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Oprah's Ugly Secret

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    Oprah's Ugly Secret

    Hi all,

    This is in response to the post from Cashie in regards to the article "The Secret".

    I want to make it very clear that this is NOT in response to Cashie. She was quite clearly and honestly putting forward a different point of view. I respect that totally, and thank her for bringing this article forward.

    Please note that she has requested that people do not respond to her directly in regards to the post.

    For those who are unaware of "The Secret", it is a documentary that features "Self-help" gurus, visionaries, and scientists (in whatever field), that states that we are all responsible for our own circumstances, and that we can change our world by paying attention to our thoughts and directing them appropriately to create the circumstances that we desire. It also states that we are all equal and we can all access this power, as it is our own personal power.

    This is my response to that article.

    "The Secret" unabashedly appropriates and mishmashes familiar self-help clich?s":
    My English teacher used to tell me that cliches become cliches because they're true. It is the same here. The Secret postulates that this knowledge has been available to us through the centuries. It is true that the Secret is nothing new. But it's also true that in this day and age, it's more important than ever that we start to realise the impact of our thoughts upon our lives.

    The main idea of "The Secret" is that people need only visualize what they want in order to get it -- and the book certainly has created instant wealth, at least for Rhonda Byrne and her partners-in-con.
    Why shouldn't the author make money in passing on this wisdom? Look at the plethora of self-help books out there. This is a simply another kind. I happen to think it's different to most - but that's my choice. Nobody forced me to buy this book. To be honest, it told me nothing new. It just told me what I already knew in a different way. But that's fine. The fact that I needed more guidance just shows that I needed the information from a different source. Who cares?

    Oprah Winfrey... lends the whole enterprise more prestige, and, because of that prestige, more venality, than any previous self-help scam

    I'm not going to like these ideas any less because Oprah's involved. I used to be a snob, and reject "mass opinions", I used to pride myself in not succumbing to "best-sellers". Is an idea worth less because a celebrity endorses it? No. We all have to make up our own minds. That's the whole point.

    In closing, I made up my mind about The Secret, just as the author of this article did. If I sound emotional, it's because I am. I can't see the harm in a book that teaches you to feel good about yourself and good about the world. If you really look for it, you can see these teachings everywhere. Again, The Secret is nothing new - it's about paying attention to your own thoughts. To me, that is nothing new.

    It's responsible living, whatever you believe. And it doesn't cost a cent. No-one needs to buy the book or buy the DVD - it's everywhere.

    In fact, most of us - just by coming to MYO - are living exactly the same principles.

    As a PS - I'm willing to help anyone change their beliefs if they require it. It's a way of thinking. It's a work in progress.

    Gem x

    and PPS

    The author wishes to assert that she made NO money from Oprah or the author of the Secret by posting this message!!!!
    Free since 26th February 2012

    Oprah's Ugly Secret

    And PS - this goes hand in hand with Lush's post on positive thinking.

    That is all The Secret is.
    Free since 26th February 2012


      Oprah's Ugly Secret

      Thanks Gem. I have the Secret and I have not seen it yet, but I am trying real hard to adopt the principles because I know being negative all of the time has done nothing for me for the last 10 years except make me drink more and hate myself and my circumstances. What a way to waste my life. Somehow, I had the skewed belief that being negative and angry all of the time made me powerful. I now see it made me miserable. It is hard for me to change this ingrained part of my personality but I sure am trying.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Oprah's Ugly Secret

        I have to chime in here because I just had a cool flashback to childhood.

        As we ate breakfast together and I was in elementary school, my dad would ask me EVERY morning what I was going to take to school with me. I eventually learned that the correct answer was not my lunch, or my homework, but A GOOD ATTITUDE. I am very grateful for this positive life lesson @ such an early age. Thanks Dad! I miss you.



          Oprah's Ugly Secret

          I have a SECRET~but I'm not going to tell you
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Oprah's Ugly Secret

            I can understand the author's point of view about "the Secret" as far as people bringing on really tough things on themselves simply because they thought about them. He states examples of people being slaughtered in Rwanda not asking for it. I don't think you can say the tsunami happened because the people in SE Asia thought it would. I can also understand that thinking about being a millionaire will not make it happen, unless you're so obsessed about it that you have no choice but to actually do something about it (maybe that's the point) But, I really do believe thoughts like "this is going to be a lousy day!" will certainly be fullfilled. Your day really does become lousy. Instead of thinking thoughts like , "my husband is going on my nerves!" - replace it with looking at everything great about him - "my husband is a good provider and a great dad" So, I've decided to start with the "smaller" issues that I can really do something about by simply changing my thinking. I would love to hear other peoples' thought on the Secret. - I love lucky's story - I'm going to start that with my kids!


