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Work Load

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    Work Load

    Hi all,

    Monday morning is looming like a big dark cloud. Where I work is developing new departments throughout the whole hospital, I get asked daily (almost) for admin/secretarial input which I do try to accommodate through I think a reluctance on my part to 'just say no', I have a full time secretarial position and am quite honestly feeling like the department MUG, and that my desk is the known dumping ground! How do/would you deal with this? I am I think quite assertive, well maybe not assertive but certaily not a doormat personality but do have a problem with saying NO, I can't possibly take on more work, especially to professionals and managers. Any advice at all would be gratefully received, I already do the 'oh put it on my list and I will get round to it if I have time', and 'I do already have a full time job you know' but still it is me that people come to, I wouldn't be so miffed if they went to my colleague as well or even just left things on her desk as they do to me but that doesn't seem to happen as she is very aloof and stern looking..... is this the way to go? don;t smile or be pleasant to anyone and then I would be left alone to do my job??? My Manager has instructed me to just say NO, but the
    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

    Work Load

    Hi Lorna!

    {{{{{{Lorna}}}}}} I don't work out side my home but I think we all have to learn to say no to things that really don't come under our "job discription".
    You said your boss said to say no....that sounds like the perfect excuse .
    It is very stressful for us when we say we will do something and then later can't work it in. I know I have had to stop and put off an answer to think about it I can do something. Usually if I take some time, then I figure out that I really don't want to or just can't do something.
    If I say yes quickly it makes more stress and that may lead to looking for ways to drinking or taking meds for our nerves.
    Be your own "best friend". You wouldn't let someone overload a friend....don't let it happen to yourself either.
    You will be much happier and feel a lot less stressed.

    How's the book reading going? Good I hope!
    Love you,
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

