is a sad reminder of how I looked and smelled for the past ten years or more. We were at the same amount and he's continued on.

          Will check in after a few more A/F days. This weekend is the Canadian Thanksgiving and my 56th birthday so we will be entertaining all weekend. I don't foresee a challenge with abstaining right now but we'll take it minute by minute.

          So glad I have finally stopped the insanity.
          That really makes different in the life.A small change can make a big difference really .
          Its just LOL, doing exercise while drinking- it just gives the proper supply of AL to your brain and heart . Its a Shit..!!
          A light exercise in sober time gives so much pleasure ,circulate the fresh blood to every part of the body .
          I like your attitude !!
          Keep it up mate.
          A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

          2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

          Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

          2013 : So many ups and down !!

          2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


            Little Positives Already on Day Five

            Since I stopped drinking I have seen so many improvements, I look better, have lost weight. I am reading again, which I love. I am so happy.


              Little Positives Already on Day Five

              Since I quit drinking, I have learned that I can go out, stay sober, and still have an awesome time. I feel better about myself, and I don't have to worry about doing stuff I regret. And no more wasting days being too hungover to do much.
              I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

              Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

              Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                Little Positives Already on Day Five

                Well done, Tips! When I go AF the first thing I notice is the face relaxes & looks younger, my voice gets stronger (all stress seems to go to my throat). Heck, I've just been AF 1 day and notice my stomach is far less bloated. And since I seriously want to drop a bit of wt and be stronger in my workouts these are all good things!

                Thanks for the great list. Keep them coming.

                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                  Little Positives Already on Day Five

                  Little things i have noticed after 2 weeks AF...

                  1. The desire for drink subsides - (i do admit that i do have huge cravings, but the habit of nightly drinking is very slowly being eroded )
                  2. More confidence in speaking to people - as opposed to when i was hungover, i'd want to burrow away underground, too much like hard work sometimes, making small talk.
                  3. Being more aware of who i am and what i am like - negatives; foibles and all the good stuff too (and if they are negatives, i am more willingly proactive to change them)
                  4. Simply, SO simply, waking up sober, without guilt, without looking over at 6 cans of stella, and/or a bottle of red and bringing out a metaphorical cane to whack myself silly
                  5. Saving some money already

                  Have a lovely Tuesday



                    Little Positives Already on Day Five

                    My family came to dinner last night, so nice to wake up this morning remembering what happened. And also looking forward to babysitting my grandchildren this weekend, never possible whilst drinking.


                      Little Positives Already on Day Five

                      Way to go Trips! Stay after it, and you will notice even more positive changes. :goodjob:
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        Little Positives Already on Day Five

                        Thanks guys, my stomach is almost completely FLAT this morning. I thought I was pudgy but it was just bloat. Gotta find something skin tight to wear... just kidding; at 56 I better stick to jeans and a t-shirt (tucked in-mind you)... LOL

                        Was glad to hear from Running Courage at her two week mark. Finally last night hubs did NOT drink in my midst or at all for that matter. He smelled great too opposed to that boozy wine smell that we both must have emitted in the past...

                        Life is good.

                        I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                        ? Lao-Tzu

