Hello and goodbye Undies. Am off soon to catch the 13:43 train to Mascot to wing my way over to Auckland. Arrive there 11:45 PM tonight, then off to Taupo with my girlfriend on Friday. Will take my little computer and see if I can get on line.
Bridge, I’ve copied those websites and will check them out when I get back.
Sunny: Is that really Leon?
I’ve been very busy this last week (but not important). Was supposed to come home last Sat arvo but the RFS came round and asked if I could help out marshalling the highland fling as they were short 3 people. Mr Rags had to go to Sinny Sunday so poor bugger drove home, then to Sinny then back to pick me up. But I had a ride in the RFS car with red and blue flashing lights. Had two teddies with me. They thought it was fun.
Highland Fling a huge success | Southern Highland News
I had a chair, a book, water and sammijes, and a 2 way radio... Nice view.

Will try to catch up on all your posts in the next couple of days.
Missy: Can you pray to the NZ weather gods please? I’ve been looking at the TAupo 10 day forecast for the last few days… yuck. I’m not even packing sunnies or my new camera. Just taking the tiny Lumix PAS…(point and shoot).
Had my carpet cleaned (again). Seriously thinking about dyeing them a mud colour.
Tawn: I laughed at your joke. I must train myself to say “now isn’t that precious “ more often.