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how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them

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    how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them

    I had a really emotional evening last night. I guess I just let myself feel what I usually erase w/ booze. I started drinking 2 decades ago when I was dumped by a boyfriend, I can point to the very day I became an alcoholic (erasing the feelings). It was like a switch flipped on, one day I drank rarely and never thought about it and the next day I drank alot and obsessed over it all the time. Since then, I have dealt with every uncomfortable feeling with drinking.

    15 years ago I married a man that is controlling, but fortunately, I've gotten much better at not taking it and he's responded positively. Anyway, we moved halfway across the country and I hated it, left everything that was familiar and had to start over. In 15 years, I haven't made any close friends and we rarely go anywhere with anyone. I am catholic, my husband is Jewish, We live in a mid sized midwestern town. People are pretty "clicky", they know each other from childhood and social activities revolve around the church or synagogue. We don't fit into either. My son is being raised Jewish, so I do alot of volunteering at the synagogue. He's doing his barmitzvah in 6 weeks. I have not been invited to any of the kids' parties (even though alot of the adults go to the parties). I wind up ushering at the barmitzvah services of the kids whose parties I'm not invited to.

    Part of it is that my husband doesn't care to socialize at all, so it doesn't bother him. I, on the other hand, was raised in that same "clicky" environment that I describe, with a big family and community. For some reason, I really miss it. I miss big dinner parties and going out in groups, etc. So, for the last 15 years I've been suppressing it with alcohol. I finally let myself feel the lonliness and isolation yesterday and I cried. Drinking really sucks, but so does going through this stuff. Does it get better? How do you deal with sadness, lonliness, etc. when you've stopped drinking? I have my distractions (excercize, movies, books, clubs, etc), but they also just temporarily relieve the sadness and don't get to the root of the problem. Can anyone who's been through this advise? Thanks for giving me a chance to have my pity party! Samadhi

    how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them


    I can certainly empathise withyou regards this. Suppressing ones loneliness with alcohol; I have done that for years. Funny thing is, today, when listening to some hypno CDs, I was so upset about being lonely and wanted to drink the feeling into oblivian, but I realised I had to accept it, feel that feeling and pain and wait for it to pass. Which it did. I am learning (very slowly!) not to focus on what I don't have as that will multiply, but be thankful what I do have. I don't know when things will get better but I do realise that I am not alone and perhaps take something from this "alone time"! it's very hard, but that, for me, seems to be the only way to cope with it and realise that you are learning something, however much it sucks right now :-)


      how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them


      I have benefited hugely over the years from one on one counselling. I have had to pay for it myself (ouch!) but if you are not in a position to perhaps your healthcare provider / insurer can? anwyay, if you are open to it, I have found that a counselor with a Neuro Linguistic Programming background (NLP) has helped me a great deal. Without going into the psychobable, the basis premise is that our brains are programmed by our experiences, and we run little loops of actions and reactions in our heads that are hard to break free from. e.g. why we assume take certain roles in group situations, why we choose one course of action over another. NLP counselling helps us look at why we think the way we do, and how to look at things differently. It's kind of inetersting actually. I expect you could Google it if you need to know more.

      anyway,just my thoughts. this is ag reat place for a pity party - no need to apologise hon!
      Hope you feel better soon. Kate


        how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them

        Hi Sam....
        I understand what you are saying. I've had some of the same thoughts after our move to the country.

        I've learned that crying is GOOD! It helps us clear out the "hurt" that we feel. There is something cleansing about it. Like an emotional "dump"! I always feel so much better.
        I do go to a quiet place where I can be alone and I'm usually on my knees and "share " my heart with my God....I believe He understands what we are going through and provides Comfort every time I come to Him.
        I don't know exactly how Jewish people pray, but I do think we have the same God....Our Heavenly Father...And He loves us with a Love that can never go away, just as we love our children.
        Just my thoughts.
        :l Nancy
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them

          no obliteration

          I think first you should not try to judge the feelings of loneliness.
          i remember judging myself quite harshly when i felt lonley and that became a problem
          in itself. and hopefully you don't judge yourself for not fitting in.

          And now that you are not drinking, maybe you will be better able to make changes to change your life so that it is more socially fulfilling.

          is there any possibility that you could spend a month of the year with your family and old friends?

          can you invite them to visit?

          if you are in the wrong place, moving can help, but if you can't move, try to boost your contact with people you are close to. and connections don't have to be in your area alone, with the internet etc. there are national conferences etc.

          sometimes as we get older, quality encounters for shorter periods of time have to suffice.

          do you have hobbies? can you join groups in your area to find like-minded people?


            how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them


            I know how hard it is to have all these feelings come flooding back, but counselling really does help. You may be able to access some trhough the government - in my state it would be family and community services, or there is a medicare scheme now where you can have 12 bulk billed sessions with a psychologist if you go to a GP and work out a plan which will then be covered.

            If you have private health insurance you may be able to access some good day programs at private clinics as an outpatient that would be completely covered by your health insurance (of course you'd need to check, i'm with Mutual Community and they cover it - and they are pretty strict).

            There is also a website at ANU that you can access for free that I have found so incredibly useful. It uses cognitive behavioural therapy techniques to help you through the thought processes that lead to negative emotions. It's not a cure all, but it really helps.

            It's at The MoodGYM Training Program

            I seriously recommend giving it a try - it really helps.

            Lots of love and good wishes

            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them

              Hey Samadhi,

              With a username like yours - you probably already know some of the answers.

              If I am lonely or down (and have not been drinking - this does NOT work under the influence) I sit down and try to thoroughly experience / really FEEL the emotion and bodily sensations that go with it.
              I try to analyse these sensations without judgement - I just try to see them for what they are.

              Now - I do not mean here that you sit there and start to wallow in self pity - "why me... I am so lonely, this sucks" etc.
              I mean actually try to fully experience the emotion and sensations WITHOUT the "soundtrack".

              If you can do this - and it does take some practice, you come to the conclusion that things are really not that hard to bear.
              You do feel an achey feeling in your tummy perhaps - but THAT IS IT!
              I is not really a big deal.

              The unbearable bits only really manifest themselves if you get involved with that internal dialogue "I am so sad, I really hate my life" etc.etc.

              This technique can even work for physical pain!

              Samadhi means exactly what I have tried to describe - the person experiencing becoming completely "at one" with the thing being experienced WITHOUT being attached to thoughts of wanting things to be different from the way they are.

              Hope this helps a little


              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them


                satori, you are such a clever girl! I am gobsmacked! Good work! I really hopes it helps Samadi
                Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                  how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them

                  Sharyn44;104219 wrote: satori, you are such a clever girl!
                  Er...Sharyn, . I think I may have some extra equipment here then!

                  (I'm a boy )

                  Take care


                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them

                    Hey Sam, thinking of you today.



                      how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them

                      Thank you all for such great insight! That's why I love coming to this board - people are so helpful. Just knowing that people care enough to try and help is uplifting!


                        how to deal w/ feelings w/o obliterating them


                        I agree with Satori's post that feelings are not as hard to bear as we think they are.

                        Fighting feelings is worse than experiencing them.

                        there is no shame in loneliness and lots of people experience it.

