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Here we go again!!

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    Here we go again!!

    You all sound so together.I've just managed 5 AF but now I've slipped from grace...
    I have a lot of reasons but none of them are good enough.
    I'm just finishing my 2nd bottle of wine and feel a real failure. I'd hope to go for a 9k run today but my middle daughter is off sick.

    Here we go again!!

    Man, have we got you fooled!!! Just kidding, of course - we sound together because we are a family with a common goal and we welcome you.

    We've also shared your pain, and almost to a person have been in the same position, so once more welcome to the family.

    We are here for you (and hopefully vice versa). Read the posts, the book, and continue to share with us. You may be down now, but I hope that you can see the rays of hope that this site (and these people) can bring to you.

    Remember, tomorrow is a new day and a chance for a new start...

    :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Here we go again!!

      I havent got it together but trying by spending hours on this site just reading and sending the odd few words. Tomorrow is another day mate. good luck and dont be down on yourself. You will gain from logging on here i am sure. B


        Here we go again!!

        If I'm honest I just find it all to much. The fight to stay on top. I don't know if I have the enegry any more. I know that sounds dramatic but it's the way [pre][/pre]


          Here we go again!!

          You've had a few and emotions run high, they do with me anyway! Its not easy but keep fighting. you can talk freely about how you feel here. There are so many really good people here and always someone to help.


            Here we go again!!

            I know that it is hard to step away and re-focus, but that is what you need to do.

            It truly is one day at a time, and right now the alcohol is trying to shape your life for you. All you need to think about is getting through today so that you can look at life through sober lenses..
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              Here we go again!!

              I don't know what to say. I've read all the posts and that makes me feel worse not better. I should be able to take care of myself... I feel like a failure. I have blackout s when the children talk to me....can anything be worse???I wanted 3 chilhdren, the last has Downs.. Is it my fault?


                Here we go again!!

                I will tell you what everyone tells me...does no good to beat yourelf up!!! Yesterday was a bad day for me. I drink after 4 days AF. Didn't get drunk, but nonetheless, felt I let myself down. It is a struggle, but luckily, you can wake tomorrow and start anew. Keep coming in and, read, read....write, write, helps!!!! We cry together, laugh together....we have all been right where you are...some of us today, some yesterday, some will be there tomorrow, but we will all be here for each other.


                  Here we go again!!

                  I have only a short time before my husband returns... I know you all think he knows but I'm not convinced. Am I delluding myself????


                    Here we go again!!

                    Atox, Welcome...You are not alone..

                    We all had or have become trapped by alcohols debilitating grasp, all for different reasons and many for the same reasons. It is an escape and then it is a trap, and a trap that sucks the life out of you. Finding ones self in the trap then To get one day AF is a victory!!
                    To slip back is a step back but not a failure.... To give up hope and not Try that is the failure... The tools of MWO give us Hope that was not available before... The success of each one here are building blocks for them and for eachother....

                    We are glad you are here...Read the book if you can get it (on line here) Read posts...ask questions...get some or all the tools to give you hope and more leverage to get more AF days then day at a time

                    Keep in touch with us....
                    Control the Mind

