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Taking V's Giving.

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    Taking V's Giving.

    For so many years of my life I now know that I was a taker and a manipulator. I used people to my own ends and I made a lot of money from it. The universe did not like that and took it back in it's own dramatic way.

    I've spent many an hour considering the implications of this and how I can make this new lesson applicable to my current and future life. This is not a thought process that is new, it has been rolling around in my head for the better part of 18 months now because the enormity of the conclusion was frightening and I just took some time to process it.

    The bottom line is, while I am not religious, I feel the universe gave me a well deserved kick in the behind and I would be foolish not to learn from this.

    So now, in business and in all my dealings with all people I try to be a giver. I will give more than I take, both materially and emotionally. I am not sure what will happen but I have now realised that my life has somehow become one of discovery rather than fear, jealousy and greed.

    I wonder what Karma will make of that?
    I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.

    Taking V's Giving.

    That is a great and honest post, and resonated with my recovery. For myself I call it reclaimed humility and that's a good thing.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Taking V's Giving.

      Karma might require a long probationary period as proof, sort of like ODAT.

      People like you give me hope. Thanks.:h
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        Taking V's Giving.

        I admire your post, it takes a lot of guts to admit you have been living wrong.

        I am not the least religious but I know there is energy linking us all. You can feel this energy when a person walks into a room. Giving and helping creates an energy, selfishness and taking creates a totally different one. The fact that we lack the ability to quantify it does not make it mystical.

        Now that you know, you cannot unknow, so to speak. Hold true and REALLY give to those around you and everything will make sense.

        There is a lovely meme I saw .....

        When I die I will only leave memories, please let them be good ones.


          Taking V's Giving.

          Dave_;1403368 wrote: For so many years of my life I now know that I was a taker and a manipulator. I used people to my own ends and I made a lot of money from it. The universe did not like that and took it back in it's own dramatic way.

          I've spent many an hour considering the implications of this and how I can make this new lesson applicable to my current and future life. This is not a thought process that is new, it has been rolling around in my head for the better part of 18 months now because the enormity of the conclusion was frightening and I just took some time to process it.

          The bottom line is, while I am not religious, I feel the universe gave me a well deserved kick in the behind and I would be foolish not to learn from this.

          So now, in business and in all my dealings with all people I try to be a giver. I will give more than I take, both materially and emotionally. I am not sure what will happen but I have now realised that my life has somehow become one of discovery rather than fear, jealousy and greed.

          I wonder what Karma will make of that?
          LOVE your post, Dave! This is so close to my heart right now because I am the giver who is going through some bad times right now getting the taker/toxic/manipulator types out of my life. I have suffered a lot of damage which has led to the drinking problem. I am probably going out of town tomorrow for some healing time, but I HOPE YOU STICK AROUND. I want to get a thread going on toxic relationships because I feel that many people can benefit from such a thread in regards to alcohol abuse. It is awesome if you are realizing this and wanting to change. Most don't and most never admit what they are doing. It's like you posted hope in bottle. Good for you on posting this message.
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

