I am sorry that I haven't been on here for a while between my new job, school and such I am a little overwhelmed...thus this has led me back to drinking. As most of you know, I did quite well for a bit with not drinking, well over a month and then I would go two weeks without and then "indulge" a little on weekends...now it's sorta spiralled out of control again, drinking every night - not as bad as it used to be (when I drank in the AM, throughout the entire day and such)...but still not good...
What led me back to just drinking without abandon is when I got my clean bill of health from the doc...of course going back to drinking doesn't help. The anxiety is still there. The black outs...worrying that I said the wrong thing to someone...you guys all know, the same old song and dance.
I really wanna stop again. I want to focus on school, have a good nights sleep, focus better at work. Wake up without looking like complete poop.
I already know the answer to this all...I just have to get past day 1 - that is the hardest.
I just hope everyone else here is well. And I wanted to let you know that I missed you all so much. There are lots of newbies here and I say hello to you as well! Since I haven't been on here in quite a bit, basic short little background is...26 y.o. been drinking wine for the past 5 years, the past 3-4 years has been everyday, got worse when I was off work - happened everyday, created problems...blablabla. You know the drill. Was doing well...but I drink to self-medicate (anxiety and obsessive compulsive tendencies)...and to deal with things that I simply don't want to deal with but should! I have fallen back into old ways....
Nothing changes if nothing changes, right?!
Anywho...I am going to start coming back here more often. It helped me immensely before...