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First AF weekend in years

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    First AF weekend in years

    Since joining this site in January I've been able to significantly reduce my alcohol intake. I stopped drinking from Sunday to Thursday and drank a bottle of wine on Friday and a bottle on Saturday. Still more than I hoped to be drinking but a start at least.

    Without any doubt the most powerful thing for me has been regularly reading the posts on here. It's reassuring reading back through old threads of people who have been on here a long time - their ups and downs and seeing how well many are doing now. It is also reassuring to read the posts of the new members - although all our stories are different, there are also so many similarities. It's good to feel you are not alone, you can express yourself and not be judged and receive so much unconditional support. You can be on or off the wagon and the support still applies.

    Anyway, I have just found out I'm pregnant! Very, very early days so trying not to get too excited. So I've just had my first AF weekend. Wow - I got so much done! I can't remember my last AF weekend - I've been drinking since I was 14. Do you know what? It was really ok!

    A while ago I posted asking for advice regarding alcohol and pregnancy and the replies I got certainly ring very true. Something just kicks in and takes over. I've no cravings or desire to drink. It's not that Im feeling sick - the desire has just gone. Nevetheless, I'm not going to let my guard down. I've poured all the wine away just in case, and I will keep checking in here for my regular dose of support and inspiration!

    Take care,

    Nicole x

    First AF weekend in years

    Oh Nicole,
    How wonderful for's to your new beginning!!!! Keep us posted.


      First AF weekend in years


      HI Nicole2003,

      A big congratulations to your on your pregnancy and your AF weekend. I know what you mean about not having the desire to drink when you are pregnant. Isn't it great? I loved being pregnant and loved that I was doing everything I possibly could for my child before she was born.

      Now you will have even more motivation to continue AF.

      Congrats again!! I am so happy for you!!


        First AF weekend in years

        That is great news Nicole! Congratulations. I was so worried about giving up wine when I got PG, but thankfully I developed a real aversion to it. Sounds like you were already setting up great habits to prepare you for the nine months and beyond!!! Best of luck.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          First AF weekend in years

          Well done Nicole!


            First AF weekend in years

            Hey congrats, you are on your way.



              First AF weekend in years

              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                First AF weekend in years


                Welcome to MWO....There is lot's of help here...
                Control the Mind


                  First AF weekend in years

                  congrats! I also remember the craving just disapeared when I found out I was pregnant. I had ONE glasss of wine a few times a month - which my doc OK'd, and never craved it - so crazy! It really does go to show you that a lot of this is changing the way we think - what else could explain the sudden change. Very excited for you on all your wonderful news!
                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    First AF weekend in years

                    Dear Nicole, Hi and welcome.
                    That's great that you've started so well. It's a great feeling isn't it.
                    As your baby is completely dependant on you, you now have a huge incentive to stop drinking.
                    Well done, keep posting.


                      First AF weekend in years

                      Congrats Nicole! Like many of us, we dropped the alcohol because of our pregnancies. The urge wasn't there for me to drink either. It is like something takes over your mind and your body - you are the one who is solely responsible for that developing child. That alone gives the incentive to stay well and away from the alcohol.

                      Congratulations again! :l


                        First AF weekend in years

                        That's it... I'm getting pregnant! lol Just kidding

                        ~Congratulations~ I am so happy for you, and what an amazing turnaround you've made for yourself!

                        Big hug from the Doo
                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          First AF weekend in years

                          Congratulations Nicole!! You are on your way! So glad your body is not wanting this either! Best Wishes! Mary


                            First AF weekend in years

                            Congrats on the baby and for your first AF weekend. Great job
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              First AF weekend in years

                              Wonderful wonderful news!

