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just doing so poorly

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    just doing so poorly

    D, I have been insipred by so many of your posts since joining a month ago. you sound like a lovely guy, and we all wish you well. god knows we've all let oursleves down before.

    Let me pass on the motto of the British Army: FIDO - Fuck It, Drive On.

    Best Wishes to you and your wife, K x


      just doing so poorly

      Hi D,

      Sorry you are feeling bad - but:

      The past is already gone - do not beat yourself up over it, you can't change it - so just let it go.

      The way that is working OK for me, is to try very hard to always be aware of the decisions and choices I am making in every present moment.

      One day at a time is far too long a timescale for me to be able to cope with, there is too much future and too many "what ifs" in a whole day.
      I personally need to break it down into little bits - even smaller than baby steps!

      It is in the present moment that we actually pick up that glass, the present moment we push open the door to the liquor store or whatever.

      If we try to make the right choice in the present moment, there is no need to worrry about the past, because it is gone, and no need to worry about the future - it will take care of itself.
      It makes the whole process a lot easier to handle!
      The best thing is - we do not even have to have our awareness turned up all the time - we drinkers have a useful switch.
      Every time alcohol rears its head, it already gets our attention - big time!

      So as soon as the attention is grabbed by alcohol, that is when I turn up the volume on the decision making process!

      Give it a try - might work for you too

      You have been doing great, you and all of us on here know you can do it.
      Take care of yourself,
      Good luck

      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        just doing so poorly

        D, are you still beating yourself up over that fence and your slip? Trust me I have slipped. Then,I spend days beating myself up.telling myself I wasn't worth the effort and trying to keep to keep myself away from everyone because of the shame I felt. My Husband used to ask me what will make you happy? As if it were that simple. We are all complex humans with our own share of trouble; take a little of everything you read here and make it work for you as best you can.You are strong (hey you got struck by lightin and survived) I am sure God has a plan for you. And it's a good one. I tend to think we judge ourselves far to harshly. You can do this. We do big things a little at a time; you want to be on a mountain you have to learn to climb. (Barney The Dinasour) Don't laugh that little song I learned with my Grandson has helped with a lot of large tasks in my life. Look at each day as a child does with new eyes as not what you can't do but what you can. As my Hubsband has said "you slipped that was yesterday not today" I belive that for you too.
        Warm wishes and & smiles


          just doing so poorly

          Hi Determinator,

          I agree with Satori, you can't change the past. Along with the weather I also began March in like a lion. For the first time since Jan. I drank for three nights in a row, started to beat myself up over it and then decided that was a bad road to take. I decided it was over and done now what am I going to do in the future, hopefully learn from the past. Giving up this poison is very hard and I will probably fall down again, but am hoping each time I can pick myself up quicker.
          You went 6 days af last week bravo, I know you can do that again and even more.
          Good luck to you, we are all here for you.
          Take care
          :h :l :h :l
          "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
          Catherine Pulsifer


            just doing so poorly

            Determinator- Sounds like you are having a rough time. I think one of the worse things we all do (at least I do) is to let slips big or small pull us down. They can pull you so far down and make it so hard to get back up. I just recently realized this. As simple as it is ,like everyone is saying ,just put it behind you. I do believe that it can make you stronger in the long run, but you have to let it. Focus on how you've been able to be strong in the past and move on. It is what it is- just a slip. You will feel so much better physically and emotionally in just a short time once you get going again. Hang in there! Aquamarine
            AF SINCE 3/16/2016


              just doing so poorly

              so wise, kind and succinct you all. oh my word Kate the British Army motto rolled me. FIDO. my goodness. well, my eyes are just so puffy and yellow today, I lool and feel like death warmed over, but I'm finalyy regaining my resolution and conviction of spirit. Tawney, I'm going for the garlic right now, even tho it won't stay down.....arg.
              yes Simey, still beating myself to peices...can't stop doing that yet.
              Satori, you are a wise sage, and I fully relate on the time keeping issues.
              Bella (Bella Dona I'm assuming)
              Mom of 2
              Dilayne, my spiritual coach,
              Lou, you rock
              Ilike Brandy
              Julie 001
              and everybody I don't have the mental cpacity to recall at the present moment...(but i will dammit)
              you are all the best damn team in the world! thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                just doing so poorly


                Your right...i think we (inc you) could quite possibly be THE best team in the much help and insight here...sometimes the people here can even make you recognise traits in yourself that you truly didnt know existed, this has certainly been the case with me. I hope your feeling better mister..even just a little bit.
                Just think "baby steps" it takes time and a lot of support, and you know that you have that support here. so glad to hear you more positive today.

                Big hugs to you and your lovely wife

                Lou-Lou x x x
                "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                  just doing so poorly

                  I hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds like you are gaining some of that motivation back that you need. It sucks when we get stuck in the cycle but you know and we all know that you can break out it again.
                  Get some rest, eat and drink lots of water. Tomorrow will be a new day and we will all here for you then too.
                  Take Care
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    just doing so poorly

                    it's true, Lou, we really are the best team. thank you for your strength. and Beaches too. haven't felt this crapppy in av very long time and I wish it would end. I think I will see docter soon. take care all. I'll send a picture when I'm feeling up to a photo.
                    and thanks to mom of two, and simey and all the rest, big hugs from my sore tired self!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      just doing so poorly


                      You take care sweet heart and get all the help you goes without saying that were all here for well x x
                      "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                        just doing so poorly

                        Hang in there, D and just give yourself time to heal and get back on track. I like quotes, and here's a particular favourite: "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" Confucius 551-479BC - you've done it before and you'll do it again - we're all here to listen, support and to help get you back on your feet!

                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
                        Days 15-21 DONE
                        30 days DONE
                        60 days
                        100 days

