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Panic Attacks

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    Panic Attacks

    Thank you Nora C!!
    Started living again 2/7/2015


      Panic Attacks

      Anxiety and depression run together with AL If you don't understand can't understand the other.
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Panic Attacks

        I've cured mine for the most part using some breathing exercises and some eye movement exercises and I take some natural supplements daily.

        Nothing worse than feeling like you are going to die, then realizing your mind is playing tricks on you. I'm glad that I didn't have to drug myself to make them go away. Good luck and if you would like more info PM me.


          Panic Attacks

          Just sitting at my dining room table, opened up my laptop and decided to check in here. First click was on this one. Anxiety and panic attacks got a hold of me stronger when I tried to quit AL altogether. Reflecting back, when I just couldn't take it anymore I drank. Then AL turned on me and I began having severe panic attacks that felt similar to the withdrawls when I drank. What a nightmare at the time.

          I read somewhere about how each cell in our body has it's own memory. Here's a little bit that helped me:

          Every cell in your body holds hundreds of pages of information which characterizes who you are. Your cells remember and hold all the information from your past lives right up until your present life and are constantly updating this information. This cellular memory retains information on all levels of your being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

          Your cells contain DNA which is the blueprint for the complete design of your body. DNA that you inherited from your family and all your memories.

          Every cell in your body has the ability to remember. When you go through a traumatic experience your body suppresses the overwhelming situation by storing the memory in your cells. Then often hours later you release this from the cells by crying, shaking or trembling. However, sometimes these memories are never released as they are just too traumatic and then can often manifest in sickness or depression.

          When you hold onto these negative memories or emotions you can continually trigger off your condition. Sometimes many of these memories seem trivial to us now but at the time felt overwhelming and so your body has suppressed them. You can carry these memories with you for your entire lifetime.
          Each time you experience the same negative emotions your cellular memory is activated and you experience the same anxiety response as when you first lived through the experience. For example you may be holding onto negative memories that go right back to when you were a child. Perhaps you nearly drowned and you have forgotten about this but cannot understand why you suffer such anxiety near water.

          For me, learning about this helped. They come so quick and what else happens but panic in response. It's a process just like sobriety is for me. I was in trial for a case, something that I have never experienced in my life and I remember thinking back over a year ago I would have been so scared and panic ridden to go through that. I did it, had a few moments of heart palpitations and dizziness. After the initial part was over, I was as calm as can be. HUGE accomplishment. Not only that, but when I was being cross examined my ex's lawyer even brought up having anxiety to the point of panic attacks were a reason why I needed supervised visits and not have custody of our child. I actually laughed a little bit, because the thought of being up there being being verbally torn apart with lies and misrepresentation on my ex's part, I was holding it together quite fine.

          I do have anxiety, to where I feel it is healthy now. I've learned to listen to my body. I am under a great amount of stress some days and doing just well now, handling it diligently.

          Those panic attacks scared me so much. I pulled over and screamed a few times saying "Bring it on so I can get over this already!" because I was so fed up having my life controlled. Releasing emotions helped immensely. I know it's in movies, and people do it. Go to a high place on a mountain, building or wherever and just scream. Reminds me of a lion roaring. Yep...there's power in that too! Not pulling that one out of thin air, did that too. I realize that it may not be practical in many places, fortunately I live in a state where I can drive to seclusion in a short distance.

          GABA, I take that. Once nightly. Works wonders for me.

          Hope something good came from this post.

          484 Days Sober
          "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."-- Judy Garland


            Panic Attacks

            I read somewhere that the best thing to do is to not try to stop them. Just tell yourself "Sometimes I get panic attacks, and its unpleasant but not dangerous." When you feel one coming don't try to fight it, just accept that it will happen, and after some minutes it will pass.

            And remember, full blown panic can only be as bad as it gets, if that makes sense. You have probably already experienced the maximum panic that its possible for a human being to feel, so it can never get any worse that what you have already had.

            And also:

            * Cut down on coffee
            * Exercise really really hard a few times a week, if just for 15 minutes or so (this resets some receptors in the brain or something)
            * Eat varied foods
            * Don't over/undersleep
            * Actively relax sometimes, like take a long walk etc. etc.
            * Try to think of any underlying stress that you have not dealt with. Like having postponed a trip to the dentist, having to confront somebody about some unpleasant issue or such.
            * Get blood work done to check that all is good physically, and especially the electrolyte levels.
            * Tell some friends about it, you might be surprised about how common it is

            Good luck! And most importantly, a panic disorder *IS NOT DANGEROUS, ITS JUST VERY UNPLEASANT*


              Panic Attacks

              Suffered from panic attacks and still do ..though they are getting less and less as time goes on Find the best way to deal with them is to stop whatever you are doing, breathe deeply and slowly and try and concentrate your mind on something
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Panic Attacks

                I forgot another panic attack trigger, and one that I haven't completely surmounted. It's public speaking. My co-workers and friends tell me that I'm very outspoken (who knew? ) and can't imagine ME getting anxiety or nervousness at standing in front of people and talking. Yet, I do. That's something I would love to be able to manage fully and never have to worry about again.

                All the tips and stories here are interesting and helpful. Thanks for starting this thread FD!

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  Panic Attacks

         you drink a lot of coffee at work? I do remember that the worst of my panic disorder was when I was hitting the coffee machine at work. It can be a huge trigger. I hope some of the ideas here for supplements and homeopathic remedies will be helpful to you.


                    Panic Attacks

                    I guess I am the only one here who will mention how useful meds are......
                    I take klonopin every night and have for years......
                    I have cut down to a minimum dose....and I will wean off it when my doc says I am ready.......
                    and does not help

                    there is such a thing as "anticipatory fear"......fear of the panic attack itself.......
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Panic Attacks

                      ps...hugs FD
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Panic Attacks

                        They just role threw me at times and thank you mamabear...I love you dear! It's already getting better today. I just feel exhausted right now. I am taking today off from work so I can just relax. I feel tons better than yesterday already. I want to thank everyone for the advice. I don't drink coffee...I don't pop or energy drinks. When I feel stressed out they happen to me.
                        Started living again 2/7/2015


                          Panic Attacks


                          FD - I don't have much advice, just wanted to let you know I'm here for you my dear friend! Hang in there!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Panic Attacks

                            I have a history of panic attacks too finallydone. They're scary, disorienting, and often times come without warning. I thought it was do to my alcohol abuse and it may have. I have a sister who suffers from the same and never drank. Get to your doc and be honest. There are so many options to getting PA under control. I wish you all the best!
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Panic Attacks

                              I hated to chime in without having any advice or experience with them. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and I'm so glad you are feeling better. B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Panic Attacks

                                FD....yeah babe....go talk to your doc....
                                I have not had panic attacks per se....just moments of general anxiety
                                my doc knows all the shit that is going on in my life at the moment and keeps a close eye on me
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

