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Quik Note setting record Straight

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    Quik Note setting record Straight


    Join Date: Feb 2012
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    I'm a descendant of President Abraham Lincoln & while he didn't belong to a church, & struggled with his faith at times, due to much heartache, he didn't deny God's divine existence & relied on scripture. I think there were times he saw so much death, even personally with the loss of his own children that he couldn't comprehend why God would allow these tragedies to happen. Read some of his letters, speeches & addresses to this great nation, my birth place.

    All these human tragedies have nothing to do with God at all!.... God is perfect love!...

    There have been times in my own life I've wondered if it was all BS. I'm very thankful that he does come after his little lost sheep. As I have struggled with my own faith before. I'm very happy that those battles are over!....

    If I & all the rest of us Christians are wrong, then we have nothing to lose after we die, but if were right, then we have every thing to gain!!!... Glory be to God & our Savior Jesus!!!...

    I'm not angry with your thread, it's the manner of how you've been disrespectful to other peoples beliefs. I'm a Christian & one of my dearest friends here, whom I love, is a Budhhist. I do believe in diversity & hope your atheist thread will be a place for yourself & others to discuss what ever it is, you all need to discuss, & have place to belong.

    After reading, I personally don't see you as an atheist, rather an agnostic. I think you are in a spiritual warfare now. There are things that the human eye doesn't see. Some of us have been given rare glimpses occasionally.

    One of our best family friends who comes to our home is agnostic. I think your angry with God, I do understand!... Some of my family members are atheists, agnostics & Christians. I'm not going to stop loving them, because our beliefs are different. But, I don't like them as much, I don't want to hang out with them as often. We sit on opposing teams. "It is what is" I'm not going to debate their beliefs with them, they are free to choose. It doesn't work out well anyway. I'm very grateful I live in a land where I'm free to choose.
    I Will Not Succumb! I Will Ride All Of It Out! I Will Not Only Survive, I Will Be Victorious! Alcohol Will Not Take Me Prisoner Again! It's Time To Live!
    Done With Alcohol 5/23/12


    I had no intention to mislead, Kradle, as I think can be shown. I hope this is an end to this matter.


      Quik Note setting record Straight

      Kuya, that explains nothing. I do not see anything offensive in WF post at all nor do I see any connection to Strugling. This is childish, why do you insist on being an antagonist?
      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


        Quik Note setting record Straight

        Originally Posted by Wildflowers
        One of our best family friends who comes to our home is agnostic. I think your angry with God, I do understand!... Some of my family members are atheists, agnostics & Christians. I'm not going to stop loving them, because our beliefs are different. But, I don't like them as much, I don't want to hang out with them as often. We sit on opposing teams. "It is what is" I'm not going to debate their beliefs with them, they are free to choose. It doesn't work out well anyway. I'm very grateful I live in a land where I'm free to choose.

        That's quite scary, the thought of being 'loved' my someone who doesn't like me! I think I'll pass thanks. Might give the 'hanging out' a miss too!

        I guess this encapsulates the problem we non believers have with religion.

        Peace and love to us all.
        I agree Kuya! Peace & Love To Us All !

        I wished I would have been more clear & if you go back over that thread I was. But, for Peace & loves sake lets not hun!.... Plzzz. :h I said that I've met people in my life from opposing beliefs, same beliefs that I didn't like either. I'm not saying I don't have prejudices, nor that I've never been a hypocrite in my life either. I'm a human being who suffers from many of the same flaws that humans do. I'm work in progress. I have a lot of work left to do! So, if I fecked something else up in my post you can give me 10 lashings. Be gentle now.

        But, I'm going to be honest now. It's not meant for sympathy votes. It's more out of that I'm recognizing something one of my fave posters who made a special visit today on the Army thread wrote about. Love You Oney!!!... :h She said she didn't know who she was when she got sober & it took her time to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. I'm thinking that maybe I will help woman who've been abused one day.

        Anyway, I'm in a bit of rush to get out & paint some more, as rain is coming tom. I have PTSD & GAD, which with that comes some depression. I was badly ~ badly molested as a child by my best friends Step Dad. From the ages of 7-10. Then again but not near to the extent by my uncle, who's my Mom's brother, 16 yrs younger.

        When I turned 40 I told my Grandma about my uncle, & nobody believed me. I was drunk off my socks. I was pizzed off at her as she was my caregiver so to speak. Mom was a single parent. Who also abused me in a diff way. Luv you Mama. Dad to, Luv u. ( another abuser)

        I'm estranged from most of them. Except Mom, a bit of grams,(94) it took a bit to see aunt. So there's no great love loss between my family & me. Some were arrogant feckers b4. I mean sitting at the dinner b-day celebrations & my family isn't included in convos. It had nothing to do with their beliefs, or lack of. However I think its natural for people to flock towards their own group, but not necessarily. :h

        I'm not a victim, I'm a survivor!... I'm not going to discuss all my 28 yrs of marriage shite. But, it turned out pretty darn good for the most part. Sigh............................................

        I will tell you this Kuya. If I'd been there that day, when he hit you, I swear, I would have done everything I could have to protect you. Your beliefs, or no beliefs would have not mattered to me!... Along with if somebody came on here started picking on you saying you couldn't get sober without an HP I'd say there wrong, which I think I did. We all have a right to belief anything we want!...

