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What I will do with all that saved money...

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    What I will do with all that saved money...

    Day 1 is ending, and I feel really happy. I thought I would start a thread on what I might do with the money I will save. I estimate I spend about $400 a month on alcohol. That's a lot. I could instead

    - pay a car payment, and retire my 11 year old wheels. get one that qualifies for the carpool lane, and save an hour in my day. go live with that extra hour.

    - save and remodel my garage. let go of all the old stuff I'm holding onto, now that AF means I have to deal with loss, and let things go.

    - save and take a vacation with my son. Now that I'm AF, I can go away with him and not worry about how I can drink on vacation and find someone to watch over him.

    And you....

    Thank you for today.
    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

    AF since Oct 2, 2012

    What I will do with all that saved money...

    As much of this as I can[/video]]Playing with Nelso - YouTube!
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      What I will do with all that saved money...

      Mine is not as exciting as Nelz's, my husband would love that. I have saved enough after four months to be able to redecorate my bedroom. Keep it up Catbuddy, I never thought I woyld feel like this again.


        What I will do with all that saved money...

        nelz - is that YOU? Awesome. OK, so if i took all the money i saved from not drinking for say, a few decades, (perhaps centuries?) then i would - Welcome | Virgin Galactic

        Good thread, Cat. I had a bit of a shock today, for I've worked out that i ought to have saved about ?150 from the past 2 and a half weeks being AF. However my bank maxed out today ... I was a little bummed. Where's my dough?!?!

        I have spent a bit more on running gear, which isn't cheap... but then i realised that REALLY what i would have done, had i been drinking these past two weeks, would have been to go into my savings account (used to pay my taxes as i'm also a freelance worker) and spend than instead. As it is, I am actually able to get by until next pay day ... i hope.

        Another good excuse not to drink this month - no dough!


          What I will do with all that saved money...

          Hi RunningCourage,

          If you're going to push your body through running a marathon, you deserve some new gear! And that lack of AL spend means not only money for running gear but a better body for running! How it all comes together.

          I use to run distance as part of an outdoor/bootcamp/running club. Reasonably tough - 6-10 miles on steep trails in Marin. I would come home from a long run with the club, down a bottle of wine with lunch since I had earned it, and then sleep the afternoon away. I managed to be pretty healthy, but I was burning the candle on both ends for sure (and in my mid 40s).

          Now I'm dealing with nerve damage in my back and leg, and running is really tough. My right foot goes numb, then my leg. But I working on rehab, and doing short distances. I'm doing a short race on Sat (5k leg of a triathalon). One step at a time, right? I really want this part of my life back. So one thing I'm using my $$ for - sports rehab! And tomorrow before the race to loosen my back - a massage! Yeah! no guilt.

          :l Catbuddy
          "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

          AF since Oct 2, 2012


            What I will do with all that saved money...

            Having to hide My fatter wallet from the Mrs
            Sober since 13th January 2012


              What I will do with all that saved money...

              gidday. buy a chopper and do joy flights. thats what im doin now. gotta be sober for that line a work. ha!

              'fucked if i'm bowling in these conditions'. (bill lawry)


                What I will do with all that saved money...

                What did I do with my saved money?

                Today, I bought 30 lbs of meat from some "door to door" meat salesman. No kidding. I could try to explain it (local butcher, organic/grass fed), but really, it is just plain weird.

                "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                AF since Oct 2, 2012


                  What I will do with all that saved money...

                  Catbuddy;1389510 wrote: What did I do with my saved money?

                  Today, I bought 30 lbs of meat from some "door to door" meat salesman. No kidding. I could try to explain it (local butcher, organic/grass fed), but really, it is just plain weird.

                  :H:H:H Cat, that's funny. Absolutely random. So, you'll be having steaks, lasagne, mince and tatties, shepherd's pie and beef casserole for a while then...?!



                    What I will do with all that saved money...

                    Nelz?????? that is so cool!!
                    I am downloading more books from Nook!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      What I will do with all that saved money...

                      RunningCourage;1389567 wrote: :H:H:H Cat, that's funny. Absolutely random. So, you'll be having steaks, lasagne, mince and tatties, shepherd's pie and beef casserole for a while then...?!

                      I know - totally random. As this nice young guy with a truck behind him "Sonoma Meats" starting pitching me, I thought, why not? I have more money, I need to reward myself, I hate to shop but love to cook..... Then he brings out a CASE of meat, divided into six sections. Ribeye, New York Strip, Filets, Ground Ribeye, and T-bones as big as a dinner plate. Now, I'm from Texas, so deep in my heart this is a massive carnivore lurking. Denying my AL urges meant this meat eater took over. Do you have any idea how much meat it takes to get to 30 lbs? Anyway, it should last a good year, and yesterday I walked over to a good friends and gave her some steaks. It's the new "bottle of wine" gift from my household!

                      And I love Sheperd's pie. Technically, should be lamb, so maybe I'll mix lamb with the ground ribeye. Can we post photos here?

                      Loved your story in the nest!!

                      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                      AF since Oct 2, 2012

