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Reaching out...

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    Reaching out...

    Reaching out for help?

    I am not a new comber to these boards. Been on and off for about 5 years?3 different screen names. Changed the first time because I honestly couldn?t remember what my name was before. The second change was because I was too embarrassed to come back here as my ?former? self. I was at an even lower place than I am now. I started a thread that suddenly had stars next to it and NO responses (actually some in beginning, then stars with no responses). I didn?t understand. Interpreted it as, ?Wow! We thought we were fucked up! Look at this chick!?. And, that was enough for me to go slinking off.

    I really appreciate the person who started the thread on hypersensitivity. I am definitely OVER sensitive. I can walk down the street and feel random people?s sadness; as well as joy without them having to say a word. And that thread really hit home with me and gave me a lot to think about. One of the joys in getting older,is knowing yourself better. And, I truly wish I had a better coat of amour.

    I recently responded to a post from someone saying they sometimes felt ignored here. And,I still feel that way sometimes, too. However, in taking a step back?I realize I know you all much more than you know me because I spend several hours here everyday, yet don?t post very often. And, in jumping all over the boards, I don?t follow up. I just read and very infrequently respond and forget which threads I left a comment on.

    And, why do I feel that my comments need to be acknowledged in the first place? Unless what I?m doing right now, which is asking for help for myself, why should I be offended that no one has acknowledged my comments? I believe that people should give when they want to give and expect nothing in return. Yet, here I was hoping to give support?.yet, expecting something in return; ie to be acknowledged for my comment? Crazy, I tell ya!

    But, back on point. I need to get AL out of my life. I know so many people here have gotten support and have said they would not be where they are without MWO. I am in my mid-40?s and have been drinking since I was 17. I have more AF days this year than the last 100 combined. I did go a month this spring w/o drinking, but smoked pot everyday. Quickly (and this is one of the reasons I love this board; b/c I feel so not alone in this escalation after, what for me, is a significant AF time) went back to my daily 2 bottles of wine drinking.. Only, I added the pot.

    Good news is that, pot is not my drug of choice. It?s gone. But, maybe because alcohol came back.

    OMG?looks like the start of a novel?.if anyone is still reading?here?s the point?

    And, I don?t even know what that point is. ..LOL.. I?ve read through the toolbox. Read daily here. Yet?

    Had November 1, 2012 as my Day 1 Yesterday thought for the FIRST time; if someone offered me a drink right now?I would say, ?no?. Don?t recall ANYTIME I?ve refused the offer of a drink. But, in that moment?really didn?t want one. Yet, a couple of hours later found myself pouring a drink waiting for my BF to come home. And, not really REALLY wanting it. Just the last day.

    Only had the one and didn?t want another until 1am and huge anxiety and insomnia got me out of bed to pour one more. Thinking, ?Hey, Nov 1st can start when I wake up?.

    Which ended up not happening?..I have once again poured a drink this morning and began dreaming about ?tomorrow?.

    I just need someone to hold my hand and help me through this... I really want to, need to, do this. I don?t feel like a lost cause, as I am making baby steps. I DO, really DO feel a shift in my thinking.

    Just feel alone. And for many reasons, can?t reach out to family, AA, friends?so instead of wanting people here to read my mind?I?m putting it out there?
    1. I?d appreciate any encouraging thoughts.
    2. I am open to giving my phone number to anyone in a PM.

    Thank you to everyone in the MWO community. Peace, happiness and soberness to all!

    Reaching out...

    I am here listening.......
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Reaching out...

      Firstly Hi,

      To address your first issue, it's just timing. I am in NZ and often when I have time very few people are here. Also, like you say, until you stick with a thread nobody knows you.

      So jump into the newbies nest and settle in for a little while. People will get to know you and you can venture to other threads at your leisure.

      Hope that helps



        Reaching out...

        Well first of all, its good to see you posting, and taking those first steps to communicating outside of your own inner struggles with AL. WELCOME!

        Next, you are taking the right steps, believe it or not. THINKING about stopping, and developing your core strength on this is a great beginning. I dont need to tell you to read as much as you can, the toolbox in the Monthly Abs thread is invaluable of course.

        You are developing a strong dislike of AL. That is HUGE. Its really important to understand why you can sometimes now pass on it, and why you will for what seems like no strong reason at all, drink again. Other people on here know a tonne about all of the coping strategies, methods to stop, etc etc and I will let then advise you, but from a simple biochemical standpoint, AL has the ability to wire your brain chemistry, since you were 17, but mainly probably in the past decade or so, to completely hijack your resolve, your inner self, your personality, your emotions, and the addiction acts to make it so much easier to drink than not drink. Think of it like its a poltergeist, an inner spirit, that needs a NEW HOME, lol! The sensitivity that you are burdened with is just one of the symptoms of al dependancy. It makes you depressed anxious supersensitive emotional and also deadens the happier emotions, so in fact after 20+ years of it, your poor old psyche is hooped.

