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    Hello everyone! I wanted to share an inspirational quote with you all today
    'Time is God's way of keeping everything from happening at once'
    Take it one step at a time. Think back on the times when alcohol wasn't even a thought in your mind, when you were a child...Do you remember how happy you were? Children don't need a substance to be happy because they are so curious about everything. Everything is so new to them so they approach with the attitude of "what is something cool that I can do today?" I remember doing things as a child like searching for gold in the creek in our back yard. Yeah I never found any, but man was I busy. I believe if you set out to accomplish your new goal with a completely new mind set you will succeed. Be curious & interested as if you were a passionate. Go ahead & develop goals that your rational mind won't accept, dream. If you shoot for the stars you may not make it, but you could hit the moon. Try to think outside of the emotional aspect too. Do a simple experiment or something. Go out to the bar with the intention of not drinking a bit & observe how others act. Relate that to your own actions. Do research. Research, research, research. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! God bless you all that carry good intentions in your heart. Peace be with you.


    I LOVE THIS....I too used to spend countless hours searching for gold in the creek....found lots of fools gold. Thank-you for the inspiration...

