I just read something Paddy touched on in another thread relating to your social friends/mates who might consciously or unconsciously try and lure you back to drinking.
I'm trying to decide how to tackle the social scenes. We are pretty social and most (actually, nearly all) of our friends drink alcohol. None of them *seem* to have the same craving for more, after that second drink, like what I do, although a couple of my friends do, and I suspect that they are problem drinkers and subconsciously realise this.
I have a bit of a theory going with the sub-conscious problem drinkers and here's an example. My best friend is one of the (subconscious) problem drinker categories and over the years, whenever I have had a heart to heart with her about my worry with alcohol, she always dismisses it and assures me that I don't have a problem and to not worry about it. I feel that I do have a problem with it, and it's been affecting my parenting, so it's therefore a problem for me.
A few days ago, my friend and I were emailing back and forwards all day during our working hours, but as soon as I mentioned finding MWO and my plan of attacking my drinking problem, the emails abruptly stopped. No reply. She is a good friend in countless ways but is also the type who will try and lead me astray, and not encourage my plans (which is not such a great trait in a friend but hey, nobody is perfect) when we get together.
The majority of my friends (including my fiance) will support my new lifestyle regardless of whether they think/see alcohol as being an issue for me, so this is a good thing.
Our neighbor comes over about once a week and it is a regular occurance that he and I will just keep on drinking (this is when I'd have about 2 bottles of wine in the night), and he's a true friend, so I've got to work out a way of handling that situation for the future.
I think I'll go ahead and order the Social CD and give that a go, once I'm under way and in the routine of the basic CD set.
So I just thought I'd raise the topic and see what others think and how they've tackled this class of friend who will make it that bit harder to moderate successfully. Maybe I should just meet her during the day for coffee (she doesn't drink during the day) or allowing a wide berth might be in order until I'm on top of it and have had the 30 days AF.
Obviously it is totally up to me, but I think most of you here will be able to relate to this type of situation/type of friend who will want you to stay the way you were, so that it makes them feel better (or whatever) and so they having a drinking mate.