        But you CAN get it back! so many people use GABBA or other supplements and in fact, I think getting a doctors help in the early stages is really important. Especially a really good one, who understands quitting AL. I wish they were all good, but some of the medical community have problems of their own.

        ANyway, I dont have the answers but I want to encourage you to please keep posting. Start by writing down all the things you really HATE LOATHE DESPISE about alcohol. That is a really good beginning. Actually picking up the pen, and writing it all down is a huge start and well worth it. The more you write the better you feel about hating alcohol. I fucking detest the stuff myself, and its been 19 months for me. If I can do it, you can.

        Best of luck, you are a GOOD person. You CAN do it. I hope your BF is on side for you too, but that is another story.

        Ill be watching for you


        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h


          Reaching out...

          Cross post KY, thanks for reminding us that timing on here is important. Im on Pacific Standard Time, way out of sync with the rest of the world, so thanks for reminding us all of that. I often find I post and get NO response, but its just because of timing. More so for you down there.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            Reaching out...

            Cross Post Mbear, where would we be with out you?

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              Reaching out...

              I have been here for some time, perhaps I know you, anyway you are most welcome. If you were a lost cause you would not be posting on here. Stick around, you will get stronger. Try the newbies or anywhere that takes your fancy. I find just reading what other people have/are going through is so helpful, and nobody judges.


                Reaching out...

                Hiya Next, and nice to "meet" you. )

                I'm sorry you're feeling alone... I have felt that way many times myself in the past. I'm glad you've decided to start "putting it out there" on the boards and I think that will help you.

                I can very much relate to having a drink even when you really don't *want" one. Been there, done that and got the t-shirt many times over! Even if one isn't physically dependent, habit is a tough thing to break.

                If you feel like company anytime, feel free to come over to the Army thread. There's also One Step at a Time... both are in General Discussion and the threaders on both will make you feel welcome.

                Good luck hon... xxx


                  Reaching out...

                  Next, I am in the Eastern Time zone...where are you located? I spend most of my time over in the Newbie's Nest, I can tell you we have folks over there just like you (because I am one of them). We will hold your hand, just like hands were stretched out to us when we came in. No one is a lost cause, I really believe that. Thank god nobody gave up on me, even when I had. If I can do it, you can, too. Please join us. Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Reaching out...

                    Hi Next!

                    I read every word of your post. I just want you to know I am here for you. I know this is HARD. I had more Day 1's than I care to remember. My last drinking episode wasn't even "that bad", but there were plenty of other ones that were! I keep that in my mind. Alcohol will try to coax you in with the promise of a sweet buzz, then it will rob you blind...of your health, time, money, relationships, etc....

                    Please know that you are not ignored here...I have followed you on other threads. I admire your strength for coming back. You only fail when you quit trying.

                    Please stick close, these boards, these people have saved my life. It can work!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Reaching out...

                      Hiya next time....well first things arent alone on here...there are loads of us trying to do the same thing..and guess what..we all started in relatively the same place as you.If needs be we will all hold your hand...but in return you must help. Kaslo is right in what she says..write it all down...I would take it a stage further..start preparing a plan of how you will deal with the little voice telling you to drink.When the urge comes on for a drink, before you touch the bottle, sit down and write it all down, why you want a drink, what will happen if you do / is your life suffering because of al, health everything and keep writing...youll get cheesed off writing but the craving will go too.If it doesnt then do it again .

                      You can do it...believe in yourself...jump into the newbies nest..I gaurantee you will be well supported.Was going to wish you luck..but that is what you dont need..strength and courage and determination spring to mind, but you have proved you have got those...else you would not be here

                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Reaching out...

                        hi next,it probly is just timing,ive been desperate for some kind of answer on some of my posts,no where else i can really turn to exept here,and got no responses,so i feel ya on that point,nov 1 is supposed to be my next day one,but im kinda nervous,never know when ill snap and want a drink again,ya know?
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Reaching out...

                          Hi Next...

                          I am new here as well.. Day 11 would love to help you any way I can.. I read every word of your post.. Hope your doing well!


                            Reaching out...

                            Heya Next,

                            Ill echo what the others say about the timing thing.....sometimes responses just take longer than we "need" at the moment. Stick around, you will forge many friendships on here.....the more you post, the more people will know you, so jump right in.

                            There are several techniques you can use to stop with your AL intake. Read around on all the threads and see which ones work for you.

                            Good luck in your journey
                            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                            DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                              Reaching out...

                              Hi Next. I posted the hypersensitivity thread. I'd like to start a few others with specific topics I feel contribute to alcohol abuse. You can be hypersensitive because of the alcohol use or withdrawal and prior to use as a result of low self esteem and that can become a really wide topic.

                              The people here told you to head over to the newbies nest or other threads which I think is wise. You have to stay somewhere and get recognized. You start to bond a bit with other posters situations, styles, struggles and feel more connected. I've felt isolated at times as well, but you've reached out and that is brave. Now, people will see you if you get on a regular thread.

                              I may be gone for a bit...going through my own struggles and not strong emotionally right now, but when I am here, I will try to contribute some things to help.


                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