              Oprah's Ugly Secret

              Lucky your story made me well up. That is really beautiful..........
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Oprah's Ugly Secret

                I will do the same as Lucky's dad from now on.
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  Oprah's Ugly Secret

                  Me too camper
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Oprah's Ugly Secret

                    Oh Luck..


                      Oprah's Ugly Secret

                      Yeah Lucky,

                      We do that with our lttle girl We also try and instill the fact that you can't be happy/sad/angry etc all the time and that these emotions are a part of life - learn to deal with them, not pretend they don't happen. That has also been really good for her in terms of being able to put herself in someone else's shoes and to let people know when they go too far in a positive way instead of getting upset.

                      As far as i'm concerned positive thinking is a wonderful thing - but I also think that sometimes acceptance is important too - sometimes you need to face something and work through it before you can "be positive" about it.

                      As I said the author of that article's opinions do no necesssarily reflect mine. I just thought it was thought provoking.

                      I still truly believe that this type of information needs to be carefully sifted through - some cliches are true- others not so true - think about "Fat people are happy people" or "money can't buy happiness" - well it can't ("happiness comes from within" - perhaps ) but it could sure buy some stability, even if its basic food, clothing and shelter, for many people in this world.

                      Cliche can be dangerous too.

                      However, I am not anti positive thinking. I am a firm proponent of therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that gives you the tools to handle all the things life sends your way - bad or good - in a more thoughtful fashion.

                      Getting positive is not the same as watching your thinking. Just as meditiation is not switching off entirely as the author of the article states.


                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                        Oprah's Ugly Secret

                        Hi folks,

                        This had shifted to page 5 so is a bit naughty of me bumping it up

                        Thanks Cashie,
                        I love how you think and I absolutely agree. It's all very well and good talking about thinking positively - but as you said about your little girl, we have to learn that emotions are a part of life and we have to deal with them.

                        As you know, my outburst wasn't to you (and as you know if you've read my posts before, it is absolutely not my way to launch any kind of attack!).

                        I agree with you totally about the importance of sifting through information. In fact, many would argue that the information that comes to us is attracted as a result of our beliefs in the first place - in fact, that we simply don't SEE the information that suggests things contrary to our beliefs, because our beliefs are already so ingrained.

                        Humbly, as a non-parent myself, I have to say that to me it sounds like your child is very lucky. She is having an honest upbringing, and I agree that acceptance is the most important thing.

                        Love to you Cashie

                        Gem x
                        Free since 26th February 2012


                          Oprah's Ugly Secret

                          Hey Gem - didn't see any attack at all


                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                            Oprah's Ugly Secret

                            Hi Gems, I think the way you do about The is totally nothing new and I'm happy to be reminded of the power of my mind. During Lent I decided to give up writing in my journal, which I've done for a million years, because I realized that I ruminated on the problems, challenges and history of my life...all that is fine and good and has been helpful to me in my growth, but I also realized that I spent more time doing that then on the possibilities of my life, the joy and for what I am grateful for. I'm a firm believer in psychotherapy and accepting ones life's situations because I have experienced far too often movement from one situation to another through pure acceptance. I do find it interesting to see all of the red flags pop up about the Secret..I think I heard that there will be a documentary on t.v. (U.S.) this sounds like a warning against the's a curious thing...perhaps they are warning people not to see it as 'magic' or an easy way out..that is's like wanting to win the lottery to save you...there are those that are going to do that, but that doesn't mean we should throw the baby out with the bath water, or to shoot the messenger...funny how there is a always a counter balance of energy when something true emerges.. I'm rambling now.

                            BTW...I saw the Secret a few months..because I knew that it was basically 'the law of attraction' and had made the decision about my journal writing (and have been doing psychotherapy with a theologian with a jungian edge)...I created a vision board for some new dreams and goals I have for the future...I've done several over the last 15 years, and they have been powerful tools...not 2 weeks after I created this board, which involved my husband and I moving to the town that I work in, him basically finding work in an unfamiliar place...the vision board process really helped me flush out how I really want to be living my life..2 weeks later I am contacted by an attorney, seems I am the heir to some mineral rights on some property that my father owned when he was alive..a large oil and gas company is making a large bonus signing offer to lease the rights and an unheard of royalty percentage...this has rocked my world (unfortunately, so much that I started drinking again after 4.5 months) This could mean no money, or it could mean a very large amount to be split between my 4 other sisters and father's widow over the next few years. Now, I have to manage that new may get want you want, but it doesn't come without consequences and it may push you to grow in ways that you may resist...I have no doubt that the universe is aligning to how I'm using my mind.


                              Oprah's Ugly Secret

                              Hello, I've not taken much worth on Oprah's book reviews since that screw up with that one book. "Thousand Little Pieces". (Don't know if the numerical amount is correct in the tittle.)...............IAD
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss

