I wonder if we could entice the diamond python to take up full time residency in the ducting... we could keep it warm by turning on the heating...
We're also trying to work out how to clean the ducting as it absolutely stinks of ratshit and urine ... which is why we've blocked it off. . If we can't fix it we'll dismantle the ducting and take it to the tip. Such a bloody waste. But we've never used it as every time we've turned it on the house filled with the most awful smell and we've had to open all the doors and windows to get fresh cold air in... rather self defeating......
It is time I gave the house a good clean and got mr Electro dry in again. Maybe I should get the carpet dyed. Perhaps a nice foodstain pattern.
3 little fox terrier ratters.
The last lot of rat poisoning I did was horrendous. It's a slow aweful death for the rats, and now we've got dead lizzards all over the place. God knows how far into the food chain it got.
These 3 little dogs turned up and dispatched 20+ rats quickly and ethically. No pain, no poison, no blood, no keeping the dog in for two and a half weeks in terror.
I'm seriously considering phoning around for some ratters next time.