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Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

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    Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

    Molls is at work today. Satzuma will be waiting for her Saturday morning treat in bed.

    Proper cold up here, but really sunny.

    BBC Weather : Newcastle upon Tyne
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

      [QUOTE=JackieClaire;1404889]Molls is at work today. Satzuma will be waiting for her Saturday morning treat in bed.

      Proper cold up here, but really sunny.

      [url=]BBC Weather : Newcastle:

      HOWYIZ .......... yup 2 eggs boiled to within an inch of their lives :H:H
      Known to kill a man at 40 paces :H
      Shades of Gray didn't work in this house Mick LOL


        Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

        Breaking news :
        Kitch'mahal almost there. Blinds on order - then done :yay:

        How does a body get a photo from shagginphone to lappy and posted here ??
        Words of one syllable please


          Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

          We use a dangly bit that Mr JC has to get them on the lappy and then I go through photobucket.
          Hang and try and find the instructions for the lappy to the screen.

          EDIT: Found it.

          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

            Good morning Army , my tablet wont charge but i did get a loan of a lap top, wonder how long before i break this one .

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

              Morning all - just thought I would pop in and say hi. I am doing well. It's been kind of crazy here in the East Coast of the US. So many people have been devastated by the Hurricane. Many of my friends lost everything and my friends and family in NY still have no power, gas, food, nothing. They can't get out because the gas stations are closed, etc. It is getting a little better (not by much) but it is also turning very cold. The Red Cross and FEMA are doing their best, but they never had any idea that it would be this bad. So many memories at the Shore and other places have just been washed away. It is very depressing to be so helpless. We donated money to the Red Cross so hopefully it helps in some small way. Sometimes donating canned food, clothing, etc. ends up just sitting around and does not even make it to the affected areas.

              Anyway, hope all of you are well and happy.

              Love Waggy
              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

                Waggy: sounds awful. Hang in there. Prayers for you and your family.
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

                  I'm here molls saying hi. Tiggers back....
                  I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                  They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                    Army Thread Saturday 3rd November


                    So, my brother was suppose to do the NY Marathon tamara. Seemingly not anymore. Trying to work out if he already flew out there from the UK.

                    So, I have a wee confession....

                    I think it's a shame that he canny run the NY Marathon, especally if he's gone all the way out there (though as he works for AmEx, he can just go do some work instead in their offices at Ground Zero), though i believe the decision to cancel is a good one in light of Sandy's devastation. Anyway, my brother has this fun plan of doing the alphabet of marathons. So far he's done A (Austin); B (Brighton); C (Chicago); D (Dublin); I (Inverness) and V (Vancouver).

                    I, on the other hand, have only done one: I (Inverness)... and i would secretly like to beat the marathon alphabet before he does...Is it really evil of me to think "mwhahaha, that's one less marathon you've run little brother, I'll beat you yet!"????

                    I should be more kind. I feel i have these bad thoughts. Not very nice of me. Very Gollum...


                      Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

                      mollyka;1405057 wrote: Hey Arsey!
                      Nothin gollumish bout that --- I'd beat the shite out of my sista's if I got the chance:H:H mind you - that's a different story!! So where's the next one then? You and mrsa should team up!!
                      Oh good. Thank you Molls... nothing wrong with a bit of sibling rivalry...

                      Up for it mrsa? My next one is either Barcelona (17th March ) or Brighton (April - on the proviso my brother gets me a ticket, already fully booked.)

                      Good day Molly? How's yours been Pingu?

                      Right, gonna grab some grub. Back shortly.


                        Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

                        Firework displays tend to be at the weekends. Cant have fires here, healf n safety. Tigger scared of fire anyway. There's a big display just down the road but not near enough for them to hang out the window. I hate fireworks so I'm staying in and having a salty bath...don't ask why....
                        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                          Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

                          mollyka;1405069 wrote: Good for you!!! Barcelona sounds pretty good!
                          I'd a great day truth be told - today and yesterday. It's just brilliant having the energy back to do stuff. Didn't realise how bollixed I had been till now - dragging myself around I was --- don't forget peeps WATCH YOUR B12 levels!!!
                          Were ya bollixed cos you didn;t have your B's in ya?

                          I forgot to take my supps yesterday and Thursday and by 11am I'm fecking floored. Today was better, but still in a bit of a dwam. Trying to work out whether i need:

                          a) more sleep
                          b) additional sups
                          c) more food
                          d) different kinds of foods
                          e) more caffeine
                          f) less caffeine
                          g) new flatmates
                          h) a new flat
                          i) a new job
                          j) a holiday
                          k) sex
                          l) a girlfriend / wive / SO
                          m) all of the above in some way, shape or form.

                          But yeah, really notice the getting tired thing. What exactly does B12 give you Molly? Sounds like a some kind of military aircraft...

                          Oh wait, that's a B52.


                            Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

                            Haha thx molls I'm fine I just can't think of an easier way to bathe new hole tha sit in a shallow salt bath, I've tried bowls and washing up bowls and all failed, so this time I just take the practical approach

                            I'm gonna watch strictly until the hoardes get back from the fireworks and the we are all having a Chinese take out..

                            The gittens don't seem bothered by all the racket
                            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                              Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

                              Rc that's a fab list....

                              My pick me up was a cello, but I guess out of your list I'd go for less caffeine, a holiday and That's it really.
                              I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                              They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                                Army Thread Saturday 3rd November

                                mollyka;1405081 wrote: :H
                                Seriously tho - yeah - I was so tired - the word 'tired' doesn't describe it - I was so shattered that even going up the stairs seemed like a big job. When I had it investigated - my B12 levels were practically nil - side effects - exhaustion, bewilderment, aches and pains in joints, tingling hands and feet, verging on dementia at times --- really feckin scary. Not even 4 weeks after starting horse doses I'm seriously so much better it's unbelieveable.
                                I did find my first 3-4 months sober tho that I was really tired - and that wasn't vitamin linked cos my levels were perfect back in Jan. I think the body takes a while to adjust to sober living - dunno the sciencey bit of that, but that's how I was anyhows I also found/find that without the alcohol I seem to want sugary foods - never ever ate sugar in any shape or form except alcohol back in the day - and I do find if I eat too much shite I still have a 'tired' day the next day.
                                Hmmm... good to hear.

                                Someone started a thread, or a post, about addictions... I have found myself in supermarkets as much as i was when i was drinking but instead of buying drink, buying anything that takes my fancy. I don't binge on sweets or shit food, but i do have it in the home... and i think more of it now than when i was drinking. Then, drink was the main thing, now i find any excuse to stock up the fridge.

                                "Oh dear, I've just opened that 6-litre family pack of Milk, better buy another carton..."

                                But yeah, I do have a sweet tooth that i think i keep in check.

                                Maybe i should eat more tatties...

                                Don't have them B12 side effects, so maybe it's just ma boady... pair thing.

                                Ken whit's fecking annoying though? There's a raging alkie at work and he's ALWAYS filled with the energy, and then ripping through the pints at 5pm... I appear so sluggish some days that it looks like I'VE been the one on the bender the night before!

