Hellloooo my little pretties!!!
Phew - hard yakka happened!!!! I was in stubbies and blue singlet for fusking days...... This adventure is like a bloody cold sore, you know it's going to get better but every now and then the thing flares up and reminds you who's boss!! NEVER AGAIN.
FH has been in the pool everyday. He is happier than a pig in mud and is prancing around like he's someone very important. He's pottering here, 'fixing' stuff, planting things, rearranging mess.... Very nice to see I must say. He finished painting the main bedroom last night so we move in there this arvo..... I haven't been able to take any time off work so he is flat out like a lizard drinking and his folks arrive tomorrow afternoon. Oh what fun.....
Dharmsie girl is loving herself sick!!! She's rolled in the grass until her eyes are puffy and she now has the traditional summer rash on her stomach which she hasn't had for years because of living in an apartment and only brief contact with grass. Lilly cat was distressed the first night and FH was up and down to her each time she squeaked. That cat!!!!! She escaped last night and we found her by the pool.....yikes!! Don't tell, but I left the door open.....by accident of course......
We have managed a cup of tea on FH's new (restored by his own hands) two seater chair (with table in between) on the first night, well morning actually, it was 1.30am. Kitchen was sorted first few hours but I've only managed to cook spag bol. I plan on making a nice dinner and my Nicey Pie this evening. A few loads of washing done, and all curtains washed and re-hung. Laundry huge and sorted!!
Garage door got stuck locked on the first day.....went to leave at 7am to return big truck and couldn't get the car out. You can imagine what I had to say about that. SIL fixed it for me with an angle grinder. Gotta get myself one of those things...... Bridgey, you would have been a bit worried if your new girl was locked in a dodgy garage huh??
Aforementioned SIL forgot to put middle bar thingy on the spare bed when he set it up. It was fine when I hopped in but when FH climbed in a little while later she buckled and hit the deck. I said nothing, grabbed blankets and headed to back room where another spare was waiting.....with middle thingy firmly in place. I checked before I wriggled in....
Put my foot through the plug hole in the ensuite shower. Whole lot just caved in - plastic crap. FH fixed from goods purchased at local Bunnings. Staff now wave at him when he walks in!
He's happy as, I tells yous orl!!!!
So, I've read back a little bit.
Topic of glasses - FH gets his eyes tested regularly. They tell him he needs specs, he moans about getting old and how specs will spoil his looks

Thinking of you Techie - you're a bonza bloke to look after your mum!!
Isn't little darling Leon just the beeez neeez. Glad your first day at work went ok Sunny. It is awfully hard to leave little ones to go back to work. I said to FH last night when I was hanging curtains, the Packers wouldn't have to do anything like this. They'd buy a new prem, go to a luxury island for two weeks and come back to the new prem with all things sorted just to their liking! FH said he'd rather be doing exactly what he is doing right now - claims he's getting 'great satisfaction' from the experience.

Welcome back Missy!
Great to see you Ronnie. Help yourself to a piece fo pie later tonight!
Happs - I love Mr Happs hairdo......
Cori - big love heading your way!
Rags - I've got great skylights too!!!
I kept thinking of Tawny's comment about arranging my first bunch of flowers. My little grandson Nicholas was waiting on the doorstep (with SIL) on Saturday morning with a big bunch of flowers for his Nanny. I told him I'd let Tawny know his were the first flowers to grace our new home! He helped me all day long and was such a little darling to have around. He kept getting changed to swim in the pool but it was a bit too chilly for him. We had quite a cool weekend actually. He was upset on Saturday night at about 10pm - such a long day for him. He's almost 4. He wanted a piece of chocolate and SIL said no - not before he is about to go to sleep. What's the harm, after a day like we had just had??? he didn't put a foot wrong and was tired and still well behaved. Anyway, I whispered to Nick that once the boys drove off in the big truck to get the last load from storage I'd give him just one piece. I did just that, but didn't realise the boys had come back to get tie downs. SIL walks in and Nicholas promptly dobbed on me.....:upset::H
Anyway, I'm so busy I don't have time to pee, so I had best get back to doing what I'm paid to do huh? I've been here since 6am!! Had my choice of great car parking spots so I guess that will be my bonus today....
This post is too long...........sorry!
Love, peace and harmony to every one of you!
Nicey :h