        I feel MWO is the wrong platform to discuss all are beliefs, non beliefs. I really don't care!... Lets just not attack each other about them! I think in hindsight if RJ would have planned ahead knowing that a Spiritual forum & Modders & Abbers war was going to divide the community here in such a negative way she would have asked Vbulltein to design a different software program. I think if this shite continues here when her web-hosting license is up, or sooner, she MAY yank this site down. I think we'd all hate to see that happen!!!..... Sigh.............................................. .......................................

        I also don't think everyone here is an alkie like me. I'm very happy for you!!! I wouldn't wish this on anyone!... I'm very happy that EVERYONE has a place to come for support!

        I do think there are always going to be people that want to poke fun of others. For fecks sake, I said this b4, why not try burying the fecking hatchet. How about just on Fridays to start? Why not elect two people from both sides who aren't so emotionally invested & try working out a peaceful treaty? :h

        What about all the people who really ~ really need help? Poster volume is down.

        I also saw that DfromCt apologized for calling us abbers Nazis, people that believed in powerlessness ( AA ) which really is misinterpreted by many. Now I accept his apology. I don't know if he retracted it or not, so maybe I'm naive like mom say I tend to be. But, I'm just not going to read over there.

        Kuya, I don't get how you came to that assumption that my Dear Friend Kradle no longer wanted to be my friend, from my post, but it doesn't matter now!!!.. This is what happens when we make assumptions without all the facts!... I have assumptions about things to that differ & I'm not right about everything, in fact I'm wrong a lot!... As they say the more I learn, I realize I know very little.

        I love what you said, " Peace and love to us all " Now it's time for some Kit Kat Bars & Painting. This is what happens when I buy Halloween candy early, I have to go buy more. LOL Have a good day! If you must have the last word, go for it. I'm not going to respond.



          Quik Note setting record Straight

          red67;1390980 wrote: Kuya, that explains nothing. I do not see anything offensive in WF post at all nor do I see any connection to Strugling. This is childish, why do you insist on being an antagonist?
          Have you even bothered to read, it is VERY clear?

          Of all the people who have posted here I am the ONLY one who has the right to defend what Kradle has posed. The only way I can do that is by reposting what was said.

          WF and I have spoken and put this behind us( see quotes thread) but if I am directly quoted I should be able to respond.

          If this is not good enough, then I refer everyone to my signature below, and have no more to add.



            Quik Note setting record Straight

            Awesome post WF, I wish I could be so eloquent. Writing is not my forte, I am a numbers girl. For those who want to discuss Accounting I am available
            AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

            Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


              Quik Note setting record Straight

              Wildflowers: that was such a moving, generous, humbling post. I for one am very sorry if you've been upset - there is no context to the written word on here and often tones are misinterpreted. You have shown great humility and I thank you.

              I think we all need to follow Strugling's advice and send each other peace and love :h


                Quik Note setting record Straight

                Well said oskb. WF, I also want to extend my forgiveness as well as offer an apology of my own. It's so easy to get caught up in the drama and lose sight of the reasons we are all here. I hope we can return to being a united community with mutual respect for one another.

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  Quik Note setting record Straight

                  well done both Wildflower and LibraryGirl - this is a great gesture by both of you, public apologies are not easy and I admire you both for doing this, and please know what a help this will be to all visiting are both to be congratulated!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Quik Note setting record Straight

                    My goodness I had no idea I could end up being so tearful about and AT MWO! Wildflowers and Library Girl, your heartfelt apologies are echoes of how I feel, too...I admire you both for your courage and fact I second everything Scottish Lass just said. .. FF
                    . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                      Quik Note setting record Straight

                      I want to offer my apologies as well. I want us to get back to being the great community that we are! We may not agree on a lot of things, but we are united in our battle against abusing alcohol. I promise to put down my spoon and stop stirring the pot!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Quik Note setting record Straight

                        scottish lass;1391028 wrote: well done both Wildflower and LibraryGirl - this is a great gesture by both of you, public apologies are not easy and I admire you both for doing this, and please know what a help this will be to all visiting are both to be congratulated!
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          Quik Note setting record Straight

                          I am also sorry. Being somewhat isolated over in the NN and seeing people come in as down as can be...I lose sight of the fact that not all of us find help on the same road. We are all fighting the same demon....hopefully no more will we fight each other.

                          Library...I saw you were having great success with a low carb diet so I decided to give it a try...the only thing I lost was ONE DAY....don't know how you do it...very well done.
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Quik Note setting record Straight


                              Quik Note setting record Straight

                              I want to say that I wrote my thread in a place I thought would be unnoticed except by those like minded. I honestly never meant to inflame such anger and my heart sank every time i saw a new post.

                              Perhaps with such diversity in the world the 'what we believe' forum should be removed. The only belief needed or appropriate on MWO, is the belief that recovery from alcohol abuse is achievable by many routes.

                              Wildflower and I have agreed that we are both extremely stubborn, and I become sarcastic and condescending when threatened and more and more defensive. Like her, I had a childhood sullied by neglect and abandonment which has deep and lasting consequences.

                              I am so sorry this has caused such upset and friction


                                Quik Note setting record Straight

                                Remove the what we believe thread??

                                FFS!. you've been trying to move all our furniture around since you came.
                                Enlightened by MWO

