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Army Thread Friday 2nd November

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    Army Thread Friday 2nd November

    PANNO - :l:l
    Don't worry about the mammygram - hopefully it'll be an 'ol bit o grizzle like mine a few years back
    Never so glad to have a random bit of fat somewhere :H


      Army Thread Friday 2nd November

      Afternoon. Sitting on the couch cosy and warm with the Grandchldren.
      No farting here at the moment


        Army Thread Friday 2nd November

        Sorry for the late check-in today.

        HAD to go to a special lunch - yum yum
        3 course lunch in Becketts
        Smoked Salmon, Chicken Caesar Salad , Guinness Brown bread, and Pear & almond tart - lotsa wine if one was wanting that class of thing.
        I 'St Satz' had 2 Club Sodas :yay:

        All paid for by the Company I spend the rest of the week giving about about ( well they DO make me work sometimes ) :H


          Army Thread Friday 2nd November

          I reckon the guy who invented duvet covers was one sick bastard looking for a fecking cheap laugh ....rant over !!
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            Army Thread Friday 2nd November

            satz123;1404389 wrote: Sorry for the late check-in today.

            HAD to go to a special lunch - yum yum
            3 course lunch in Becketts
            Smoked Salmon, Chicken Caesar Salad , Guinness Brown bread, and Pear & almond tart - lotsa wine if one was wanting that class of thing.
            I 'St Satz' had 2 Club Sodas :yay:

            All paid for by the Company I spend the rest of the week giving about about ( well they DO make me work sometimes ) :H
            Well done you
            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


              Army Thread Friday 2nd November

              pain in the bum really......Zen you deffo aint using that phone right!!!!!:H:H:H
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Army Thread Friday 2nd November

                Mick;1404413 wrote: pain in the bum really......Zen you deffo aint using that phone right!!!!!:H:H:H
                LMFAO!!! Pain in the bum not UP me bum!!! :H


                  Army Thread Friday 2nd November

                  Panno;1404407 wrote: I reckon the guy who invented duvet covers was one sick bastard looking for a fecking cheap laugh ....rant over !!
                  OMG! I know! I freakin hate it. It's like a game of twister with the bloody duvet... :upset:


                    Army Thread Friday 2nd November

                    mrsa...grandkids and No farting???
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Army Thread Friday 2nd November

                      off to pretend to work
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Army Thread Friday 2nd November

                        Panno;1404407 wrote: I reckon the guy who invented duvet covers was one sick bastard looking for a fecking cheap laugh ....rant over !!
                        LOL :H:H:H


                          Army Thread Friday 2nd November

                          Alcoholic;1404379 wrote: Mama: lol!

                          Zen: good advice. I just need to chill. Your cats are adorable and they look spoiled w their cool plaything. Farting, cute cats! You have it all, zen!
                          Ahh no hon... I defo don't have it all. Unless you count the mountain of debt as an asset!!! But thanks for the compliment on the moggies... they are both very cute and entertaining! )

                          I forgot about your work situ... it's no wonder you're stressed. You'll need to try and relax though. Or switch jobs? :l


                            Army Thread Friday 2nd November

                            Zenstyle;1404423 wrote: Ahh no hon... I defo don't have it all. Unless you count the mountain of debt as an asset!!! But thanks for the compliment on the moggies... they are both very cute and entertaining! )

                            I forgot about your work situ... it's no wonder you're stressed. You'll need to try and relax though. Or switch jobs? :l
                            Ye know Zen - those two moggies are even beginning to grow on me
                            Alleged 'Cat Hater' that I am n' all
                            A lot to answer for you have


                              Army Thread Friday 2nd November

                              'specially Hamish - 'cos he's grand spanking new I suppose - tearing around like a mad yoke !
                              and not all superior & snobby like mature cats :H:H


                                Army Thread Friday 2nd November

                                satz123;1404428 wrote: Ye know Zen - those two moggies are even beginning to grow on me
                                Alleged 'Cat Hater' that I am n' all
                                A lot to answer for you have
                                Ah HAH!!!!!!! We wore you down!

                                What is it that is attractive to you now? Is it the farting? Be honest... you're amongst friends...

