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Army Thread Saturday 13th October

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    Army Thread Saturday 13th October

    Good morning, folksies

    A right bunch of chatterboxes some of you were yesterday! Quite soon there'll be an anthology of Army poems as well :H

    I'm taking mum for a "cut and blow" this morning - she's been invited to lunch tomorrow. After that I'm off to a lunch myself - a friend is celebrating her birthday. At least I've been spared the agony of thinking of an appropriate gift. A couple of us are pooling together to buy her a hamper of treats.

    Also need to pop round the "outfitters" (yes, they still call themselves that) that supply the eldest cub's school clothes. He was awarded colours for chess at the prizegiving on Thursday. They get to wear a special tie, and he's dead excited to go and get his.

    The weather is perfect today - blue skies and expected to warm up to 24C. Maybe the cubs will have a bit of a swim. I'm not well-pleased when I have to keep an unused pool clean

    Have a lovely Saturday, folksies!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Saturday 13th October

    Good morning Mr T. We still have school outfitters here too. Your blue skies sound wonderful as at the moment it is grey and miserable.

    Mr A has gone fishing and I am off to help out at the Saturday race that I used to run each week.


      Army Thread Saturday 13th October

      Good morning ok?..right off to start the abs thread ..see you later
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Army Thread Saturday 13th October


        I'm off to food shop in a minute and then I'll stick my feet up in front of the telly and fall asleep with any luck.

        Happy saturday to all.


          Army Thread Saturday 13th October

          Mornin all.
          Happy Saturday.
          Army of 'little men' in here today for the final phase of the kit hen or as its now being called The Kitchmahal :H


            Army Thread Saturday 13th October

            anon;1391698 wrote: Good morning Mr T. We still have school outfitters here too. Your blue skies sound wonderful as at the moment it is grey and miserable.

            Mr A has gone fishing and I am off to help out at the Saturday race that I used to run each week.
            Not long now Ms A you'll be there with them :l
            We got blue sky here and yep - SUN :wow:


              Army Thread Saturday 13th October

              Little men???you got leprechauns building a kitchen for you...hmm that should be interesting..take it you are only having small meals :H:H
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Army Thread Saturday 13th October

                God morning Tippers, Our Whizzy, Mickleodeon, Reccybear, Satzuma and where the divil is everyone

                Logged in ages ago but had to have a long conversation about school outfitters, colours, houses and how Mr JC got colours for cricket in the 6th form.
                All I can remember is my Ma and Pa having to take out a loan to pay for my uniform. Not cheap, not cheap at all.

                Any hoo a huge :goodjob: to your cub, Tips.

                ooooooh blue skies on the Costa del Tyne.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Saturday 13th October

                  Just to let you know it's a big day for our dark orchid tart.............she becomes a mother-in-law for the first time later on today.

                  Happy vibes, thoughts and a mammy prayer or two for her wouldn't go amiss. I know she's dead nervous.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Saturday 13th October

                    Mick;1391731 wrote: Little men???you got leprechauns building a kitchen for you...hmm that should be interesting..take it you are only having small meals :H:H
                    Mornin Mick and JC
                    If anyone asks about getting work done here I always say ; I've a little man can do that :H
                    Mr Satz is crap in the house so is relegated to garden. He's brill at that it has to be said.


                      Army Thread Saturday 13th October

                      Is It Granny Mollers big day too?


                        Army Thread Saturday 13th October

                        Errrrrrrrr Mick. Thanks for the special mention in the ABs daily, but if ya want a hat I need an address.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Saturday 13th October

                          Ah there ye are. Homers wha?


                            Army Thread Saturday 13th October

                            Yo Mollers,
                            Didn't post as soon as I logged on. Just saw what Tips had said about his cub, told Mr JC and he was orff back to his fabulous school days.
                            I've actually been logged on since 6.30am.:H

                            Howsabout Mr and Mr Mollyka. Nice and formal and totally unmetrosexual.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 13th October

                              WTF is metrosexual - too lazy to goggle it

