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Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

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    Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

    Happy Hump Day, Army (including P3)

    Good news: we found out that our homeowners insurance will cover the cost of removing the fallen tree and the resultant damage to the gutters.

    I've also faced up to another reality: I am not ever going to fix up the flower beds and do the pruning in the garden that's urgently needed. Staring at it won't make it go away. Hence a gardener will be reporting for duty today. The guy is out of work, so it helps him. I'm a lazy sod, so it helps me. I'll stick to keeping the pool clean

    Have a lovely Wednesday, folksies. Weather-wise it's looking good - a bit less wind, and temps around 25C.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

    Morning Tips, think I could have persued being a gardener as a profession in another lifetime. I love the solitude and fresh air now, there is something primeval in getting ones hands in the soil. Funny how perspectives change over the years, yet another thing I would never have guessed would bring me joy.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

      Morning, Tabbers

      I'll provide you with free room & board if you want to get away to warmer climes for a while. Once the clearing up has been completed, you can let your creativity run wild

      When are you starting the new job? Do you have to give a full calendar month's notice at the current place? That's the norm in Saffaland.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

        Good Tipps tabbers and all to come. Just let the cats out and its raining here and dark still. Thanks for your nice comments on my 30 day tread its only a small milestone for me having done it before and slipped but onwards and upwards one day at a time. I wish i could pay someone to do some jobs in my garden that i find difficult but i'm broke so have to do it myself but with winter her not a lot to be done. Its Halloween here today so bonfires bangers and fireworks all over the place and the country:H tho last year it was quiet on my estate. I don't like halloween anymore as too much ant-social behaviour so i'm just staying home keeping the cats in and watch tv. Coffee made and watching nothing to declare Australia unless i get back asleep for an hour. Have a wonderful wednesday.:television::cupajoe::catroll:


          Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

          A months gardening exotic plants in the sun, now that is one seriously tempting offer.....tilts head, eyes skyward, dreamy look on face....
          Anyway back to reality, not sure on notice yet Tips as they have asked if I can delay my exit a little, maybe a week or so, to help train my replacement. Undecided as I dont want to mess my new employer about before I even start, but you know me, I am an obliging sort of a chap.

          Hiya FF, great going on the 30, oak trees grow from little acorns remember.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

            Morning Army,

            Up at 6am... cold and dark... and wet, so think i'll stick to staying comfy in bed with a cuppajoe for an hour before even thinking about about going to work. Run? In this weather? :H :H


            Tipps and Tabbers, i have a brilliant father who whittles away the days pottering about his garden growing a host of veggies... he's my inspiration for having my own garden one day. And the time to tend to it. I did try to grow garlic inside last year. But no, nothing to show. Maybe i buy a grow bag of tomatoes and just let 'em do their thing in my bedroom?!


              Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

              Hiya Saffaboy, FF & Ktabbers and RC... now KTAB ... once you've finished at Tippy's place, would you consider winging your way to Oz to give me a bit of a hand? I could do with an arty-fart gardener. I need some fresh eyes.

              Have a great Wednesday, everybody.


                Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

                Good morning Running, still dark here too, wet and cold too for that matter but the dogs didnt mind. Only a beginner in the gardening stakes myself but loving it and I know it will become a life long passion. Keeps me out of mischief too. Havent tried veggies yet, keeping that for next year as I have more than enough to do for now.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

                  Ah Froglett, art farty sorry I aint your man, more the rustic unkempt look as mother nature intended. Having said that I would absolutely love to pop over for a couple of months, cant have you ploughing a lone furrow. Thinking of you the other day, did you see Kevin's new show, he has bought a few acres of forrest and is building a small cabin total from what he can find plus scrap?
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

                    Yeah, but at least the Dandelions GROW! My poor wee garlic bulbs couldn't even be ersed to contemplate that.


                      Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

                      Will yis stop popping in while I am still typing sheesh...
                      Hi Mollymoo, M50 is calling boo hoo. Read your comments to my question last night, thanks.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

                        Here you go Froglett, not sure you will be allowed to view though.

                        Kevin McCloud's Man Made Home - 4oD - Channel 4
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

                          mollyka;1402744 wrote: Oh gawd do they grow!! Friggin triffids!
                          Molly's garden...


                            Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

                            Good morning ladies and would be gardners, rather the jungle look meself

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              Amy Thread Wednesday 31st October

                              Morning all

                              Tigger free here and enjoying the peace.

                              The gittens seem to be ok after being asleep all day yesterday.

                              Today my car goes in to fail its mot...
                              I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                              They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

