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Anger Management anyone?

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    Anger Management anyone?

    Okay, there are a few posts up about boredom being such an issue, and I agree. I responded to one of MikeUpNorth's post about boredom, and mentioned it was my second problem. I didn't mention my first. Anger. I've always had this problem since I was young. My temper is atrocious. I've been on and off mood stabilizers for over a decade. Lithium works best, but turns me into a robot. The booze and drugs took all the anger away. The first few days sober, I was edgy. But, I'm beyond the withdrawal stage. I'm just back to getting really angry at times. I don't like my job, and that is usually when I get worked up. I'm trying really hard, but that feeling is hard to turn off. I'm not angry all the time, but when I do get angry, I feel insane. I get bad thoughts, and feel like a psycho. I feel guilty for contemplating hurting people, or smashing something just to release the rage. I'm taking two scripts for mood swings, and my lows are a thing of the past. I told my pdoc about my anger, and he wants to up my dosage. I don't want to do that. I want to be completely natural within a year. I thought about Anger Management, but I know I'll approach it like I did AA. I'm the only one that listens to me. Well, this board actually has given me advice that I did listen too. Does anybody else have an anger problem they feel is adversely affecting their lives? What are good ways to deal with this without getting loaded. Oh, and for the record, I'm not a woman beater, and never been a bully. Just wanted to throw that in there. Thanks.
    where does this go?

    Anger Management anyone?

    I don't think I can help with any advice about anger management but I can tell you that you are not alone with your feelings. I get super angry. However, my anger can be put on a calendar and forecasted like an approaching storm. Hormones. I get hateful feelings and wish horrible things on people. I'm not normally like that and it's a bit scary to me when it happens, but it does just the same. Sorry, no advice, just some company.
    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


      Anger Management anyone?

      I will join you in the over the top anger club. But with not drinking as much I find it is not AS bad.......a lot of my anger, aside from hormones, comes from the hate and anger I feel towards myself when I drink too much and then I take it out on the rest of the world. Not a good way to live...........but it does get better when you are not so saturated with alcohol.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Anger Management anyone?

        Lush, I just wanted to say you are doing great with your moderating!

        Morrison, I think a lot of the anger is enhanced with alcohol. I have had some anger issues in my life due to the underlying reason - depression. Anger management has worked for some people I know. You are a smart and aware young man. Stay off the sauce, deal with the underlying factors and seek out counselling if you need to. It is all about well-being. (And no, I am not stalking your posts LOL! Sorry if it seems this way).


          Anger Management anyone?

          I am not an angry person these days but I can be a big Bitch. I am a firm believer in its all how you look at things. Glass half full or glass half empty kind of thinking. I live with a very demanding, A type person and boy that does get old sometimes. But I have to look at the positive to remind me that he is an extremely hardworker, wants the best truly in his heart for both of us. I think it is good you are recognizing the fact that maybe you are overreacting to things and then of course being difficult to be around. That is Huge!!

          Use that anger for something good, it takes alot of energy to be angry put it to good use.

          Hope it could help a little,


            Anger Management anyone?

            Awww thanks Accountable, you stalker!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Anger Management anyone?

              LMAO! I feel like one!


                Anger Management anyone?

                Maybe your angry responses are excessive, but is there something actually wrong with your job?? Overly controlling/demanding boss, slacking co-workers, etc.? Maybe you DO react excessively, but perhaps there is really a problem too. Why n0t have a good think about it and see what you come up with when you are away from the situation and not all worked up. I don't doubt that you have a problem with how you manage your anger, but I can't help but feel that there is probably something in the situation that is also a trigger as well.

                Good luck dealing with it all!
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Anger Management anyone?

                  Morrison I have to agree that I find my tolerance for just about anything is about zero if I am drinking or hung over. I actually can feel myself changing. Becoming more withdrawn when I drink and not interacting a lot. I guess because I don't want to make a fool out of myself and am disgusted when I let my drinking go too far.
                  Since moderating I have seen such a positive change with my family and work. I think I am finally becoming the person that I can be. A better person.
                  Best of luck
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Anger Management anyone?

