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Motherhood and Alcohol

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    Motherhood and Alcohol

    I've read some sad tales here about moms with small children struggling with alcohol. Sad because, I completely relate. My first child was very difficult, colicky and I was unprepared to deal with the transition. I knew better than to hurt him but I was in a group of about thirty other moms and we exchanged ideas with one another on how to cope. After weeks of my baby crying, I fell into a depression and dealt with it by going out my deck and pouring a glass of wine. There was nothing else I could do. My friends supported me. As the years passed of course my little boy has become a beautiful young son and I'm so proud of him but the passage into motherhood and drinking became intermingled.

    Friday nights we got together with each other at the park for "Mom's night to Whine"
    Wine was regularly part of our get togethers and never thought to be an issue. It seemed to be a needed crutch for us professional women who had to deal with the day to day rituals of motherhood.

    Now, six years later as I join this forum and I see so many moms here I wonder what is it about motherhood that makes women so vulnerable to alcohol? For me, there was no issue before. What can we do to support women so they don't end up a decade later struggling with issues they thought might pass after preschool? One thing I felt was that after being good at so many things, I was good at nothing. Another issue I had was that when dealing with very small children time runs at a standstill. A drink or two helps speed up the clock and make the time go by faster.

    Any ideas on how moms can be better supported so that small habits in the beginning don't linger and become larger problems later on?

    Motherhood and Alcohol

    Hi Raven,

    This is a great topic. To be honest, I think I would have become a problem drinker anyway. But motherhood and working full time led me to unmanageable stress. Not enough sleep, too many things to do. I am always under water. So I am tired, stressed out, in need of peace and calm, and unhappy with myself. Boy, that wine helps. And just 30 days into my AF time, I have not found a substitute. I would say the GUILT is gone, thank God.

    I think we are living in tough time, jobs are more intense and the line (at least for me) between work time and home time is non-existent. Portable computers and cell phones mean my work day never ends; it just has gaps. So there is no space, no peace. Again, wine sure helps.

    Schools require so much more of parents these days, and our children need escort to play dates just a few blocks away. I have an email life just to keep up with my kid's needs and desires.

    AAARRRGGGHHH. Is it any wonder we drink? Or did. But miss that release.

    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

    AF since Oct 2, 2012


      Motherhood and Alcohol

      Schools require so much more of parents these days,

      I am a teacher and feel so sorry that parents feel this. They are your children! I am here to teach them, but it takes parents and the student too, to learn. There are state standards that need to be met. So "we" have the presidents "no child left behind act", yet the parents want to not have to be a part or be is all the teacher. Please rethink!


        Motherhood and Alcohol

        Hey Raven

        Just my feedback to your great post-
        Being a parent is just another example of something in life that has to be coped with and handled the best we can. Alcohol as self-medication is the same in this situation as it is in any other.
        Also I think parenting brings up stuff from our own childhood, and we tend to parent the way we were parented. On that note I can tell you that my parents were drunks with 7 kids, and the instability was incredibly damaging. To not know if home would be a soft spot to land or a place of unpredictable chaos is traumatic and has long term effects.
        I wish you well and it's nice that you are questioning this. I know a LOT of people who are in denial just as I used to be. Once you recognize it and vow to address it you are ahead of the game so to speak.
        I am not perfecr but I work hard at living a better life. Looks like that is what you want to do. Drinking not only affects your behavior while doing it; it affects other behaviors when you are not drinking. This is not news to you I;m sure but just thought I'd mention it. The brain suffers, as we know. The clarity of not drinking is priceless.

        Take care and stay atrong


          Motherhood and Alcohol

          Hi clear eyes,
          Thanks for your post. I don't want to speak for cat buddy but she had a lot of factors that added up to the reality that parenting is more pressure filled and competitive than it used to be. I don't think she was singling out teachers. And I do think parents care or take responsibility. If they didn't, they wouldn't get all worked up about it like I, and I suspect a lot of other moms on this forum do. If you are also a mom, maybe you could share what gets to you?

          Thanks Ann, you are so right about remembering your own childhood. Sounds like you had the deck stacked against you. Brave girl in having the courage to start a family in the first place and being strong enough to pull yourself away from the pattern


            Motherhood and Alcohol

            hi guys,ugh,i didnt start drinking until my kids were 6,11,13,14 ,the worst time i think,those are the impressionable years,now the older two have addiction problems too! the guilt i have is paralyzing,if only they hadnt seen mom being an asshole,maybe they wouldnt be doing it too.
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Motherhood and Alcohol

              Parenthood is hard... Who wants to hear an infant cry 24/7? That's why I ended only having one child who is now 11. (I of course regret not having more now). In the old days we didn't have nuclear families. We had extended families so people shared all the chores, laundry, meals, child rearing. So in a way it was easier in a way. When we wanted our freedom, away from our parents and our grandparents, there came a price of independence: more chores, expenses, etc.

              I'll bet there were fewer women drinkers back in the days. Also, being independent also means there is more chance of hiding your drinking.
              Alcoholic (or Ally)

              "Only a fool knows everything.
              A wise man knows how little he knows."

              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                Motherhood and Alcohol

                Hi just seen this post, I agree with everything said but think it is probably in us anyway, I had problems with al before kids and would say overall I'm better now as I have to get my act together. But I totally agree with the time passing thing raven mentioned a friend of ine said its like sleeping but your still awake... Meaning that u can switch off the stress for a bit but still cook the tea, run the bath etc ;0) also if I get a hangover I'm grouchy therefore more wine cheers me up !!
                I think mums need to stick together and maybe be more honest about booze if the individual has a problem, I know I will chat with people and jokingly say god is it wine o'clock hahahaha chuckle chuckle but I wouldn't tell many people the true extent of my problems ;0(
                AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                Day by day


                  Motherhood and Alcohol

                  hi moots,how have you been?yeah its probly just us,wouldve got into this mess anyways,but parenting is hard,i only started drinking to sleep! hah now i cant sleep,ironic huh!
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

