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I'm new and confused ! many questions.

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    I'm new and confused ! many questions.

    Hello everyone,
    Like many of the posts I've read. My drinking has gotten to be too big a part of my life. A bad part. So last night I went on line to find help. Been to a few AA meetings and I feel it's not for me.This web site just jumped out at me and the more I read the more it felt like something I need to try.It's scary but I know I've got to just jump in and go for it!
    I'm with Kaiser and I dout they will perscribe off lable or cover the cost. I can probably get Topomax in Mexico as I live 1 hour from the boarder. What is the cost? Do I have to stay on it forever so I won't crave a drink? last week the Doc. wanted to put me on meds for high blood pressure I'm trying to avoid the drugs by losing 20 lbs. cut salt, drinking and have been exercising 3 to 5 times a week. How will this drug affect high blood pressure? It sounds like it will help with the weight. I'm going to purchase the book and hypno tapes today. Does the book itself come on CD? I'm a slow reader and love to listen to tape while I drive or at night in bed. I'm 46 years old, have a wonderful life and it's just time to stop the madness!
    Thank you all for listening and I appreciate any and all input

    I'm new and confused ! many questions.

    hey StiffOne. that's a great series of choices you are making., I can sooooo relate
    can't help with the pharmy meds but do know the kudzu from MWO is grand and I've taken my vitamin regamin much more seriously know as well. good for you for "going at it" and welcome,
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      I'm new and confused ! many questions.

      Hi Stiffone,
      Getting the book is a great first step. I too am a slow reader, because I don't have a lot of extra time but this book can be read really fast. I don't believe it comes on CD b/c I checked that out too.
      In the book RJ talks about Topa and really goes into it so a lot of your questions will be answered. I was on Topa and got up to 200 mg then worked my way down. It really helped me get a handle on it then I did it on my own. I also have taken Kudzu and all the other ones that are recommended.
      Good luck to you and glad you decided that it's time to change.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        I'm new and confused ! many questions.

        Hi StiffOne.. I am also new. I am going to try the supplements (M-Pak) w/ L-glutamine. I also bought the book and CD's as I do beleive in hynotherapy. Good luck to you!
        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          I'm new and confused ! many questions.

          Hi there Stiffone

          I am just starting out. I agree with Beaches that the book is a fast read. I am doing the whole programme, mainly because I am damn scared of what I might become if I don't take this seriously. I belive it will work. I ordered the topa off label from

          Buy Generic Topamax (Topiramate) Online :: and am on my first week.

          I am doing Beverly Hills Hypnosis CDs: Staying Sober Through Hypnosis by Trevor H Scott, bought from, and take all the supplements recommended in the book.

          I am on day 5 of the drugs etc and day 5 of being alcohol free. I have no cravings, it is incredible... (appetite dropped already too - woh!) This may change of course so let's not get too cocky here, but before I started this I was on 2 bottles of red wine a day minimum plus sneaky drinks of spirits. I am 39 and female.

          Different people here at this site have different experiences, and many people manage to control their drinking without doing the whole programme. I tell you all this because you are thinking of trying the whole shebang... I wanted to reassure you that it is SO worth the investment.

          the book should answer many of your q's, as will spending time reading this site.

          I wish you well S O - this is a wonderful wondeful place and has changed my life already.



            I'm new and confused ! many questions.

            Hi stiffone

            i am 52 and horrified i have high blood pressure..presumably due to alcohol as i am only about 10 pounds over weight.

            the panic is i dont want blood pressure pills, so i,ve got of my backside and started walking, cut the crisps and salt and been AF for 14 days so my head the plan is AF for lent which is until Easter satuirday and then review the situation.

            it would be fab if my blood pressure had gone down by then...if not i will accept the tablets to reduce it.

            however i must give myself these 6 weeks to try and live healthier as i will never know if i could have reduced the blood pressure by reducing the alcohol...i was drinking 3 -4 bottles of white wine a week over the last 6 months and the guilt was horrendous.

            dont want to die of alcohol related stuff as feel i could have done something about her ei go on a be healthy and AF 6 - 7 weeks and then who knows where that leads.

            good luck...let me know how the bloosd pressue goes when you are AF for a while



              I'm new and confused ! many questions.

              Hi Stiffone,

              I want to echo what everyone says here and suggest that maybe you try all aspects of the program before trying the topamax if you have concerns. A lot of us have found success without using it. I wish you the best. You have found a great place!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                I'm new and confused ! many questions.

                Thank you

                Thank you all for the support!
                I know it will be a tough haul but it really helps to know others are doing it. And successfully. I've placed my starter order and i think i will try all but the Topamax for now as lush sugested at least until I can get more educated and find the stuff.
                Well each time I want to mix one up I'll just have to read the thought away.
                3 leters of water a day wow I won't have any room for Booze.
                Casey I really don't want to do the blood pressure pills and generally don't like taking any drugs other than herbs & vitamines but if the Topamax gave me some of the results I'm reading about I'd give it a try. My drug phobia is probably cause both my brothers are major drug addicts. How Ironic I just picked Booze as my drug of choice.
                I hope I'm doing this posting stuff right I'm new to cumputer posting boards too.
                Again thanks to all for your support and insights


                  I'm new and confused ! many questions.

                  What was your last recorded blood pressure if you don't mind me asking.
                  And are you taking Topamax? Has anyone herd anything about Topamax and high blood pressure being a problem?


                    I'm new and confused ! many questions.

                    Stiff One,
                    Just take it easy and don't try to do it all at once.
                    Give yourself permission s to take yor time to do it in easyto work through segments.
                    Yep, this site also leapt out at me. It has literally saved my life. But that's another story.
                    It's only scary if it allow it to be. It is all in your mind and your wonderful imagination.
                    Start trusting yourself and believing in yourself. Also trust your doctor who is trying his /her very best to help you with the myriad of things you just presented.
                    PM me if you want. There is too mucvh here to address ina single post.


                      I'm new and confused ! many questions.

                      Stiff one;

                      Welcome! Being part of the MWO family is a great start. You will get so much support and conern here.:welcome:



                        I'm new and confused ! many questions.

                        Stiff One, I could not take topa because it lowered my blood pressure to much. I was already taking Blood pressure med. It lowered my resting heart rate to low 30's after 1 week of taking the smallest dose. I agree with Lush try the other things 1st. I am doing just fine without the topa. If you do want it and want your insurance to pay for it tell your Dr. you want it for weight loss. That is what I did because I didn't want to share my drinking issue with my Dr. Anway my insurace picked up tab on it without question.


                          I'm new and confused ! many questions.

                          Welcome, you have found a wonderful place. After many years of drinking, this program has been a life saver for me. The supps. have worked very well for me and the support you get here is amazing. Visit often and the nice thing about this program is that you can personalize it to meet your needs. I wish you all the best!
                          Colorado Chick!
                          Your support means the world to me...:h


                            I'm new and confused ! many questions.

                            After 2 months (not all of it af) I also decided AA wasnt for me. I think we've found a much better place and cant believe my luck at getting a 2nd chance to beat the booze


                              I'm new and confused ! many questions.

                              Hi Stiff One,

                              I agree with the others, start out reading the book and listening to the CDs, then you can decide on the Topa. I too live about an hour from Mexico, but to decided purchase my Topa online. I have not started it as of yet, but have it if I need it. The Kudzu from MWO is a great supp to help with cravings

                              Good to have you on board :welcome:

