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UNDEROOS - Support Movember
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
G'day y'all,
Hope everyone further north survived the storms without too much embuggerance. The best of wishes to folks affected.
Moved into rear 7/1014 the Esplanade St. Kilda reasonably successfully. Innernet not quite connected as yet, and might be a couple a weeks. Using one of them wireless dongles at the moment. Hopeless. So good to be back near the sea. Noice swim/run this morning on what has been an absolute PEARLER of a day. Popping into the nearby Jewish joint of worship a bit later to introduce meself, and let em know i love me tucker.
L8tr, Yo!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
Thanks Lilly and Saucy,
Along with the move came the news that Pippa Middletons 'how to throw a party' book, was released to scathing reviews. It's hard when you've been unloading a few truckloads all week, and then you get Pippa on the blower at 3.22 a.m. crying and blubbering down the line 4 nights in a row. In the end, i had to jump on a concorde to London (2.5 hrs) to settle her down! I just told her....'Look Pip, the book's a great idea, you just need to spice it up a bit. She agreed, so i rang Alison Durban, Colleen Hewitt, Fifty cent, Ronnie Wood, Di (bubbles) Fisher, Tina Arena and The Hoff to contribute a chapter each. Luckily they all said yes, so look forward to the revised edition just out in time for christmas.
Take care everyone. :h
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
Guitarista;1413854 wrote: Thanks Lilly and Saucy,
Along with the move came the news that Pippa Middletons 'how to throw a party' book, was released to scathing reviews. It's hard when you've been unloading a few truckloads all week, and then you get Pippa on the blower at 3.22 a.m. crying and blubbering down the line 4 nights in a row. In the end, i had to jump on a concorde to London (2.5 hrs) to settle her down! I just told her....'Look Pip, the book's a great idea, you just need to spice it up a bit. She agreed, so i rang Alison Durban, Colleen Hewitt, Fifty cent, Ronnie Wood, Di (bubbles) Fisher, Tina Arena and The Hoff to contribute a chapter each. Luckily they all said yes, so look forward to the revised edition just out in time for christmas.
Take care everyone. :h
So good to see you G-ManOutside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
Morning Undies and assorted Ovaries!
OK - finally read back and thank you all for looking for me. You're all very sweet and I rooly appreciate the pics and clips - Reggie I particularly throbbed the frog one. I'm not sure I liked Bridgee's one - maybe you have to be a parent to appreciate rap?
Boy - isn't it weird to be without the innernet? I had to do physical banking. In a bank. Using a pen. Creepy. And the number of times during the day where you think "I'll just check that on the net ..." Anyway, it was a physical fix involving a bloke up a ladder and on the roof. Job's right.
A good thing about not being able to spend any time on line was that I managed to achieve HEAPS. Even surprised myself. So, long story short - I'll be looking after stroke bloke when he's released from the slammer. I've been doing speech exercises with him 3x per day via phone and something seems to be working. We do the first one at about 6.30am and you can hardly tell that there's anything wrong but it does get a little worse as he gets tired. It's still early days and I'm fairly confident that although he'll never be 100% again, I reckon he'll lead a pretty normal life with some mobility restrictions. I'm learning new acronyms like OT - an Occupational Therapist is coming tomorrow to see what gizmos can be installed to make things easier and safe. And no, I'm not going for a Mother Teresa Award - I'm looking at it as a Karma deposit.
Apart from that ... mum is losing the plot more and more ... on Saturday she asked me how my little ones are doing and instead of telling her that I don't have any little ones it's actually easier to tell her they're all fine.
Great to see you back, Mr.G! Thanks again guys - I appreciate you all.
Off to make some bloke say witty things like "Susan Simpson hates salad sandwiches".
Grab life by the balls, folks, for it may change at any moment ...
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
I actually heard that Susan Simpson is a real piece of work. She's got a whole lot more to worry about than the appearance of salad sambos on her plate. Good to see you back frog.
Helloooooo Mr G and good to see you back. Isn't there a roolly nice white pub on the Esplanade? Are you going to be their artist in residence? Looks like that kind of place....
Day 2 of the Stevia challenge begins, and I'm just not sure about this stuff at all. It's not tasting like much at all this morning.....hmmmm.....If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
Morning Frog and Bridgee and all to come,
Rumours that me and the Frog had eloped to south Cairns is fanciful at best.
Yes Jones. The pub of which you speak is the Esplanade hotel. A grand old building where i've performed in a number of guises over the years. Great spot for a couple of Bundy ginger beers on a sunny arvo. Good to see you my friend.
All the best re the speech therapy with your mate Frog. That kind of regular workout will make a difference in many ways.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
Guitarista;1414029 wrote:
Rumours that me and the Frog had eloped to south Cairns is fanciful at best.
Ooroo.Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
Morning Undies! Gorgi day here and I am de-lousing the sheets yet AGAIN!! My tradie has also taken to perving at me through the bathroom and bedroom windows, havent done anything about it yet as he has threatened union action if I do, and I roolly want my house painted...
Anyway...lovely to see a full drawer of Undies...
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
Hiya folks. Finally found some time to sit and read a bit. So good to see the G man back in form. I admire what you're doing for friends Frog :l I find that selflessness is a byproduct of our sobriety. When I was on the fire water I ONLY cared about myself. Anyhow I'd ask the Frog to put me down for a sponge bath but she would probably use the belt sander on me.
Have a wonderful day people!
Love yaOutside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
techie;1414134 wrote: Anyhow I'd ask the Frog to put me down for a sponge bath but she would probably use the belt sander on me.(Exfoliation plus!!)
Seriously Tawny, I am very glad that we have people like you on our communities. I hear you on the not wanting to go for the Mother Teresa award - but it is so fantastic that you contribute by just doing what you are. Before my mum went into care, the woman that lived opposite to her knocked on her door every day, and if she didn't get a response would ring me. I was so grateful to her.
Mr G ..... are you of Jewish ancestry? Is there anything else that we dont know about you??
And I know that pub on the Esplanade as well. Sadly. An early encounter with Taxi Driver John. It ended in tears as it inevitably did for a naive young kiwi woman exploring Melbourne in the early 1980s. It is so good to be in my 50s!!
It came to my attention last week that it is almost December. Where did the year go??Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
Arvo Missy,
Yep - I think we all know the Espy for one reason or another ...
After months and months of cold stuff, I'm really happy to be getting my summer fitness back. Amazing what a bit of sun on the old bod will do for the spirit. It's really nice to go like the clappers and not wake up sore.
I'm really quite enjoying the rehab process - apparently later today we'll get new words. We've done 's', 'ch' and 'sh'. No more silly Susan Simpson talking shit and chundering after chomping on her salad sandwiches.
The skip has arrived and I'll now go and hurl some metal. If you want to do a serious clean up, hire a skip. It's fun. And you can't go back and retrieve stuff if you change your mind....
Catch youse after work.
UNDEROOS - Support Movember
hi all, nice to see ya mr G and TF.
been quiet here, I still want to get on the piss most days, do you lot think that is normal?
every fusking day? Its been over 3 years now...still dry but it is a little wearing, i was tempted to to crack the other day when the wife got crashed into and fired on the same week.
might got to an aa meeting soon, only ever went to two way back at the start.AF since 10/26/2009
It will be five years sober 10/26/2014