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Are you a survivor or a victim?

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    Are you a survivor or a victim?

    You don't win happiness in life by being a victim and trying to fit into someone else's choices of how you should behave to be accepted, letting what others do and say damage your self esteem, making excuses for things that are within your control, playing gang bang tactics like cowards do, etc(yes, Zen, I read your comment, just let me know and I'll be there to fight...I was at the receiving end of one of those)...the list goes on and on. I'm seeing too much group fit in behavior here and not enough courage and resolve as survivors/individuals. Weakness and not enough strength. I didn't stop drinking because the truth was hidden from me. I got my 30 plus days in through the truth...the hard truth.

    Winning a battle is not as hard as we make it on ourselves. If we continue to play a victim role, of course it is hard. If you don't want to do something or aren't ready, don't. If you do, DO it! Not all things in life are achievable even with our best efforts, but some things are and when they are and you want them, YOU can achieve them with commitment, determination, discipline and believing in yourself. If you don't want them bad enough, you won't succeed. I wouldn't call that failure, I'd say that you weren't committed to fully achieving them.

    I am a survivor. I tend to be a loner and self reliant. I know when I want something bad enough, I'm going to do what it takes to get it. If I don't really want it, I am not going to achieve it. I don't need to make excuses. I'm not going to walk around on eggshells here because some people choose to be victims and gang bangers in groups and afraid of the truth. I'm a survivor and proud of it.

    Do you want to be a survivor or a victim? Shake yourself. Wake up. Stop following programs and be YOU! When you are ready, do it! If you aren't don't set yourself up for failure and keep beating yourself up.

    My take: 30 days is a good goal. It breaks the physical addiction and lets you know you are in control. I refuse to say I am powerless. You were not given the gift of life to be powerless. If you choose harm reduction, I believe you need to at least break the physical addiction first. If you can't do that, you can't moderate because you don't have the commitment or discipline to do so, that is if you are addicted. Ok, shoot the bullets. I just can't take the victimhood mentality, or the you better fit in or else bs going on around here and those who are giving in to it. Where is your backbone? Where is your courage? I'm not letting anyone knock me down again.

    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

    Are you a survivor or a victim?

    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


      Are you a survivor or a victim?

      I don't know what provoked this reaction. Maybe the 12-step gang of religious extremists. Many 12-steppers believe they have exclusive access to truth, knowledge, wisdom etc. and consider as heretics anyone with the temerity to accept responsibility for themselves.

      Orange Papers provides an alternate view of the 12-step industry.


        Are you a survivor or a victim?

        mollyka;1398745 wrote: Why so much anger?
        Good question, Molly.

        Slay, where DID that come from? Had to come from somewhere. Just curious. You made some good points, especially for me tonight.
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          Are you a survivor or a victim?

          Colin;1398590 wrote: I don't know what provoked this reaction. Maybe the 12-step gang of religious extremists. Many 12-steppers believe they have exclusive access to truth, knowledge, wisdom etc. and consider as heretics anyone with the temerity to accept responsibility for themselves.

          Orange Papers provides an alternate view of the 12-step industry.
          Thank you for the link, Colin. I glanced through it, and it looks to have some interesting articles. No, I'm not mad at 12 steppers. I had various reasons for posting it. I'm actually upset at myself right now for my own emotional weakness. I am much happier as an intellectual Vulcan type than an emotionally weak person. Maybe when I see weakness in others, it sets me off because I know how vulnerable it can make us and how much pain it can bring into our lives.

          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Are you a survivor or a victim?


            Slaythefear;1398579 wrote: You don't win happiness in life by being a victim and trying to fit into someone else's choices of how you should behave to be accepted, letting what others do and say damage your self esteem, making excuses for things that are within your control, playing gang bang tactics like cowards do, etc(yes, Zen, I read your comment, just let me know and I'll be there to fight...I was at the receiving end of one of those)...the list goes on and on.

            I haven't been reading the threads recently until today, so I only came across this post earlier this afternoon, and I don't know what comment you're referring to... was just wondering where I stuck my foot in my mouth now!


              Are you a survivor or a victim?

              Slaythefear;1401846 wrote: Thank you for the link, Colin. I glanced through it, and it looks to have some interesting articles. No, I'm not mad at 12 steppers. I had various reasons for posting it. I'm actually upset at myself right now for my own emotional weakness. I am much happier as an intellectual Vulcan type than an emotionally weak person. Maybe when I see weakness in others, it sets me off because I know how vulnerable it can make us and how much pain it can bring into our lives.

              Even intellectual Vulcans can have off periods where they feel weaker than usual... so maybe let yourself experience the emotions. Just a thought. I don't know you well enough to comment... but I know that I hate being weak also and there are many times that I've been down and haven't been able to get back up easily. It's not just you... it's the human condition...


                Are you a survivor or a victim?

                Zenstyle;1401868 wrote: Hiya!

