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Army Thread Tuesday 30th October

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    Army Thread Tuesday 30th October

    mollyka;1402581 wrote: :H:H We all have our crosses to bear:H I'm sure pumpkin is good for summat?
    I shaggin HATE halloween - thankfully working a late tomorrow night - will miss all the little darlings begging:H
    take it then you trick them and not treat :H:H
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      Army Thread Tuesday 30th October

      Panno;1402549 wrote: Kids have been great these past 3, now for all you chocoholics we made their mum a birthday cake.......

      Nyumm, nyumm, nyumm, nyumm, nyumm, nyumm, nyum- aw-oh...

      there appears to be a puddle of saliva on me bed.


        Army Thread Tuesday 30th October

        mollyka;1402570 wrote:
        Panno --- that friggin cake IS ACTUALLY FOOD PORN ---- where's the moderators ---- NO PORN ON THIS SITE:H:H Love the pumpkins too - very artistic!!
        Jaysus!!! :H

        Me bleedin dishwasher yoke broke and I've been bum up with a screwdriver. Don't you love DIY... two steps forward and feckin four back.

        'Spose everyone is asleep dagnabbit..... so..... *CLICK*


          Army Thread Tuesday 30th October

          Molls..a bag of sweeties laced with Senakot sure is an interesting treat!!!:H:H
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Army Thread Tuesday 30th October

            Are those Cadburys Fingers? Damnit! I haven't had those in years and now I want them. Panno... that is a noice cake! *drool* Off to attack the choc stash...


              Army Thread Tuesday 30th October

              Mick;1402605 wrote: Molls..a bag of sweeties laced with Senakot sure is an interesting treat!!!:H:H
              Like me auntie says... "Nothing like a good clean out..."

