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Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

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    Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

    I am now going to get me dinner. Very late again.

    I'll be lurking about later.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

      Panno;1393781 wrote: I'm pinching that one, thanks
      Its good with rotisserie chicken too! And burgers...


        Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

        JackieClaire;1393766 wrote: Panno!!!! You're a very naughty girl.

        What you doing tomorrow afternoon. All round to mine to watch the footie on the TV.

        Bring yer slankets, pop corn and chocklit. Drinks will be provided by who ever can get their backside off the settee and put the kettle on.
        Can't make tomorrow but I'm up your way next Thursday for a meeting if your free late afternoon
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

          Zenstyle;1393784 wrote: Its good with rotisserie chicken too! And burgers...
          sounds posher :H:H
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

            JackieClaire;1393783 wrote: I am now going to get me dinner. Very late again.

            I'll be lurking about later.
            Enjoy!!! :l


              Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

              Panno;1393785 wrote: Can't make tomorrow but I'm up your way next Thursday for a meeting if your free late afternoon
              If MADAM is FREE... :H


                Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

                Zenstyle;1393789 wrote: If MADAM is FREE... :H
                You just want your beanie finished :H
                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

                  Yer right Panno! How can she work on beanies if she's having fun with thou?!!


                    Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

                    I am having a wee sit down for 10 mins then I'm off to buy a couple of things for Hamish arriving tomorrow. He's on different food to what I use so I need to transition him. (He's coming in at 6pm tomorrow.)

                    I don't think you saw him Panno... I'll go to Photobucket and load his pic on the thread... (Proud fur parent... lol)


                      Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

                      Ma new boy...


                        Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

                        I just hope Dougie thinks he's a sweetie too!!!

                        How was AA?


                          Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

                          Zen he is gorgeous, I'm in love :h
                          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                            Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

                            mollyka;1393804 wrote: Oh - I hope so:l If they're anything like my two oldest lads god help you!! I reckon there's a lot of sibling rivalry going on at the moment between Adam and Si. definite feelings of 'unease' round the clan
                            AA was GREAT!!! My unfavouritest meeting this one --- but - there was a lady there from the nice one I go to on Sunday's and she asked me to do the chair!! Fecking chuffed I am - scared - but chuffed
                            Go you Molly you'll 'be grand' as you Irish say
                            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                              Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

                              mollyka;1393804 wrote: Oh - I hope so:l If they're anything like my two oldest lads god help you!! I reckon there's a lot of sibling rivalry going on at the moment between Adam and Si. definite feelings of 'unease' round the clan
                              AA was GREAT!!! My unfavouritest meeting this one --- but - there was a lady there from the nice one I go to on Sunday's and she asked me to do the chair!! Fecking chuffed I am - scared - but chuffed
                              You're chairing next Sunday's meet? Fair play girlie!!! You'll do great! :l


                                Army Thread Tuesday 16th October

                                Panno;1393806 wrote: Zen he is gorgeous, I'm in love :h
                                Tanks. I'm really looking forward to having a young 'un around again...

                                Mollers... yeah, I'm sure there will be a bit of Si and Adam going on!

