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Army Tread Monday 22nd October

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    Army Tread Monday 22nd October

    The work thing. Do Monday, Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday morning now.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Tread Monday 22nd October

      Howyiz !!
      It's BEDLAM in the Workhouse.
      The annual Panto tickets went on sale - €10 each - it's kill or be killed I tell ya !!!! :H:H


        Army Tread Monday 22nd October

        Panto tickets on sale??oh no theyre not!!!....oh yes the are :H:H A tenner long did you say you were going to Oz for????
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Army Tread Monday 22nd October

          Well done to your Jen jc i hope the poor guy recovers ok with no damage thats scary stuff. Does Jen work in a bar/nightclub full time? Inchy nice to see you on last nights tread i read back earlier but forgot to mention you. Keep in touch here it was always good to see you posting. Hows things now with bf? Just going to get coffee i'm watching Jeramy Kyle now.:television::cupajoe:


            Army Tread Monday 22nd October

            mollyka;1397433 wrote: The company does the panto??
            Was working in Skerries on Fri. they're all a bit up themselves over there, had a woman who's in charge of am.dram. 'A Christmas Carol' - and all these peeps keep ringing her asking bout the panto:H:H (in best Skurries accent) 'MY GOD, HAVE THEY NEVER HEARD OF DICKENS?':H
            The company book out the Gaeity for 3 shows & the Sports & Social Club subsidize !


              Army Tread Monday 22nd October

              Molls, more or less what happened to the son and heir. Walking down the fecking road in broad daylight to a party and him and his pal got their heids kicked in for 4 I repeat 4 cans of Budweiser.

              Mind you one of them was over 21 and was on bail so went down for 2 and a half years. Evil
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Tread Monday 22nd October

                Yep she's assistant manager a a big bar/restaurant/party venue place in the Noocastle,Foxy.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Tread Monday 22nd October

                  Mick;1397434 wrote: Panto tickets on sale??oh no theyre not!!!....oh yes the are :H:H A tenner long did you say you were going to Oz for????
                  3 weeks - why ? Will you missssssssssss me Michael ??? :bigcry:
                  Never fear - the 'ol lappy is coming on hols too !!


                    Army Tread Monday 22nd October

                    mollyka;1397442 wrote: oh god, I loved the Gaeity panto's when the kids were little!!! Lookin forward to matinees with Jamie in a coupla years
                    Me too ! I've gone every year for past 15 years - beg, steal or borrow a kid just to get going.
                    I'll get the tickets for you when that time comes Molls. €40 for 2 adults & 2 kids. Free toy & selection box. Great day out !!!


                      Army Tread Monday 22nd October

                      mollyka;1397446 wrote: I'll have to get the sprogs moving on the second grandkid so:H
                      Won't be coming from this end Molls - unless there is a few tearing around Oz I don't know about. Would not be surprised !!! :H


                        Army Tread Monday 22nd October

                        I'm orff to work. Someone be a love a stick the kettle on about 6ish.

                        Molls will try and reply to the cracking thread you started later on.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Tread Monday 22nd October

                          Zenstyle;1397264 wrote: Inchy!!!

                          Bloody birthday weekend... and that is ALL I have to say. Fed up of people asking me "why no party?"

                          I'm gonna stick me heid under the covers and STUDIOUSLY ignore all and sundry tomorrow...

                          Poll please... did anyone else turn 50 with no big hoopla? Fecking sick of feeling like I need to do things for other peeps. It's not for me... it's for them.

                          On a bright note, I'm so happy with the new kitty... he's gawjus...

                          Feckin *CLICK!!!* :H :welcome: And... aaaaargh!!!!!!! OK, glad I got that out!
                          Ah poor Zennerooney.
                          I KNOW they want YOU to organise YOUR BIRTHDAY.
                          Tell them I said FECK OFF !!!

                          They shouda organised a SURPRISE party if they were any good :H:H


                            Army Tread Monday 22nd October

                            afternoon all, shockingly back today xD so yeah i was a dumb*ss to leave, and i'm gonna try and stick around more, if i can keep my eyes open today which is increasingly unlikely, lord knows why. anywho hope eveyrbody is well, will have to catch up with whatevers happened in the last few months at some point so if anybody feel slike filling me in, i'll be back later

                            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                              Army Tread Monday 22nd October

                              Happy mid-morning Army
                              mama reporting in
                              1. who is panto??
                              2. jenny sounds like a well-trained, real-life HERO!!!
                              Sleep fairy eluded me last night. I HATE that.
                              Clay won Friday, and I cleaned and shopped all weekend. Not fun shopping, mind you....groceries, etc:upset:
                              Teen Court tomorrow at 11 for Clay Boy
                              3. neither one of my boys have had their heads kicked in yet, but I pity the fool that tries

                              off to read last night's thread
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Army Tread Monday 22nd October

                                Hey Mama !!!

                                Good afternoon troops !!

                                Just had the fright of me life - went to get me brush out of my bag (on the floor) and a spider jumped out at me !!!

                                I NEARLY DIED !!!!!! Don't do spiders, meeeeeeeeeeee !!!

                                I picked up said bag, and without a thought, turned it upside down and gave it a good old shake just in case Incy Wincy had left Mrs Incy Wincy inside - not a good move when all me lady "things" tumbled out all over the floor, with a delivery man just walked through the door !!!!!!! OMG the shame !!!!!!!! :H:H:H
                                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.

