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do you have any phobias

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    do you have any phobias

    After watching a tv show this morning that featured a segement on phobias. I realized I have several and at least one contributes to my drinking problem. I will list mine; join me if you wish.
    1 Heights: only in open spaces
    2 snakes and anything reptile like
    3 Tall Buildings
    4 Flying (odd because I was a flight attendant for years I think 9/11 is the reason for that)
    5 Social Anxiety .. This is the one that freaks me out to where I would drink before I went anywhere. And when I got there even more. I tend not to be that social any more' just here on the boards
    6 sounds silly but CLOWNS scare me to death
    7 dirt or anything on my hands
    My goodness! I think I have issues
    trying to smile

    do you have any phobias

    gloved hands.. like at the dentist - FREAKS ME OUT!
    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      do you have any phobias

      Social anxiety with people i don't know. Positively the opposite when i get to trust someone. Big spiders! (really scared) Arrogant people i always avoid.


        do you have any phobias

        Wow Simey that is quite a list

        I am deathly afraid of crocodiles, alligators and sharks. Jaws freaked me out when I was a kid and it took me years to go in the ocean again.

        When I was little I had alligators under my bed in the dark. Then I went to FL and a little old man told me to be careful, when I was walking over a wooden bridge, because if I fell in the alligators would have a nice snack. I never recovered. Grrr
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          do you have any phobias

          I am terrified of clowns and totem poles. Oh and rats. And flying. And if you touch my shins I will smack you.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            do you have any phobias

            LMAO Lush, what is up with the shins???
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              do you have any phobias

              When I was young, I tried to dive from a chair into a pool. Well stupid me did not realize that when I pushed off the chair would go backwards not allowing me to propel forward. My shins landed right on the edge of the pool full force, fractured and bleeding. It was awful. So the thought of anyone touching them makes me sick.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                do you have any phobias

                Big hairy spiders..with lots of eyes looking at you
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  do you have any phobias

                  scared to death of spiders....severly arachnaphobic.
                  I've had a run-in with just about every dangerous animal in the world, but only scared of spiders. when I lived in Aussi-land I had the following animal experiences:
                  picked up and played with a blue ring octopus,
                  picked up and played with a stonefish.
                  accidentally stepped in a taipan snake barefoot,
                  got "nudged" by a big shark...fortunately it hit my board and not my body,
                  had funnel-web spider infestation in my flat in Sydney,
                  almost got kicked in the face by a cassewary (giant bird)
                  stung many times by blue bottle jellyfish
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    do you have any phobias

                    Oh, Lush...that shin story made me hurt! I can just picture how that happened.
                    I have a terrible fear of lightning, tornados and hurricanes.
                    Although I went thru a hurricane when I was 16, my bigger fear is tornados and lightning.
                    I have recurring nightmares of running from tornados.
                    I have promised myself that whenever I move or buy a new house it will have to have a I can hide from the tornados!



                      do you have any phobias

                      Oh yikes!

                      Mine is claustrophobia. Cant stand being closed in. Wheather it be a small room, closets, dr's offices - need the door cracked while I am alone waiting. Bathrooms, usually keep it open all the time. Bathroom stalls - usually come out pullin up my pants as soon as I am slightly decent. Dont even like my bedroom door shut. Elevators a big no-no. And stuff like that.

                      Also have a problem with people standing to close to me. Of course this isnt close loved ones, but just regular people. I want them arms distance away. Or I will back away. In an exersize class or such...if its to crowded around me...I'll get up and move my stuff. Standing in lines - same thing. Might even pass out.

                      Geeze....I sound like such a wuss to me.

                      Like Lushy...GOD FORBID anyone come up behind me without me hearing them and sneak up on me and touch me. Defintally gonna get slammed first and an apology next, with their life threatened if they ever did it again.

                      My other phobia is roaches - I think I have seen ONE in my life but dont mention them cuz I might like move out of the state or something. I once THOUGHT I saw one in my business - I closed up for three days until I could get an exterminator. Turned out to be a dead beatle. (oh brother)
                      Gabby :flower:


                        do you have any phobias

                        Oh of my favorite things in life is a good thunder storm with lots of lightning. Especially if it takes out the power.

                        Just love it! weird huh?
                        Gabby :flower:


                          do you have any phobias

                          Lisa. with you on the thunder and lighting I really like it.but you guys reminded me of other things that scare me,
                          anything in the ocean ..Sharks jellyfish crabs ..ewwh
                          and death
                          Man, do I ever need work.



                            do you have any phobias

                            Gabby, funny you should mention lightning storms..I love them too which is a bit odd since I was hit by lightning and knocked out in 1992 when I lived in Georgia. I never went to the doc....I hate doctors too come to think of it!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              do you have any phobias

                              Gabby LOL at the coming up behind you and scaring you. I will rip someones eyes out for that. Gee, I am starting to sound violent now aren't I? Yes, Death is #1 on my list too Simey. Basically I think we are all a mess.......
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

