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Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

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    Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

    Mick;1389716 wrote: Chuck this one in for good measure

    I saw my neighbour jogging at 1am this morning.I said it,s a bit late for that Michelle,isn't it ?.
    I couldn't sleep,she replied. Thats not what I meant you fat cow!!! can go off people y'know !!! (only kiddin........):H:H
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

      think we should all move int a big house by the sea......
      lock up the liquor cabinet
      all pets are allowed...buyt no husbands or kids (it's only temporary, mind you)
      and spend weeks laughing our asses off.....
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

        Cough cough....taps foot....tut tut....sigh..........

        Where's me cup of tea?
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

          mama bear;1389749 wrote: think we should all move int a big house by the sea......
          lock up the liquor cabinet
          all pets are allowed...buyt no husbands or kids (it's only temporary, mind you)
          and spend weeks laughing our asses off.....
          Sound like a plan mama b !!!

          When can we move in lol ???
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

            JackieClaire;1389761 wrote: Cough cough....taps foot....tut tut....sigh..........

            Where's me cup of tea?
            Please accepts this virtual brew on behalf of the army :-)
            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


              Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

              oooh ta.

              Gawd I'm freezing.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

                I know !!!!

                It's supposed to be near freezing overnight too !!

                Snugly pjs and duvet night me thinks
                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

                  As an aside - got me kitties a big snugly kitty bed - put em in it and they looked at me like I had 2 heads !!!

                  Jumped out and got back in the cat carrier !!!!

                  Ungrateful feckers !!!!
                  Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                    Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

                    I take it I'm not invited then, MB :upset:

                    :hallo: Army.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

                      Got to go to SW in a minute. Feel like I've lost a bit but I thought that last week.

                      Much rather be curled up in me onesie with a couple of kittens.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

                        tiptronic_ct;1389776 wrote: I take it I'm not invited then, MB :upset:
                        :hallo: Army.
                        I'll stick you in me handbag or you could dress as a lady.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

                          JackieClaire;1389781 wrote: I'll stick you in me handbag or you could dress as a lady.
                          I'd vote for dress as a lady lol !!

                          No offence tipsters xxx
                          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                            Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

                            Evening folks, busy boy, wifey away so fending for self, food shop done, dogs ran and watered, time to start prep dinner, back later. Thats all.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

                              Rightio orff going to drag meself to SW.

                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Tuesday 9th October

                                Someone I like, know and trust has offered to work the steps with me. She's not an aa person but involved in al anon

                                Heart says yes please but what do you think...
                                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

