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S.Pellegrino by the case!

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    S.Pellegrino by the case!

    I can't recall who posted the idea that they order S.Pellegrino by the case but whoever you are, I am joining you!

    I coincidently had an unopened bottle in the fridge and am having one right now (at a time when I'd normally be having my first glass of wine. What a great idea!

    So my weekly shopping list now will include a case of the Pellegrino, a few limes for the fruit bowl and that is going to be my drink of choice for this evening at least. One day at a time and all of that Whoever it is who posted that idea... thank you!

    Mmmm... there is something about Pellegrino that I could find addictive, and a way of relaxing and indulging myself without a ghastly hangover! Pellegrino addict in the making perhaps?

    "Kids... keep out of Mum's Pellegrino!"

    I can feel an AF night coming on... YES!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    S.Pellegrino by the case!

    Yep, I get it from Woollies. The Chinnotto and the little red aperitifs, except they are so small. Sometimes I get my local Italian restaurant to order in another Chinnotto, which is in a 300 ml bottle. The Large Coca Cola bottleso0f Chinnotto I find are too big for me and I throw half wawy as it goes flat.
    Beware though, they are all loaded with sugar!


      S.Pellegrino by the case!

      get mine from Costco, I like it so much better than Perrier. I think it has a slight bitter taste. Love it ! Also gotta have sugar free Red bull. Hubbykins gave me a case for Valentines day


        S.Pellegrino by the case!

        Pelligrino also has some calcium in it- good for the bones!


          S.Pellegrino by the case!

          I forgot all about Pelligrino, haven't had it in years. I'll have to try it. Right now I'm drinking lemon-lime flavored seltzer as my "cocktail".


            S.Pellegrino by the case!


            What is Pelligrino? Can I get it in the US?


              S.Pellegrino by the case!

              I am with you SC. What is it? Water?


                S.Pellegrino by the case!

                I believe it is sparkling mineral water.
                I think....LOL
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  S.Pellegrino by the case!

                  Ummmm, please help! What is it? LOL
                  :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                  Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                    S.Pellegrino by the case!

                    Yes, it is a sparking water in a green bottle. Easy to find in the super market with all the bottled waters. Cheers!


                      S.Pellegrino by the case!

                      Brilliant! I am going to get some today, maybe squeeze some lemon in it? Lemon is supposed to be very good for the liver. Yum yum.:thanks:
                      :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                      Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                        S.Pellegrino by the case!

                        sounds good doo doo,keep strong:goodjob:


                          S.Pellegrino by the case!

                          I forgot... :-(
                          :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                          Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                            S.Pellegrino by the case!

                            Tahlula... *hug* Hang in there... If you have a look at my drink tracker, you'll see I'm not AF *yet* but am working on it and am giving myself a gentle pat on the back for at least not going overboard... but damn I wish these CD's and Supps would arrive!

                            Tahlula, this afternoon, I went to the shops and bought some more mineral water, but my fiance brought home some really nice wine, and I've caved in too. Please don't feel bad. The most important thing is taht we're aware of our situations - and acting on it, even if it is a slow process/progress. After 8 years or so of drinking nearly every night, it's not surprising it's taking some time to readjust.

                            Last night I ordered a few more books on moderaing/quitting the demon drink from Ebay... perhaps different perspectives will help consolidate the learning path we're now choosing to pursue.

                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              S.Pellegrino by the case!

                              I like the sugar free Red Bull too, drink one every morning on my way to work.

