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Army Thread Friday 12th October

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    Army Thread Friday 12th October

    mollyka;1391573 wrote: I thought I'd write a ditty
    but then 'twas a terrible pity
    they all went to bed
    the thread had gone dead
    and me so awfully witty!
    Och now that's just such a shame
    Sorry I wasn't at hame
    But I'm here the noo
    If just for a few
    Tae listen tae me bestie Dub dame


      Army Thread Friday 12th October

      Mick;1391578 wrote: And so the fun was over,
      The people left we re countin
      And peace and silence reigned once more.....
      On Granny Molls s mountain

      Night night all eace::bat
      satz123;1391579 wrote:
      Ah will ye get outta that
      Ye wee scotty brat
      Go now to bed
      Cover yer head
      We'll sort you out in the mornin' :H

      I'm hitting the sack
      But will be back
      That's all :H
      LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! :H


        Army Thread Friday 12th October

        mollyka;1391589 wrote: howrya Zen? Brought me irritable head with me to Aftercare - feel a bit guilty now
        Ach well... fair's fair after all. You have to listen to the rest ranting so it was your turn. N'est pas?


          Army Thread Friday 12th October

          JackieClaire;1391590 wrote: Pleasantly tired so orff to bed meself in a few.
          Got that book that Limers recommended.
          Whatcha reading?

          I saw over on "the other place" that Oners is off to bed with her Kindle. I'll be having visions of yis both propped up reading...


            Army Thread Friday 12th October

            mollyka;1391591 wrote: ah yer awful feckin brave now Benjy's gone to bed --- don't go pickin on me:upset: WTF's a bonglie
            LMAO!!! Us Heelanders call folk wot aren't from the Heelands "bonglies". "Sassenachs" is another good 'un... it's wot we call the Engerlish...


              Army Thread Friday 12th October

              mollyka;1391595 wrote: :H:H
              Only in the door meself Zens -- brain's fried tho - so no more poetry from moi
              I can feel mine starting to slide into a lower gear lol

              The weather broke here today. Finally.... autumn! Or "Fall" as they say on this side of the pond. It's lovely now... best time of the year to be here (there I go rhyming again!) :H


                Army Thread Friday 12th October

                mollyka;1391602 wrote: Nah - wasn't me moaning - silly bint that decided she HAD to drink --- 3 times - cos her husband was late home
                Hmmm. Just as well he didn't have an affair then.

                Nighty night luvvie... will see you on the morrow... xxx

