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Feeling lonely

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    Feeling lonely

    Hi guys

    All is well here in NC. Just sort of melancholy this evening for some reason. It's a beautiful cool evening, and for some reason I'm thinking of people I miss. My brother who died at 45, my ex -spouse, my daughter.
    Recently I've accomplished a lot here at home, getting the place cleared out and ready for winter. Still some stuff to do but it's pretty comfortable.
    I know that you just never know what's going to happen. Maybe something great will transpire. LOL
    As long as I'm sober all will be well.

    Thanks to all for being here

    Feeling lonely

    Hi the Ann. I hope you feel better soon :l

    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Feeling lonely

      i hear ya...i'm alone this evening (well, i have 3 dogs, so i'm never really alone)...sometimes it's nice and sometimes it's sad...can you write letters or look through old pictures? sometimes that helps...take care.


        Feeling lonely

        loneliness sucks, i started talking to myself but even then the company sucked!

        seriously, we're all here for ya x


          Feeling lonely

          hi ann,i know the feeling,i do have 3 dogs,4 kids,a job doing hair,a wonderful husband,im surounded by people constantly,but still alone,oof dont look at old pictures,only makes you sadder,remembering old times,be good im with you,we all are.
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Feeling lonely

            worse thing ever is old videos, i have one of my old mum when she was alive, if i ever watched it, i'd be a flood of tears and heading for a bottle :upset:


              Feeling lonely

              Thanks guys

              I'm OK really. And very happy to be sober and very grateful for all the good stuff in my life.
              I kind of miss my bf who left, but I can see in the big picture that he came to me to help me at a time when I needed someone like him and it taught me a lot about myself.

              SO...I'm not going out hunting for a man HAHA, but maybe someone will eventually pop up in my world that has something for me. You never know. It does get a bit tiresome being alone all the time.'
              But of course it's easier to stay on an even keel without the peaks and valleys of the madness of drinking. That would be like saying, I'm a bit lonely, so I'll just get drunk to combat that feeling. THAT always works out so well LOL


                Feeling lonely

                good for you ann

                and youre right,drinking is indeed madness, and it costs us a lot more than money


                  Feeling lonely

                  Hi Ann i live alone too with 2 cats who are good company but i do get lonely and it used to be one of a few triggers to drink. But it as we know it only makes things worse and with no one to be accountable to its too easy to drink a lot. I would love to meet some one also but i don't go hunting as it never works out. Most time i'm fine with my own company but sometimes evenings are tough specially winter with the shorter days. i try keep busy with reading tv films and some AA meetings in the evenings. Its great to have this site to post and share the good and bad. Wishing youe well.:l:heartsnflowers:


                    Feeling lonely

                    Thinking of you, Ann....Hope you R feeling better.
                    Alcoholic (or Ally)

                    "Only a fool knows everything.
                    A wise man knows how little he knows."

                    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                      Feeling lonely

                      Hi Ann Carolina

                      melancholy....that's the word I was looking for when I was feeling so alone and lonely....but more.

                      Not quite depressed but sad. Thinking of things past and things lost....

                      I heard this on these threads somewhere wish I could remember from who to give them justice......

                      "People who are depressed live in the past. People who are anxious and worried live in the future. People who are happy live in the present."

                      That helped me to get out of the "thinking" that I think you are going through now.

                      :l I (think) I know where you're at and please know it'll pass. Especially since you can share in the now.

                      Way too much thinking for me tonight, think I'll go to bed....PPQ


                        Feeling lonely

                        scottishman;1398896 wrote: loneliness sucks, i started talking to myself but even then the company sucked!
                        OK, scottishman, that was just a little too funny. Laughter is the best medicine and I think everyone will thank you for that one!!

                        Although...I don't really think it's true!~!

                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                        ~Jack Welsh~:h

                        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                          Feeling lonely

                          porqoui;1399012 wrote: Hi Ann Carolina

                          ....that's the word I was looking for when I was feeling so alone and lonely....but more.

                          Not quite depressed but sad. Thinking of things past and things lost....

                          I heard this on these threads somewhere wish I could remember from who to give them justice......

                          "People who are depressed live in the past. People who are anxious and worried live in the future. People who are happy live in the present."

                          That helped me to get out of the "thinking" that I think you are going through now.

                          :l I (think) I know where you're at and please know it'll pass. Especially since you can share in the now.

                          Way too much thinking for me tonight, think I'll go to bed....PPQ
                          Coincidence - I just watched Melancholia - the movie - last night, where it would seem, one character lives in the past and the other in the future. It's Lars Von Trier, so pretty out there...

                          Ann - thanks for starting this thread. Molly started one about Moving Along with Sober Living and i do appreciate these threads that explore and talk openly about the mind stuff.

                          Was trying to find an awesome Peanuts comic strip about loneliness and Night Cookies... but can only find Charlie Brown having a long night...

                          But no one here has gone wrong... everyone here has done right... we just may have long days and nights which we'd rather do without.

                          Hugs all round



                            Feeling lonely

                            hugs Ann
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Feeling lonely

                              Most people tend to feel down at times & get melancholy. I especially do as fall & winter arrives. Cloudy, rainy days. But, the main thing is, we are learning, actually living life now, accepting all our thoughts & feelings without the numbing effects of alcohol. Whether we are problem drinkers or alkies, we are to be commended for a job well done, even if it's just for today!

                              Even tho I'm married I do get lonely too, but it must be harder for single people, I think. I know my 1st born didn't have a BF for five yrs. She just now has one. She learned to be happy with herself first, liker Mollers friend. It took awhile tho. She hit every Internet dating site there was. Interviewed about 50 guys. They all wanted one thing as Mr. G so graciously put on Guys thread :H. She said she found one who was diff. It's possible. He seems to be a good chap.

                              For myself, I don't think as I age if Mr. Wilde hit the big sky before me, at my young age :H that I want to spend the rest of my life alone. Mainly, I'd want more than my cat for companionship reasons. But, this is all individual of course.

                              I've always had this intuitive feeling about you Ann that you are a beautiful woman all ways around & have a lot to offer some one. I think you believe this about yourself too. So, when & if your ready, Happy Hunting.

                              Love, :h

                              Wildflowers :l

