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alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

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    alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

    LOL K9-yeah-the more typical scenario-pants removal=horizontal and no longer wandering


      alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

      I wandered down my street one night with my hubs wallet in my my pj's....woke up next day and remembered nothing. As I look back on it, that's freaking terrifying
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

        shoot,its hideable boo boo,im only a beer drinker,but ive hidden it in a coffee cup,an empty soda can,a fast food cup etc,how embarrasing!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

          Oh it's hideable alright, but you are right Doo-Doo...that is A LOT of work.
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

            It's easy to hide wine in a Gatorade bottle, or a sprite bottle. In fact, it goes down a lot quicker that way too, which leads to interesting situations at work or events...


              alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

              BG this is a good topic! Drinking sure made a liar out of me too.

              Ann Carolina;1397850 wrote: I can relate! I could make up the most outrageous stories to cover up drunken nonsense.
              Here's a good one-(not good but you know what I mean)-I had to go to work a couple of days at a university hospital in the midwest. The cardiologist took me to dinner with a colleague and the doc's gf. Of course after dinner they left but NO not me I found some unicersity boys to hang out with until ALL HOURS of the damn night. My flight was 6 a.m which I did not make, so I had to call my boss with a bullshit story about why I had to expense a ticket change and another night at the hotel etc. Really awful.
              That's only one of many and it's sad and ridiculous.
              Ann - boy your post made me cringe about all the work related drinking, lying, insanity, and cover up attempts that I was involved in. All of that for me was like a slow decent into hell. It worked (sort of) for many years, but got progressively harder to hide. In the end, my boss was onto me and got sick of my shit. I ended up resigning my job though, rather than facing my alcohol problem. Ugh. Glad that's behind me. I can TOTALLY relate to the phone calls, changed flights, etc. Ugh ugh ugh. There were times I ended up in different cities and didn't know how that happened!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

                :new:it is hidable. i would grab a half pint of vodka (had to do it in this increment otherwise down whole bottle no matter what size) after work/picking up kids. drop them off, down the bottle. make sure i had one or two more hidden in house. cook supper, do homework w kids, put them to bed. do my own homework (iam attending college as well, a no trad) down another 1/2 pint in this interim & if it struck me that i neede more, id down another. this was almaost a daily experience for many years. idk how i functioned, nobody new except for nights the kids were at their fathers and i went to the bar. the blackouts, the lost phones, $, clothing, sex, etc.
                my ex hubby & i have tried to reconcile many times. he knows im an alky, so is his 70 yr old mom, who he lives with & cares for. he has grown up with this & it is a part of life, so he accepts it...not a help. he doesn't know to what extent i drink. i would down a 1/2 pint..we'd go out for supper, got to the bar have a couple go home & fool around. he would mention the next day that i seemed awful drunk considering i didn?t have that much while we were out. DUH? not rocket science, so obviously in denial. he needs to stand up to me, otherwise i will walk all over him, and i have thus far


                  alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

                  Nuttmeg;1409419 wrote: It's easy to hide wine in a Gatorade bottle, or a sprite bottle. In fact, it goes down a lot quicker that way too, which leads to interesting situations at work or events...
                  I never thought that was hiding it! I just thought I was conveniently transporting it from place to place !

                  Hiding in plain sight...

                  I swear I am such an Ass!
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

                    One of the revelations and comforts of coming here and reading threads like this is....I can remember thinking:

                    WOW....I'm not the only one!

                    But even better of the inspirations of coming here is to read about folks who have managed to deal with this addiction and break free of it.

                    Of course...there's the added benefit of being able to look back and marvel over some of our most cringe-worthy antics while drunk (at least the ones we can sorta remember.) Our lovely K9 and her HOLE-Y pants might just rate right at the top of the bottom - if you know what I mean! :shocked:

                    I'm so grateful to no longer be mired in that dark place of addiction and all the deception and destruction that goes with it.
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

                      I hid my vodka/wine in a hairspray bottle in my purse. Uggg. It tasted funny, but it didn't matter. Sad. True. B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

                        mtn girl, i did the same thing...or while my husband was gone to the store or whatever, i'd down a bottle of wine and he would come back and and wonder how i got so drunk from "only" 3 glasses...and then i'd have more's hard to hide like that...always drank before he got home from work, then made sure to be busy in the kitchen with dinner for a few hours when he got home, drinking in there the whole time...i told him all about it and he can;t believe he didn;t know.

                        byrd, HAIRSPRAY bottle!!?? yuck! but not unfathonable!!!


                          alcoholics who hid/hide their drinking...

                          Kradle123;1409551 wrote: I never thought that was hiding it! I just thought I was conveniently transporting it from place to place !

                          Hiding in plain sight...

                          I swear I am such an Ass!
                          That's how I hide it in plain site, yes., so i can drink at work or in parking lots or school events.

