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Army Thread 19th October

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    Army Thread 19th October

    Lovely cats, zenny and great pics!


      Army Thread 19th October

      Evening army oh i luv the pics of your kitties Zen and your house looks fab too. I'm just sitting on the couch watchin tv with Prince sitting beside me and Ollie is out for his evening wander. Ahh bet ye can't waut Tipps for mrs T to get home i'm sure the kids miss her too. I have lost 2 cats and i still miss them but i'm not planning on getting any more two is enough to fed and Prince is booked in for neutering on Jan 23rd next year. Our low cost Blue Cross vet is booked up for 3 months. Never known it that busy. But at least he has an appointment. Whats everyone up to this friday? Just chillin with tv here.:television::catroll:


        Army Thread 19th October

        Heya Reccy Bear!!! How are you today? :l

        Jacks... get one of those hairless ones like in the Austin Powers flix... Mr Bigglesworth... :H

        Tipps... your house sounds like a cool gaff with all the critters and the pool and all.....


          Army Thread 19th October

          Firefox;1395662 wrote: Evening army oh i luv the pics of your kitties Zen and your house looks fab too. I'm just sitting on the couch watchin tv with Prince sitting beside me and Ollie is out for his evening wander. Ahh bet ye can't waut Tipps for mrs T to get home i'm sure the kids miss her too. I have lost 2 cats and i still miss them but i'm not planning on getting any more two is enough to fed and Prince is booked in for neutering on Jan 23rd next year. Our low cost Blue Cross vet is booked up for 3 months. Never known it that busy. But at least he has an appointment. Whats everyone up to this friday? Just chillin with tv here.:television::catroll:
          Hiya Foxy Loxy!

          That's the one bad thing about having animals.... when they go to the Rainbow Bridge. I think I'm ready for it now. I hadn't experienced much in the way of death prior to Seamus and MacGregor and it floored me but I am fine with it now... (((I think!)))

          They have vans that go around here neutering them. And you can get shots for free as well. I did a "cheapo" for Dougie's last shots... it's the same thing. Maybe you have something like that in Eire?


            Army Thread 19th October

            Firefox;1395662 wrote: Evening army oh i luv the pics of your kitties Zen and your house looks fab too. I'm just sitting on the couch watchin tv with Prince sitting beside me and Ollie is out for his evening wander. Ahh bet ye can't waut Tipps for mrs T to get home i'm sure the kids miss her too. I have lost 2 cats and i still miss them but i'm not planning on getting any more two is enough to fed and Prince is booked in for neutering on Jan 23rd next year. Our low cost Blue Cross vet is booked up for 3 months. Never known it that busy. But at least he has an appointment. Whats everyone up to this friday? Just chillin with tv here.:television::catroll:
            Hi foxy, I've been watching the tv too, Nigel Slater's Dish of the Day.

            Zenstyle;1395663 wrote:
            Heya Reccy Bear!!! How are you today? :l
            I've been better, TBH. Spent the last two days throwing up. Upset stomach, nothing to do with AL, you understand.

            Shame to spend your 50th getting your license sorted out.


              Army Thread 19th October

              Zen the Blue cross have vans that go round some places in Dublin and do vacinations at a 3rd of regular vets also checkups examinations etc for 15e minmum donation. They have their small animal clinic near Dublin city for ops neutering x-rays stuff that they can't do in the van and also in patient consultations for pets. I would be lost without them. They have a website Irish Blue cross if you want to google them. They are only in the Dublin aera but i'm sure other counties have charity services as well. My two other cats didn't die they went missing and dispite searching phone alls etc. I think a fox got Amber my only female cat a fluffy ginger one. Hi Reccie how is Poppy?


                Army Thread 19th October

                Are you all right Reccy? What's going on... a stomach bug?


                  Army Thread 19th October

                  [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Oh sorry to hear u had a tummy upset ReccieCOLOR]


                    Army Thread 19th October

                    Awwww.... I'm so sorry Foxy. It's awful when they leave us, for whatever reason. Reccy lost one a year or so ago. It's very sad when it happens...

                    The Irish Blue Cross sounds like the thing they have going here.

                    I'm off to find a funny on YouTube.... )


                      Army Thread 19th October

                      Yo Reccy.:l

                      Just watching Bess trying to catch a daddy long legs. Funniest thing I've seen for a long time.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread 19th October

                        Firefox;1395669 wrote: Zen the Blue cross have vans that go round some places in Dublin and do vacinations at a 3rd of regular vets also checkups examinations etc for 15e minmum donation. They have their small animal clinic near Dublin city for ops neutering x-rays stuff that they can't do in the van and also in patient consultations for pets. I would be lost without them. They have a website Irish Blue cross if you want to google them. They are only in the Dublin aera but i'm sure other counties have charity services as well. My two other cats didn't die they went missing and dispite searching phone alls etc. I think a fox got Amber my only female cat a fluffy ginger one. Hi Reccie how is Poppy?
                        She's very well, thanks, foxy. I'm not going to get another cat at the moment cos the vet bills are too much.

                        Zenstyle;1395671 wrote:
                        Are you all right Reccy? What's going on... a stomach bug?
                        Yep, it may be a stomach bug, zenny. Hopefully I'll be ok by tomorrow.

                        Edit: Hiya Jackie


                          Army Thread 19th October

                [/video]]We don't gnaw our kitty - YouTube


                            Army Thread 19th October

                            JackieClaire;1395675 wrote: Yo Reccy.:l

                            Just watching Bess trying to catch a daddy long legs. Funniest thing I've seen for a long time.
                            That would be like me trying to find a grain of sand on the frikken floor! Did she get it???


                              Army Thread 19th October

                              Zenstyle;1395678 wrote: That would be like me trying to find a grain of sand on the frikken floor! Did she get it???
                              Most of it.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread 19th October

                                Recluse;1395676 wrote: She's very well, thanks, foxy. I'm not going to get another cat at the moment cos the vet bills are to much.

                                Yep, it may be a stomach bug, zenny. Hopefully I'll be ok by tomorrow.
                                I hear you on the vet bills and I am slightly freaked. This cat has had all his stuff done and was meant to go to another owner, so I lucked out at not having to pay for that. I actually got a really good deal (sounds awful) with him. But... hey... I'm broke so I need to get all the deals I can. Lucky to have held onto the house and double lucky to have got a new kitty for me 50th! )

