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just doing so poorly

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    just doing so poorly

    my dear wife must be so upset. I could not even haul my sorry ass to work today......I'm such a wreck...OMG please tell me I'll be ok. I'm so weak I can't even ge to the mail.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    just doing so poorly

    Hey D, what is going on? You did six days last week and you can do it again. Are there any aspects of the program you can try that you have not yet? Have you tried the CDs? I just started them last week and really feel like they are helping. Don't get yourself into a spiral of overdrinking. You have been doing so well. Chin up!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      just doing so poorly


      You are not only going to be ok, you ARE ok. You are taking a mental health day. You and at least a million other duly employed souls many of whom have no dealings with the bottle. Be kind to yourself and forgivingly get on with it. Your wife just might understand more than you imagine. If she doesn't, tell her (and yourself) that tomorrow is another day.


      P. S. Ditto what Lush wrote--guess we were posting at the same time.


        just doing so poorly

        If you have done it once you can do it again! And you DID IT LAST WEEK, right? What's going on? Can you think back and pinpoint any trigger that set you off? We all have so many but it just takes one. Hang in there my friend. Feeling like sh*t really sucks! But you will get better.
        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


          just doing so poorly

          Determinator.. I concur w/ Lush! Count your victories, not your failures. You HAVE to forgive yourself and move on. A walk to the mail may be a really good thing right now.. it's not about falling, it's about picking yourself up - I know you have prpbably heard it all - but it is really important!
          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            just doing so poorly

            Hang in there D~
            Re-hydrate, rest, never give deserve it.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              just doing so poorly

              Determinator, you can do it! You gave me inspiration last week to have just 1 AF.

              A hangover has got to be the biggest reminder of how wretching alcohol is, so maybe this is just a part of the process for you after such an amazing week last week, and will serve as a big reminder of what motivated you to have such success last week.

              Big hug and please try to be nice to yourself.

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                just doing so poorly

                We're here for you D -- don't give up. Today's another day to be strong again like last week. You can do it - just for today!


                  just doing so poorly

                  Don't get down. Realize how you feel and then get back up and brush off. You can do this, you have proven that to yourself. We all have a slip and learn from it how to get better.
                  Take Care
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    just doing so poorly

                    Pick yourself up, brush off the dirt, and move forward. You did it before, you can do it again. Here's to a new start and tomorrow. I have read many wonderful postings you have written. You have inspired many. 6 days is better than no days. I am grateful to make it 4 days AF right now. Each day is new...


                      just doing so poorly

                      Hey D, you are doing great, Lush is so right . . .YOU CAN DO THIS!! We saw you! Hugs, Mary

                      PS: TOC - 4 days AWESOME!!


                        just doing so poorly

                        you are all so great. my big thanks to you all. I wish I loved myself more. maybe I will. I just cant stop crying now. sorry, gotta go now. you are truly the best friends you all.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          just doing so poorly

                          D, hang in there. You can do this. It takes practice and determination. Hence your name "Determinator". We love you too, and are we here for you always. Keep trying my friend. You did awesome last week - you can do it again this week! Wishing you the best.


                            just doing so poorly

                            so kind. I will certainly try. thanks again all you wonderful loving friends.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              just doing so poorly

                              Hi Determinator, I think you just had a set back and as bad as you feel I know its worse when someone you love is really mad at you. For all its worth I think you would not feel this bad both physically and emtionally if you did not care about yourself and your wife. I have been where you are now a few times since starting MWO so do not give up

                              Take it easy OK

