just had a wee visit with Ms Google to see what a stumpy/shingle back looks like ...... they are rather lovely!!
Congrats on your $45 Happs - how much Roo poo will that buy you??!! :H Re the story about your dad's "first" stroke - mum was sick all winter about 15 years ago, with what the Drs diagnosed as a viral bronchitis. After a whole series of tests about 10 months later they finally did some tests for heart function - and was not let out of hospital until she had had a quadruple heart bypass!! Turned out she had had 5 heart attacks without even knowing that she had, probably over the previous two years ("I sometimes feel a bit breathless"!). She had no known risk factors: never drank, never smoked, always got lots of exercise and has weighed less than 50 kg for most of her life. Anyway, she is 88 now, has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure for the last ten years, and has her moments, but is still in pretty good shape.
Looking forward to the pics KTAB :-)
Mr G - hope you feel better soon. Nothing worse than feeling bad when you have to do things that cant be put off (like moving). Add some cayenne pepper to that ginger/garlic/lemon concoction of yours :H
Nicey - hope you are now happily ensconced in your new home, and that all the embuggerances are behind you!!
Lily - how is the chevy digitizing going??? You are such a gem :l
So are you Techie ....... hope your mum gets a good rest from all the stress while she is staying with you and gets over the loss of her cats, letters and stuff. How old is she???? Sending thoughts her way.
Bridge - I'm not sure I ever got to work out whether your car is a Golf or not!! I've been thinking about modes of transport for when I move to Sydney. I'd really like to do without a car, but I'm not sure I want to rely entirely on my bicycle. I've been thinking about going on an anti-aging campaign and buying a Vespa :H But I'm not sure I'm cool enough to carry it off :H