                    Morrison, This is probably a very simplistic suggestion and you might already do this. But - do you exercise? I know several people with anger problems and real religious exercise has helped immensely. If you really exercise seriously it really can work on brain chemistry and help. Good luck, hope you find something that works for you. Aquamarine
                    AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                      Anger Management anyone?

                      Thanks guys for your understanding, and your advice. I'll try to respond to most of your posts about this issue a bit more. I have been AF for 18 days, and really don't want to drink. I'm happy 95 percent of the time. I do excercise. I don't smoke, and eat relatively well. I'm pretty certain I was just always really moody, and just messed my brain up with years of partying, which just excellerated the mood swings. Like I stated, I don't get low anymore, but that is probably the meds. I want to get off them too. It's true I'm sick of my job, and looking for something else, but it's not that bad. The logical part of me knows it is not that bad, but there is this thing that takes over. I realized that if this morning happened 3 weeks ago, I was running across the street to sneak a few long island ice teas. Sadly, I actually did that so many times. I truly don't want to drink, but the thought crossed my mind this morning. I know I'll be able to continue abstaining, but I need this anger to stop so I don't die a lonely man. I posted the original post right after I got angry this morning. My anger was intense for about 2 hours. A couple hours after that, I was questioning myself as usual. What the hell do I get so worked up about? I think to myself. Then I get bummed. Anyway, maybe I'll get a better job, and in time with taking better care of myself I can eradicate this issue. Thanks again guys. I was a little worried I would have turned some people off.

                      Accountable, it's all good. I'd probably post more, but I've been so damn busy lately. I literally didn't have a chance to get online at all since my post this morning.
                      where does this go?


                        Anger Management anyone?

                        Wow. A possible excellerent!

                        My roomate just got home. He saw me making some tea. He mentioned, "does that make you moody? Cause I noticed whenever I drink too much caffiene, I seem to snap a lot easier." Then I realized, since I stopped drinking, I have been drinking a s**t load of tea. Not too mention redbull on occasions when I have to get up really early and put in a 12 hour day. Maybe I'm using the caffiene as a replacement for the booze, and I'm overdoing it. I have to admit, I love it so. But, I believe caffiene is known to make people more edgy. Not saying I don't still have anger issues, but I'm starting to think that the large amount of caffiene is not helping. Damn, some times I look over such obvious things. I'll have to back off of it to see if that helps any.
                        where does this go?


                          Anger Management anyone?

                          OK - the stalker is back. LOL! As you can tell I have no life AT ALL at the moment!

                          Caffiene in excess will make you moody. I was drinking a LOT of coffee and tea since I quit drinking alcohol. I had to try to cut back a bit as of late because I was feeling a bit on the 'snappy' side. I noticed this as it happened to me years ago when I was drinking coffee like there was no tomorrow. Since my decrease in caffiene I have mellowed a bit. Your roommate is a smart cooky. You may want to decrease it a tad.


                            Anger Management anyone?

                            Accountable. It's interesting how we take up caffiene when we quit drinking. One is a depressent, and the other a stimulant. If you ever went to AA, you would see so much coffee and sweets.

                            I think its great that you post so much. Don't feel like a stalker. I feel like I already have a bit of a bond with you because of the Vegas connection. Plus, we're about the same age(I think you mentioned that in a post, sorry if I'm wrong), so we probably been through a lot of the same things. Keep the posts coming.
                            where does this go?


                              Anger Management anyone?

                              Hi Morr, yes I relate to the 'mist' that comes over a normally rational person (ME), and somehow it lasts so much longer now that I do not automatically think of my voddy fix later on, without the thought of having that my head becomes really tight with frustration at whoever/whatever caused my 'mist of madness'!! It really is very very REAL and consuming anger......... sorry I don;t know why or how, just wanted you to know you are not alone. How is your groin pain now?

                              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