                I haven't been reading the threads recently until today, so I only came across this post earlier this afternoon, and I don't know what comment you're referring to... was just wondering where I stuck my foot in my mouth now!
                No worries, Zen. There has been enough anger and discord around this place and in this world. I don't want to add to anyone's burdens. I was just wandering through some Army threads or Undie threads one day because of all the anger going on and saw the conversation. No need to stir it back up. I left for awhile and settled down. I was just reading an article about toxic relationships (addictions) and how damaging they can be. Now imagine the bunch of us with our issues all in the same room...gets a little heated. The biggest issue with that is that people come here for help and when they are sensitive, heated moments can really pack a perceived punch. With that said, I can be somewhat honest in my presentation at times and don't doubt it can ruffle some feathers. I think I'm being truthful whereas someone else's perspective can think I'm being rude, etc.

                Where are the healing waters we can all slink into?
                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                  Are you a survivor or a victim?

                  Zenstyle;1401871 wrote: Even intellectual Vulcans can have off periods where they feel weaker than usual... so maybe let yourself experience the emotions. Just a thought. I don't know you well enough to comment... but I know that I hate being weak also and there are many times that I've been down and haven't been able to get back up easily. It's not just you... it's the human condition...
                  The price of humanity...I'd prefer to rush through this one, thank you.
                  Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                    Are you a survivor or a victim?

                    Slaythefear;1401974 wrote: No worries, Zen. There has been enough anger and discord around this place and in this world. I don't want to add to anyone's burdens. I was just wandering through some Army threads or Undie threads one day because of all the anger going on and saw the conversation. No need to stir it back up. I left for awhile and settled down. I was just reading an article about toxic relationships (addictions) and how damaging they can be. Now imagine the bunch of us with our issues all in the same room...gets a little heated. The biggest issue with that is that people come here for help and when they are sensitive, heated moments can really pack a perceived punch. With that said, I can be somewhat honest in my presentation at times and don't doubt it can ruffle some feathers. I think I'm being truthful whereas someone else's perspective can think I'm being rude, etc.

                    Where are the healing waters we can all slink into?
                    You hit the nail right on the head... a bunch of sensitive people trying to deal with their addictions putting their issues out there on an open forum can lead to hurt feelings, at the very best. And it's also hard to get your meaning across in the written word... if people don't "know" you, and they can't read your facial expression and body language, then things can be taken out of context.

                    Ach well... we're all just mere mortals at the end of the day. Some people will piss us off and others will touch our hearts... It's probably easier to take the best from what people post and use that as a starting block...

                    Now, where's them healing waters... needs to git me some of that... )


                      Are you a survivor or a victim?

                      Slaythefear;1401976 wrote: The price of humanity...I'd prefer to rush through this one, thank you.
                      Ahhh... but if you rush it you may not deal with it thoroughly and it might come back... lol

                      Seriously, I hope you get to feeling better soon. The blues suck and blow simultaneously. If you ever need a "chat" PM me... x


                        Are you a survivor or a victim?

                        Slaythefear;1398579 wrote: You don't win happiness in life by being a victim and trying to fit into someone else's choices of how you should behave to be accepted, letting what others do and say damage your self esteem, making excuses for things that are within your control, playing gang bang tactics like cowards do, etc(yes, Zen, I read your comment, just let me know and I'll be there to fight...I was at the receiving end of one of those)...the list goes on and on. I'm seeing too much group fit in behavior here and not enough courage and resolve as survivors/individuals. Weakness and not enough strength. I didn't stop drinking because the truth was hidden from me. I got my 30 plus days in through the truth...the hard truth.

                        Winning a battle is not as hard as we make it on ourselves. If we continue to play a victim role, of course it is hard. If you don't want to do something or aren't ready, don't. If you do, DO it! Not all things in life are achievable even with our best efforts, but some things are and when they are and you want them, YOU can achieve them with commitment, determination, discipline and believing in yourself. If you don't want them bad enough, you won't succeed. I wouldn't call that failure, I'd say that you weren't committed to fully achieving them.

                        I am a survivor. I tend to be a loner and self reliant. I know when I want something bad enough, I'm going to do what it takes to get it. If I don't really want it, I am not going to achieve it. I don't need to make excuses. I'm not going to walk around on eggshells here because some people choose to be victims and gang bangers in groups and afraid of the truth. I'm a survivor and proud of it.

                        Do you want to be a survivor or a victim? Shake yourself. Wake up. Stop following programs and be YOU! When you are ready, do it! If you aren't don't set yourself up for failure and keep beating yourself up.

                        My take: 30 days is a good goal. It breaks the physical addiction and lets you know you are in control. I refuse to say I am powerless. You were not given the gift of life to be powerless. If you choose harm reduction, I believe you need to at least break the physical addiction first. If you can't do that, you can't moderate because you don't have the commitment or discipline to do so, that is if you are addicted. Ok, shoot the bullets. I just can't take the victimhood mentality, or the you better fit in or else bs going on around here and those who are giving in to it. Where is your backbone? Where is your courage? I'm not letting anyone knock me down again.

                        I must remember this stuff always !!
                        Thanks Slay ..
                        A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                        2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                        Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                        2013 : So many ups and down !!

                        2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                          Are you a survivor or a victim?

                          Zenstyle;1402238 wrote: Ahhh... but if you rush it you may not deal with it thoroughly and it might come back... lol

                          Seriously, I hope you get to feeling better soon. The blues suck and blow simultaneously. If you ever need a "chat" PM me... x
                          Ahhh, such a very wise Zen Mastah you are.

                          I think the waters may be within our reach, we just have to find that key...
                          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

