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Question for everyone

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    Question for everyone

    Hi guys

    I was just thinking about different things that drinkers think and do, sometimes unconsciously, to try and pretend there's no problem, to try and present a persona that will be viewed as normal.
    For example-did you ever notice-- (and these are things I have done )
    that in conversation you might make a point of saying " I'm in bed by 9 or 9:30" which may be true when sober. Or something like " Bourbon or whiskey or whatever-I don't know the difference. I never drink that stuff." Or make a comment about a known drunk-dialer, like "He called me at midnight and I didn't answer." AS IF you yourself have never called anyone drunk-pfffttt!

    Anyway, I hope you get what I'm saying here. Just another aspect of the drinking life that creates behavior designed to deny reality, to yourself and/or others.
    Never works though huh? At some point it becomes an exercise in futility. The jig is up.
    If you know you're a drunk I would say it's almost certain that people in your life know this as well.
    This is not to say that the knowledge/opinions of others will drive sobriety necessarily. Just part of my thinking that is only possible when sober for a while.
    I hope everyone had a good weekend. and have a great week.

    Question for everyone

    True dat Ann...

    Just now I'm saying "gosh the rest of them got trolleyed today" but the truth is I am the worst of all and I would leave them looking like teetotalers if I got going!

    Yep... it's the "kettle calling the pot black" syndrome. I know it well... x


      Question for everyone

      Oh, yeah. Here's mine when talking to abstaining sister about younger, drunk sister:

      "Yes, she called me, too, and she was loaded." As if I never am when I call people...:blush:
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        Question for everyone

        here's many bottles should i get if i am having 8 people over for dinner, thanksgiving, christmas, easter, tuesday, bookclub...even though i never did those things at my house.


          Question for everyone

          Thanks guys

          You DID get what I meant. Isn't it amazing the little charades we go through to pretend
          we're not out of control?
          I like this thread; I'm thinking of some more today.


            Question for everyone

            bettygirl;1397344 wrote: here's many bottles should i get if i am having 8 people over for dinner, thanksgiving, christmas, easter, tuesday, bookclub...even though i never did those things at my house.
            I used to ALWAYS tell the clerks at my multiple drug dealer oops I mean liquor store locations that I was "having a big party." :H

            Ann you are right - all kinds of lying not only to others but most significantly to myself. I had to learn the hard what that whever I go in life, there I am. I like being with myself wherever I am a lot better today.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Question for everyone

              I was always running to the store for "cigarettes"
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Question for everyone

                i could not drink at a party or family gathering, just to make it more believable (to everyone else) that i wasn't a drunk...


                  Question for everyone

                  I have done 'all' of these!!! Good thread Ann. Time to get real!!!
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Question for everyone

                    Thanks guys

                    We've all done this stuff; it's part of the alcohol problem.
                    I just realized this morning-HEY what is this feeling??? Oh yeah it's called happiness.
                    Not used to it? I'm getting there LOL


                      Question for everyone

                      I used to always say stuff like "I had 4 beers last night and I feel kinda crappy today"...yeah, like I'm that much of a light weight that 4 beers would give me a hangover, OR that I'd ever stop at 4!!!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Question for everyone

                        Oh yeah K9

                        Me too=always trying to minimize! Like "Oh I had a couple of beers and left." Let's omit the other 8 I had at home after. So predictable and sad.
                        You can only lie to yourself for so long.


                          Question for everyone

                          mama bear;1397582 wrote: I was always running to the store for "cigarettes"
                          Hehe Mama, I was always saying to my flat mates that I was going to the corner shop for bread and if they wanted anything... Bought the bread as proof that that was what I was doing and smuggled in the wine bottle.

                          Used to be a lot of frozen bread on the freezer though.



                            Question for everyone

                            I like this thread, Ann. I would be the first to say, " did you see how loaded she was at the wine and cheese yesterday?". I suppose I was trying to minimize my alcohol intake and feel superior.


                              Question for everyone

                              gee this is a good one,, i am always hidig booze from my family,,, i even used to buy those bags of vino u can get in uk!! with more to fill it up with when hubby went to loo ect,,, gosh , i hate lying , and this mother of all, makes you do it,,, its a twat, and utter twat,,, squse my language,,, but its true xxxxxx lets beat it togethehr hunnies,,,, xxxxxxxxxxxx

